I'm going to keep the final phrase, for all that it represents:
He pressed down on the cool metal, closed his eyes, and listened.
About the questions. It seems to me that you found a good publication rhythm. The frequency is high, but the parts are short, and that allowed me to read them even on difficult days. It happens to me with other series that have too long parts that on a busy day I can't read them and the truth is that I don't come back to them afterwards (maybe it's a problem of mine, but I'm not in the habit of coming back to what I leave in the bookmarks...).
The giveways, to be honest, didn't inspire me to read the story or continue reading it. I find enough pleasure in the reading itself. Instead, they did serve me for something I may do with books, but I don't usually do in hive: reread. Going back over the posts to find the sentence that I liked the most (I took this task quite seriously), led me to a second reading that was less concerned with the plot and closer to the form, an experience more akin to reading poetry than prose. I think that was a great move on your part.
Thank you for the detailed feedback. My instinct was to make the parts longer but seems most people like the 700–1,000 word range!