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RE: What the heck is going on, Hivezens?

in #hive5 years ago

This happens when the top sucks out more, the bottom gets less.
The sad thing is that steem whales are sucking out far less, if vote and account token values are a good indicator.

I don't know why our whales would change their behavior on a new chain, they did the same crap before the fork.


Welcome to #oldsteem, with a different badge. Is anyone still wondering what all the drama was really about, and why it all happened? I'm not anymore, after some recent events. The actions of some people around here are pretty damn obvious. I guess that's why it was named hive. If you are not part of the "hivemind", then you are not welcome. Be careful and know your place Sir...peasants not allowed.

Nothing changed, same shitshow!

I'm not even certain who are sock puppets of the few and who are real people.

I mean, many of the 'famous' accounts are sock puppets of somebody 'pledged' to give the famous person the account if they ever come here.

And this guy gets respect from the controlling interests.

Ethical management isn't possible without ethical managers, iyam.

Sir...peasants not allowed.

Yes, it didn't take long for them to let me know that I was not welcome, but you know what, I am still here and many of the golden children have cashed out and left.
Yet, I am the bad person.

Do you get it yet? He just admitted the lot.

Yep, The exchanges have been part of the whole trap. That's how it works. They also created the last pump after the new fork. Create the platform and then become the hierarchy :P. It's all just stupid at this point. Good luck to all the people at the top of the pyramid, and all those who have managed to get their way into the "circle of fun". So many deceivers.

Amen to that bro.

Fuck them, you knew it was the same people, you knew the China thing was a mind fuck, you knew or should have known that when people that were involved in the making of stinc and steemit wanted a new chain including the shady fuckers that do the exchange, you knew, but did not admit it, these wankers just ripped you all off again! I rest my case!

Yes, and I also know that they leave at some point.

In the long game, those people will scam all the suckers they can, and we will eventually have a paid blogging platform rather than a ponzi scheme.

It is what it is, and it is not here to benefit me or you.

I think it's pointless in hanging around, especially if you invested your own money into an ecosystem that is totally controlled by a bunch of deceivers. The only thing that is accomplished on a regular basis around here (just like on steemit), is extracting wealth from it's base users. It's systematic and shameless. So much for the revolution that happened on steem. It was just an excuse to cash out large sums of money, while telling all the plebs that we want change from the previous whales that were controlling the platform. It's the same whales....Good luck man, but I don't want to feed the 'beast' any more.

I get why a shorter term outlook might make what has occurred up to now look hopeless, but, at some point, we get control back from them when it is no longer worth their time to farm us.
Those of us that put very little in, but earned continuously, will control the pool.
The speculators will leave, and we will find out our true value in the market of paid blogging.

Those that leave now are just helping them suck out more.
Post and hold, eh?
This is how we hit them in the pocket book harder so that they leave sooner.
You could dump, and buy back later, but you can't expect those of us that held to like it.

We will welcome you back, but only because you are buying.

Dpos is a long game, if you are not looking to make it a ponzi.
I try not to vote rewards to those people that want to make it a ponzi.

Although I partly agree with your points here, I think it's going to take a while lol. I'm not really sure that some of us would even be here, even when that tipping point happens. It's hard to know really. It would probably result in a new fork by that stage too.

I'm only taking out my personal stake from the platform at this point, as it's too risky sitting here for my liking, and needs to be used for much more important things in life right now. I guess that's part of my overall decision too. It could have been different, under different circumstances.

You gotta do what you do, and I agree, stinc, et al, screwed us.
Why I continue to place faith in the code is that it is working, at this point.

Should that working persist, the dream is still alive.
Sad that we have to wait for the rich people to have their way with us and tire of us, but that is the broader system as we have been given it.
People can't really play that out different without being different.

They don't know what they don't know, nor that they don't know it.

Most of us are lost in our little bubbles.
Which while not all bad, breaks down when other people become involved.
In a public forum like this one, the broader consensus will have to battle with the inertia of the old ways in all of us.

I'm just glad to get off the forums, those things were nightmares, to me.
A few daily users, a couple board nazis, and in a place <100 people will ever likely see.

This is much better than that, to me, at this time. 0.o

But - but - but they will throw you some crumbs bro!

Lol. I could definitely hang around and do ok. It's not as if I was scrounging for total crumbs, but in the overall scheme of things, we all are;)

In reality, it's not only about how this platform works from a hierarchical and rewards perspective. We also have and share another and more important purpose on the platform.

It's also (arguably more) about the attempt of some to impose their will on others through the weight of their stake and self-interest. There is so much ridiculous hypocrisy involved in that alone.

I honestly think that some of us are not really wanted on this platform. The largest stakeholders would prefer to have all the facebook and twitter crowd here. No thanks!

Again, I tend to agree.