Sent! Though still under 20 recipients! Bummer. Well, I'm sure we'll get more. Wonder why we're not seeing as much participation as we were pre-fork.
55 hsbi total sent to
(see my wallet for confirmation)
Oh No! There were 12 winners! You labelled 8 twice! Gotta fix that.
FYI, just talked to HSBI founder @josephsavage and got it all sorted.
Your 5 HSBI, all of you, is on its way.
There are some that did participate but weren't eligible (like myself) and some that are above the 8k threshold and supported but don't count either.
Glad so many folks are around and making hive thrive!
💪 There is a lot of support.
Let's see if we can get it back up to 20+ on June 1st.