Let me start by giving you a quick glance into what my home life has looked like for the last 11 years…
I stopped working for corporate America 11 years ago. I left my last job when I was pregnant with our first child because I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I started homeschooling her at age 2 and have done the same with our four other children as well.
Do I have any regrets?
Nope! Not at all.
I know that homeschooling our children was one of the best decisions we could have made for their education. We have been able to provide them with a solid Christian foundation. I have also had the privilege to tailor each of their schooling according to how they learn.
Every child doesn’t learn the same way nor at the same pace. My students don’t have to worry about being embarrassed when they don’t understand something or feel singled out if they take longer to get it. Our kids learned early on that we don’t tolerate teasing or being disrespectful of someone if they struggle with certain things.
They know that if they see one of their siblings struggling they better encourage them in anyway they can. Cheering them on, saying things that motivate them, stepping in to help and just being there to support them all goes a long way.
There are many days I have struggled with being disciplined to stay organized and on track with our schedule. Some days I imagine me sleeping in all day and not doing anything including cooking. 😆 Some days I’d rather just be here reading your posts, commenting and getting lost in conversations.
Well, that’s not the type of life I live and I know I can’t have days like that. I have made a commitment to take care of my family and educate my children.
This is one of the main reasons why we have joined a Homeschool Co-Op.
We Need Community!
It’s a lot of work managing our homeschool with multiple age groups. Right now their ages are 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11. I’ve had to get creative over the years keeping the younger ones occupied while tending to the older ones but now all of them are doing specific lessons/activities on a daily basis.
My 3 year old loves to learn and asks me everyday
are we doing my school mama?
My 5 year old knows where his worksheets are and grabs them on his own everyday. When I do activities with my youngest together they get so excited…it’s like a thrill when they are learning together. ☺️
I’m grateful my older three can do a lot of their curriculum work on their own. Of course I am their to guide them and give them instructions but it is a relief that I don’t have to be hands on for every part of the day.
We need community! I need to be surrounded by other parents who understand and who are also doing their best as home educators.
This co-op will allow my students to be taught by other teachers, giving them a variety while teaching them how to take instruction from other leaders. This will be an opportunity for me to have parent to parent support and weekly adult interaction that I desperately need.
My husband works full time so I am with my kiddos all day until he arrives back home. He is able to step in and help when I need him to and sometimes he sits in to see how the kids are doing but initially I am their main teacher when it comes to schooling wise.
The co-op meets once a week every Monday (for a full day) where we start the day with prayer and devotion and move on to our assigned classes where science, history, art, P.E., book club and choir will take place. They have recess everyday and we have scheduled field trips once a month. There is a science fair, talent show and a big family program put on at the end of the year for all of the families.
It will be a little less stressful for me due to my older three will have their science and history classes taken care of through this co-op. They will have homework assigned from their teachers and I will assist them as needed throughout the rest of the week as they complete their assignments. I hope it all goes smoothly.
Change Can Be Scary
I’ve spoken a lot with my kiddos and they are very nervous about starting the co-op. Just like when we moved they were afraid they wouldn’t make any new friends…but they did. I expressed to them it was the same way with this new venture. It seems scary at first but eventually you’ll get comfortable with the environment as you begin getting to know people.
I am hoping they make lifetime friendships here and have a blast learning there every week.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous too. Honestly I thought about backing out several times. 😓 I am so used to just having my little crew at home and being responsible for their education needs but now I am responsible for other children’s needs as well and that kind of makes me nervous. 😬 On top of that we have to be there bright and early every Monday on time and that frightens me. I haven’t had that feeling of having to be on time and present since I left my last job.
If I would have remained working I would have been an elementary school teacher anyway. I have always loved working with kids and that’s what I did most of my working days. Now that I’m actually in that position I’m like “what was I thinking?” 🥴
Change can be scary but I’m not going to let the unknown scare me away from what could be an amazing opportunity for our family. I will get in there and be the best I know I can be, doing my job with enthusiasm and care. We need this support system and I know the other staff there is ready to help in anyway to make us feel comfortable.
Special Thanks to HIVE!
I’ve looked into several homeschool co-ops and the prices have always been steep. I get it though. Homeschoolers don’t have any type of funding or government assistance, we purchase everything on our own.
The teachers have to get paid, there are building and insurance fees (most bigger co-ops rent buildings for their learning space), supply fees and then the tuition. The co-op we’re joining doesn’t allow parents just to drop off their kids. Each parent is required to either teach a class or do volunteer work at least twice a month.
If you sign up to teach you get paid for the year and those payments are put towards the tuition. I knew in order for us to afford sending all five of our kiddos there I would have to do this. I honestly thought we would have to do some additional fundraising but that’s not the case.
