If you'll be asked how many red cars you saw today, would you be able to give an answer? No? What if you were told that as soon as you step out of the house, count as many red cars as you can, and you'll receive money based on the number you'll give, say, a hundred thousand a car, for example. I'm sure you'll be on the look out for all the red cars that might possibly pass by. No matter how bisy your schedule is, and no matter how many the things you're thinking about, you'll alwayd be looking to see any red cars you'll see.
I found this lesson on a video on one of my soc med accounts. It made total sense to me. It actually answerednone of my biggest questions in life. Why are there people who are just so lucky in life, they always get good things? It turned out they're not just lucky. They were on the look out for opportunity. They were always looking for the "red car". But most importantly, they were ready should they find that opportunity.
I knownl this girl who is now a successful businesswoman. She's still young but she has invested in so many businesses - some failed, a lot aucceeded. I was always wondering how she stumbles upon these businesses. Then I found that video. And observing from how this girl has beem striving since the very beginning, I can say that she did have an eye out waiting and looking for opportunities. No, she's not just looking for business prospects, shwle also looks for opportunities to learn and ecpand her knowledge.
The message in the video I saw does not only apply in business endeavors. I am a homeschooling mom and finding learning opportunities is something I am always on the loot out for. Not just for me, but for the little one as well. There are instances that important life lessons are taught outside of our study time. When we go out to the park, I make sure to catch every teaching opportunity with her.
When we were doing our groceries the other day, I found a way to teach estimation to her. Now, when she looks at the price tags, she herself does the estimation amd it makes my mental budgeting a lot easier. The money gifts she received during christmas was also an opportunity to strengthen her money habits.
I figured out luck isn't what all successful people rely on. They just have thisninnate ability to look at things and situations and find an opportunity that nobody else could. And when they do find it, they make sure to grab it and act on it. As a homeschooler, it is important that wr keep our eyes open for these opportunities to learn and to teach. But if such opportunities are elusive, I read on the poster of our barangay hall a motto that says: don't just wait for an opportunity, create it. And I think that works too.

The self-improvement author, Brian Tracy talked about this skill in one of his best selling books. We are naturally attracted to the things that dominate out thoughts, the things we are on the lookout for. The more you want it the more it will come to your notice. This is a powerful tip for succeeding in anything we do in life.
Thanks for sharing.
It's like the law of attraction, isn't it? The more you think about something, the more opportunities pass right by. We just have to be quick and on the ready to catch it.
ganun talaga.
the world is a social one.
Opportunist > Hard Work & Skill.
sumayaw sa tiktok.
Haha. Gumawa ka na rin ba ng opportunity mo? Panood nga. Haha
haha! Aliw na aliw ako sa video na yan palagi. hahahaha. ka cute eh!
😆. oo nga!
Luck is really built with hard work, patience and a good eye. That's why most people who are successful will tell you that they were watching out for their red car, their opportunity, and that takes focus, which is exactly what you get with these strategies. Excellent reflection.
Agree! And if one can't find an opportunity, they should also try to make one for them. :)
Wow this is very interesting post. I will count the red car because it involves money. I learn many from this post. Thanks for sharing
Lol. Yeah! I'd count the red cars too. Hahaha
Thanks for dropping by. :)
A timely reminder to myself who always wanted to pursue things but is challenged to start it. :) Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for dropping by. :)
It is a color that very few people like and when I went down the road this way I saw that the red color looked very classy and also very beautiful.
LOL!😅 After reading this, I wonder if I'll notice all the red cars! It feels that now it will stick with me for a while!
Anyways, I do understand the concept you're talking about. And I totally agree. It mostly depends on us to see the opportunities out there, no matter what field we're talking about. But as a parent, I think its even more important to keep our eyes wide open!
Reading the title, I thought I heard this theory from the Pampamilyang Podcast but it was a different car theory which is called The Taxi Cab Theory.
Going back to your main topic, I have also heard this theory from one of my social handles and it does makes sense. As Filipinos would say, "You won't be able to win the lotto if you don't make a bet".