I strongly believe that children need to be introduced to Mother Nature. And the more often we do it, the better. In this world where technology and progress is slowly becoming king, going back to the beauty and simplicity of nature goes a long way. It teaches children to respect Mother nature. Children learn and understand tge elegancw and power that motger nature possesses.
This year, I am making a commitment to double up the time we spend in doing nature study outdoors. Sure, we will dive in the books but we will also spend time outside tovreally actually experience amd observe nature. We have already started with the sound mapping we did last month. Then we also studied the different birds found in the Philippines, we already have it in our schedule to visit a resting site for migratory birds.
While we're waiting for our bird watching schedule, we engage ourselves in some DIY nature study initiatives. One of those is looking for a nature study buddy. It so happened that one of our cluster mates in our homeschool provider resides near BGC. We invited them for a joint nature study. I was so happy when they said yes. My daughter was also very excited because she gets to study with another kid older than her.
We planned on studying the Palawan cherry blossoms in Track 30th of BGC but then it turns out they're done blooming by May. We were a little bit disheartened bit we did not let that stop us from doing mature studies. The kids still studied the Palawan Cherry tree. They made their observations on the tree trunk, the bark, the leaves.
While they were doing their nature studies, we found a lotnof other critters and birds that seemed to want to introduce themselves to the curious little kids. We found a cicada perched on the tree while the kids were drawing on their nature journals. Then there was a different looking bird that hovered in front of them for a little while, as if showing itself to our little nature journalists. Aside from that, the kids found a millipede that does not look like the millipedes that my daughter ofteb find in our mini garden at home.
It's funny how they found so many different insects during that short time that we did our nture study. And we were in the middle of the city at that! It just goes to show that once you go outside of your house, outside of your schoolroom, there are several things in nature that one can find, observe, and study. Now I am even more excited to live in the province where there surely are more to study.
I know nature study can andnmay be a bit boring for kids especially if they are used to staring at gadgets all day. But if you just give it a try yourself, you'll find that it is enjoyable. Plus, the kids would get more quality time with the parents which is above all, what they need more than those mobile phones and tablets.
There are several approaches I plan on doing for our nature study this schoolyear. So far, looking for nature in the middle of the city is a great activity. Finding the beauty in the fusion of city life and natural life is also another thing that you can try. So far, finding a nature study buddy proves to be enjoyable. Because the kids also look forward to hours of playtime in thr park.
I'll be sharing more nature study activities that I learned so that you may also try it with your little learners. Until next time! Ciao!

you're absolutely right!
we really need to show Nature to our kids and let them study and investigate it
that's why I teach my son to plant veggies in our garden to let him know how they grow and appear.
Many modern kids think they grow in the supermarkets;)
Haha. They have been so lost in the digital world they have no idea about the real stuff in real life. Planting veggies is excellent nature study. You get to see the progress of the plant from germination to its full growth. Exciting!
What a nice nature study outing. Something that catches children's attention and allows them to explore and discover insects like anything they find in it.
Greetings and blessings
Thanks. Yes. Children should be pointed to things that are worth paying attention to.
This is actually amazing, making them experience it personally where they can see and feel it. You are really doing great with the kind of activities you planned for your daughter, super love the effort ✨🤩. And again, it's also like a wonderful moment between ypu and her ✨💓
Haha. Thanks! Dami lang need i-prep kapag lalabas ng bahay. Buti I taught her how to take care of her owm stuff na, she now preps her things by herself. Minsan may naiiwanan but that's alright, it's all part of learning.
Outdoor nature study will be really good for your daughter and will even help her to appreciate nature the more. It’s good to find and appreciate the beauty of life
Yep. It also teaches her to respect nature while breathing in all the fresh air.
Mars parine na sa San Pablo nang kayo ay makapag sakay na sa mga hayuf este hayop pala. Magbantay nadin ng chicken atbp.
Haha. Ay siya, maihanda na nga ang karowahe nang kami ay makapariyan na. Hahaha. Saya siguro makasakay sa kalabaw noh?
Sabi ko ma mga ba lumaki ka sa farm eh. Hahahahah
!LUV it. 😃