I am so grateful for Hive! Thanks to you all supporting my posts I have been able to use my payouts and put them towards the monthly tuition payments. This is why I have been using reward.app lately so that I can use the liquid rewards instead of powering down to pay the fees. It feels good to be able to have this outlet to help with certain needs like this.
Whatever payout I receive from this post will also go towards tuition.
This is what I meant when I said in a previous post that although this is a social media platform it IS CHANGING REAL LIVES! Seriously, I wouldn’t have been able to register our family for this co-op without Hive…that’s the Huge truth! 🤗
Note: I have already let the people that I work closely with here know but now I need to inform you too. For the next few weeks to a couple of months I will not be as present here as I normally am. I have tons to read through, learn and understand about what’s required of me for this new teaching position. I will be afk more often than usual but will try to check in here as often as I can. I apologize in advance if it takes me awhile to respond to comments, questions or pings. This will only be until I get in the flow of things. 😉
Thank You ~
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: and thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 KJV
Huge congrats to you for taking this step. My Mom did something similar and it allowed her to really instill key values in me that much of society appears to have missed, and I can't sing enough praises about my upbringing. I support and celebrate your being present as a parent in the ways you've outlined, and I have faith the co-op will turn out well. I totally understand you not being around, but welcome your presence here on Hive whenever the time's right. I tipped a lil something, and sending you and your fam lots of positive vibes and wishes and blessings! 🙏
Thanks so much!
This is one of the very important reasons we are homeschooling our kids! So, so important to instill these values in our children at a young age. Kudos to your mom!
Thank you, I have faith the co-op will turn out well too :)
I appreciate you understanding. I’m just so used to being here daily it will be kind of weird missing out on some things but this has to take precedence while I get the hang of things.
That was so nice of you!! Thank you so much for the generous tip and support. I really appreciate you.
Take care ~
I homeschooled 2 of my 3 kids for 6 years. I loved it.
I once wrote a blog post (on a wayyyy old blog) titled “The greatest parenting choice I ever made”. And it’s about my story of signing up for a co-op and being so scared and anxious that first day. I almost turned around when i saw how scared my kids were. But they grabbed my hands and said “let’s go. We got this”.
Im not very social in real life. I am much better now with meeting new people but back then it was hard. But i ended up teaching in that co-op and we loved it. We had fun. We had cute “school” parties. And fun times at the park. Best choice I ever made for them and myself. While I didn’t make many friends (they were all conservative and I am not lol) it was still the best choice for us.
I wish you and your kids so much happiness and joy in your new co-op
Posted using Dapplr
Oh I love this! Thanks so much for sharing your experience at the co-op! That was so amazing how your kids said let’s go we’ve got this. I’ve fought that feeling of wanting to back out several times but I’m not.
It was nice reading about the fun you had, AND you also taught too :D The kids are looking forward to the class parties part lol.
Thank you so much for stopping in to encourage me and wish us a happy time with our new co-op! I’m actually more excited than nervous now ;)
I'm so happy you're excited and really nervousness is a form of excitement. So really you were excited the whole time 😉
I look forward to hearing more about your co-op experiences. I'm sure it will be so much fun for you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Haha yes!! Love it!! 😄
Thank you, I look forward to sharing them with you ~ ❤️
LOL yes I was. Wish I had known it then though 😂
That is really awesome, @crosheille !! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. I joined a Christian Co-Op a few years into my Homeschooling journey. It was one of the best things I did, although I had my reservations at first.
Co-ops were still not as mainstream. I tried to do everything, but, nobody can do that. I was a fail at Spanish, but, one of the women was Spanish and she taught my kids Spanish one day a week, I taught her kids French. A match was born. As the kids got older, more involved classes were added, we had many professionals stepping in to give a one-time class to introduce them to different things. (because it was a Christian group, we chose from people that we knew) We watched an open-heart surgery from above the surgical theater, with the patient's and family's approvals. It was almost unheard of at the time. My kids had piano lessons and I taught flute. It was not the organized awesomeness that you have, but, it was a start and it was so beneficial.
I love what you are doing and I can honestly say, I would never take back one moment that I am/have put into homeschooling. Not in a million years!
Good luck! Let Him be your guide. ❤️
This was so encouraging to read! It makes me feel better knowing it's a normal things to have reservations about this...change in general causes that sometimes. I was really glad to hear you enjoyed it and felt it was one of the best things you did.
Wow an open heart surgery? I can’t even imagine watching that in person.
There is still room for better organization there but the parents (who are also the teachers and admins) are really doing their best. I am amazed at how much they do for the co-op knowing they are parents like us who still have to manage their homes as well.
