This does sound very familiar indeed:
"a feeling of rapidly increasing depression, no sleep that night, a rather severe pain in the chest and heart region, extremely weak pulse, hardly pep enough to lift an arm, and a nervous shaking all over. For awhile I thought, this is it. It took five days for this to wear off and it isn't all gone yet."
The only difference I would say was that the pain was more in my head and upper back. Amazing that these people were referring to the negative effects as being the consequence of using basic open circuit Lakovsky coils on their body. Had no idea DOR could be generated in this way. If indeed DOR is what we are talking about here? And I wonder now if the giant coil (with bees wax ends) under my mattress didn't perhaps play a role in my experience?
We also have a north facing magnetised steel cable under the coil, which may perhaps have amplified the effect of the device I put under the bed that night.
Would love to build a MWO but this seems rather too complicated for me. For now!
Many thanks for the links and info on chlorine dioxide, which I've not tried yet but certainly intend to. Will remember to be careful with the dosage.
Those Boarderlands documents make for great reading and I found myself doing some further research on the Eeman relaxation circuits, mentioned in brief there. If you are able to find a copy of Eeman's "Co-operative Healing" for free I would be most grateful! Would very much like to read that one or any of his books.
The relaxation circuit seen here.
This one mentions how when a drug is introduced into the circuit the effect of the drug is passed on to the users.
Which is quite inspiring!
I would like to make one of these circuits and test the results.
Images taken from this Boarderlands article