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RE: Fall Season Ativities: Leaf Study, Autumn Leaf Collage, English Words, Gratitude Tree

in Home Edders2 years ago (edited)

It is beautiful that you teach your child this kinda values,basic stuff but also that you let him focus on what he values in life and make him curious about nature. And about the car game he likes with grandpa, who enjoys it more? Men always stay kids I assume 😂

Did you ever make a blog about why you chose for homeschooling? I would be really interested in reading this :)


Hey there Sascha!! Thank you for your comment, I was so happy reading it coming from you!

And about the car game he likes with grandpa, who enjoys it more? Men always stay kids I assume 😂

I know what you mean! I guess you're right. Grandpa feels proud having their special unique moment being cars, even though he didnt say it! haha

And yes, I wrote a post some time ago: Here it is

Here you can make yourself an idea on why we chose homeschooling. Still there are some things to mention: Now, my son is in kindergarden, 3-4hrs daily, but sometimes there are weeks not going. He follows a short program I mean, to a very good kindergarden in our town.. And I have chosen this because the same reason I mentioned to a comment to that post:

for the sake of social interactions and some emotional growing they need and usually this happens a lot faster when they're put in another environment.

Being independent is sometimes what they need to discover themselves, to grow, to improve their skills and mind. So I have chosen to put him in kindergarden see if he likes it. he enjoys it and I dont have a problem with that. BUT on the long term, I dont know what we'll be chosing. He is advanced , way above the kids their age. Me and my husband talked just a few days that we want to test him, see his IQ or if he is a bright/gifted kid. He is very smart, knows and understand a lot of things that kids his age dont. He already knows Math like a 7-8yrs kids (maybe more), He already writes and reads. And this is something to consider that he wont be "good" in school. Its not going to be an environment where he will continue grow (cognitive speaking). Usually the system wont allow it. And he will get bored doing activities he already knows. So, together with what I mentioned in that post, I know that in the future when time comes, we will be homeschooling him or idk....something different for sure than just going to regular school..
There's still a lot to say here...I'm always thinking on what we do next.

For now, I continue working with him at home, the way I see it (my vision) and the way he needs it. Thats why, even though he goes to kindergarden, I like to think that partially I'm homeschooling my son. I dont know if literally speaking this is right (because homeschooling is...well....educating AT HOME). But I can't do it other way! We, as parents, are the best educators, on all plans. And I know that ALL I do with my son at home for his education is valuable!

hugs from Romania 😍
(sorry for such a long comment, I know its somehow tiring to read it) DOnt need to reply if you dont have time, But I wanted to give you a full picture of what and how we are now)

No worries, I have read your full comment and full article since I think it is a really interesting subject and I think it is good that you think for yourself and really try to find out for yourself how your child would develop himself the best while keeping him curious to learn more instead of killing his soul!