Thank you so so much for this encouraging comment and for sharing your experience with me, it helps. I will definitely let Him be my guide, I couldn’t do this without Him :)
No ha de ser nada fácil educar por tanto tiempo a los hijos en casa y de edades y grados diferentes. Wow! Mis respetos y admiración por tomarte esta labor tan en serio y ahora por ayudar a otros niños y padres, a la vez que los tuyos tambien reciben esto.
Segura que todo saldrá bien!
Y cómo digo siempre que leo una publicación tuya: es para aprender. Fijate, acabo de aprender sobre reward.app (ya voy a indagar bien de que trata)😃
Exitos y bendiciones para ti!.Hola @crosheille, esto es simplemente increible y emocionante!
Hi there @sindetalles! It's so good to hear from you.
It has definitely been challenging homeschooling our children. There are many joyful and happy moments but there are also tough times when I have ended the day in tears. The most challenging thing was finding out my kids don't learn the same and some need more attention and guidance than others. I am glad to have taken on this role of their teacher to be able to adapt my teaching for their needs and allow them to move at their own pace which is a more natural learning experience.
Thanks for admiring what I do. ☺️ I wouldn’t change it for anything, I love having these opportunities.
Oh wow look at that! I’m glad I could mention it here. In case you haven’t ran across this yet, here is a quick guide that explains what it’s about. 😉
Thank you for the visit and for always leaving a warming response ~ 🌼
Hello @crosheille I congratulate you for the step you are going to take, you have extraordinary qualities, if you have been able to educate your children of different ages at home, you can face being a teacher in this cooperative, fear is something natural when we undertake something new, go ahead, success.
I really need and appreciate this encouragement! Thank you very much for your sweet and inspiring words. I know there will be challenges and probably days I just want to stay home (😁) but I will move forward with faith that I can get the job done. I hope we have so much fun that I don’t let the small stuff get to me. I am really wanting this to be a great outlet for my family.
Thanks again for your comment ~ 🤗
A wonderful adventure without a doubt this new beginning as a homeschooling agent. As you say it is not easy but with love and dedication you can do it, it is great to see how more and more people are choosing homeschooling agents. Thank you for sharing this life project you have. Success
Yes it truly is a wonderful adventure :D
I totally agree! I get exited every time I here about someone deciding to homeschool.
It’s always a pleasure sharing here. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment, I appreciate it :)
I too stopped working when I had my first child, he just turned 3, but I have never considered homeschooling him, I am not good at explaining, I lose patience quickly, between my husband and I he is a born educator. But I can tell you that your story is inspiring, and I wish you success in this new stage of your life and may God be with you every step of the way. :-)@crosheille I admire your dedication to teaching your children. What many parents have been forced to do during this pandemic, you have been doing for a long time.
Thank you @mjvdc! Yes, when everything started breaking out and families had to stay in their homes it was business as usual for my household. I am thankful I was able to be here and assist some parents that have never had to school their children before.
I am noticing as I get older I am losing my patience much quicker. I have always been able to be patient and gentle with little learners, even those who struggle. I am finding myself taking deep breaths and leaving the room for some air if I get frustrated or my kids are not focused and taking their work seriously.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your feedback. I’m glad it was inspiring to you ~ 😊
It is wonderful to read these posts where users share with us their life experiences from home education and the commitment it implies. Besides that the value of HIVE and especially of Home Edders is that it is a place of encounters and as you say well of conversations where we all learn. Congratulations and I hope you have a lot of success in this educational project.
I agree! I am grateful to be able to share my life experiences here and that of home education with others. HomeEdders had brought so many homeschoolers together and it’s nice being able to learn from one another.
Thank you so much for your nice comment ~
It will be a huge adventure for the whole family, and lovely that you are doing it together rather than each small child being left behind on their own when they start mainstream school. It's wonderful that your children will have the opportunity to be with other learners and enjoy the experience of different teachers and their passions! So great you have prepared them to support each other.
I think it will be wonderful for you, too, to have like-minded peers around and to share the joy of group activities and events. I'm wondering, though, what have you decided to teach? 😎 I think I mentioned about Education Otherwise, the home education organisation we have here. Lots of adults volunteer, even if their children have grown, and teach specialisms like music and languages to a high level. It's a great way to participate and share knowledge.
I'm so excited ... I'm sure you will let us know all about it! xTHat is such great news and so exciting! I am so pleased for you and your family @crosheille and delighted that you have been able to get together a contribution to funding the tuition fees through Hive. It makes me so happy!
Thank you so much Shani! It is a very exciting time for us. We just finished orientation today and it was really nice to meet my students and their parents and my children were able to meet their teachers and some of their classmates too.
Yes, I am really glad we decided to join this. We are such a close knit family and we want our kiddos to remain close but still be able to have a break from one another as well.
