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RE: October Homeschooling Miscellany

in Home Edders2 years ago

3-5 hours per day or per week O_O I think I would have been lucky if mine did that per month never mind per week XD

Sounds amazing and what I've been trying to do with my kids, though they may remember things differently XD

I don't think I would be calling it a condemnation if you're enjoying it XD and I think you're pretty lucky that you arrived at it in your teens, I was in my 20s and late into a uni degree that I'd transferred into before I discovered it and there was many years on top of that of trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing. I kind of wish I'd gotten into it earlier but I'm probably too old to have been able to get into it too much earlier XD

Sounds like a wide variety of interest in you and your siblings! If it's any consolation I've got one that is going into trades (he's doing a construction elective this semester, but the actual apprenticeship he's going for has fitting in the name and involves big machines), one that's going into childcare and one that's aiming for hospitality (specifically anything to do with alcohol, and he pours a mean drink but is not allowed to sample his own work for another four years XD and can't get into the course he wants to get into til next year due to a minimum age requirement).

Guess learning what you need with the shorter academic time and having more time to discover and explore interests really is a thing, possibly even a good one ;D

New Zealand to Colombia is a pretty big move O_O

Thanks for sharing that, given me a few more insights :)