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RE: My Favorite Dessert! DP & SnS's Task #1

in Scholar and Scribe3 years ago

it is a German dessert :D
and you do not have to put ice cream in it. You can just have fresh fruit and maybe a little whipped cream or no cream. That is the beauty of it.

well, NOW I HAVE to stay and do all the challenges if you are. That was not fair!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I know you are not a writer most of the time so I can not wait to see what happens over the next month :D cuz I think you are a FABULOUS writer and artist!! :D



Hahahaha - you're inspiring! But for realz - I need a start! Wouldn't it be fun if we all started with the same prompt and just went with it? Not that I could do that - probably but just the idea. I did that in a painting class. We all had the same subject and... not template but inspiration to go by and, believe me, all pictures were so very different because everyone's style is so different. it was a real eye-opener.

Anyways, I hope I will find inspiration to write. No doubt though I'll have plenty to read. Like the story you come up with.

Huggers back!!!

we can do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That would be a ton of fun :D

Let me know after the next post comes out if you want to :D we all need a place to start :D

Can't wait for the next post!

Hey @dreemsteem - come on, post your next post - LOL


this is the writing challenge..... CLICK HERE

Oh yes, I've seen it and it looks awesome but - writing I must and and - I don't know what - aaaaah

Well, I'm typing in another tab right now - something. Still I'm not sure

Your mom disappears one day,
Two widowed people meet
Cupid offers to shoot an arrow

these are pretty lame tho.....

your turn :D

But wait - where's my mom gone? And why doesn't she get hit by cupid's arrow?

How about the arrow hits... an alien in disguise? Or a stray cat hunting a mouse nearby?

Or how about shooting the arrow costs something since cupid only 'offers' to shoot it? So maybe he doesn't shoot it after all.

I like the alien option the best. And maybe the alien finds my mom, too.

I really prefer sci-fi, fantasy-ish stuff.

You're wonderful, @snook !!

You live in a world with no stress and fear.

Interesting one :D

I think this one goes beyond my imagination - LOL - I remember an episode of, was it Battlestar Galactica? - where they landed on a planet where society was just like that no fear, no crime, only love everybody was happy at all times - I don't quite remember how the story went - but in the end, it wasn't as perfect as it seemed at first.