Oh yes I forgot to mention what I’ll
be teaching. I am the first grade teacher this year and will be teaching science and history. I have always taught elementary aged children (even before having my own) so this grade I am comfortable with :)
I look forward to keeping you all posted with how things are going. Thanks so much for your comment and support ~
Congratulations! I'm happy that homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. I begged my mom to be able to do homeschooling when I was a child in the 90s, back then it was very fringe, on the likes of being a semi-amish. America only legalized homeschooling in the 80s.
Thank you!
Wow, I think this is the first I've ever heard of a child begging to be homeschooled. It's amazing you saw a need and value in it back then. I can imagine how rare that was back then especially when it wasn’t as popular. I hope you were able to be schooled as you wished :)
Thanks for stopping by ~
Hello @croheille
Really my admiration for you is infinite😍, how beautiful what motivates you: your children and their well being, education is so important, having mom at home is unsurpassable, I had and have that blessing just like your children. This new challenge will surely bring others and each challenge will be guided and protected by God.
Good luck reading this good news, reading you leaves me so motivated that everything is possible.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. May everything go well in this new challenge and may your children continue learning and having fun.
A big hug😍.
Thank you so much @jicrochet! I am so glad you had the same type of experience with education. It was so important to me to stay at home with my young ones. The sacrifices that were made in order to accomplish this were worth it.
Yes, I am consistently praying that everything goes well and that God will continue to bless us and guide my steps.
Thank you for your comforting words ~ 😘
Just going to drop this spam here. 😜
weekly curation.I've featured your post in the @HomeEdders
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Hahaha! Thanks so much! This kind of spam I don't mind! 😆😜
Hola @crosheille, me inmagino que has vivido muy lindas experiencias educando a niños de diferentes edades al mismo tiempo, y te va servir de base para la meta que ahora emprendes éxitos y bendiciones en la cooperativa. Saludos!
Yes, I have had many wonderful experiences with homeschooling and I am excited for this next step to further enrich our learning ;)
Thanks so much for commenting ~
I don't think we have anything liked that in South Australia. It sounds really good, giving you some extra options.
There could be smaller groups that have formed there, privately in a household maybe? I know of a few groups here who'd rather keep it small and only co-op together by switching off households.
Yes, I really needed something as the kiddos get older and as I get older (🤪) to help balance our days. I'm really hoping this is a good fit for us :)
Thanks for the comment and support ~
You are amazing @crosheille go ahead and my greetings @deltasteem to you and your family, I hope you and all your family members are always healthy there :)
Oh wow thanks so much for that sweet comment @deltasteem. I really appreciate the encouragement :)
Thank you, we are all healthy and well and I hope the same for you and yours ~
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KMSL homeschooling was the worst thing ever for me. from 4th grade to the end of highschool it was the ultimate punishment
Are you speaking on behalf as a parent of homeschooling or a student that was homeschooled?
I’m sad to hear that you feel it was a punishment either way. Everyone has different experiences and opinions.
Most people I speak to about homeschooling loves or loved it. Nowadays I speak to more and more people who wished they would have homeschooled their kids a lot sooner.
Yeah for many public school can be one of the most dangerous places to send your kids from the other students and the mentality of school towards kids. Homeschooling has its advantages in that aspect but its very time intensive and shouldn't be done unless you have the support necessary to. In my case I was limited by one parent household and moving every 3 months but there were up sides also to many of those experiences.
Yes very true. That was one of the reasons we decided to homeschool along with some things that are taught in public school goes against our beliefs.
This 👆🏽 is why I am grateful for people that get groups together to support one another. It is a very hard job to do alone (not impossible though) and having that extra support helps a ton! I’m not sure if I would do this as a single parent because of how tough it could be, it does helps having more than one parent available.
I can imagine how at times it was frustrating and difficult for you. I am glad to hear you did take away some advantages though :)
Thanks for the conversation ~
Greetings @ I want to ask you about the discord of the NeedleWorkMonday Community, I already created my account in discord, now I don't know how to log in, I appreciate your guidance on this matter. Blessings!
Hey @belkyscabrera! Sure no problem at all, I'd love to help you get connected to the NeedleWorkMonday server. Here is an invitation you can click on to join ;)
Hello @crosheille happy and blessed beginning of the week, I tried to enter the discord with the address you sent me and it says it is not valid, I appreciate your help to enter. Blessings!
Hi @belkyscabrera. Yes after so long the invite expires. Here it is again. If it expires by the time you see this let me know and I’ll try and reply back sooner ;)
Thank you very much @crosheille , for the help I will try to log in as soon as possible. Best regards!
No problem at all. Glad I can help ;)
I have already logged in, but I don't know if it is the internet that is slow because it tells me: you don't have permission to send messages in this channel, please explain me.