Some of the positive votes are accounts with a long history of reaping the reward pool.
There isn't much that can be done to stop these accounts from sucking up the commons other than downvote any rewards they get.
The negative votes you have there are from accounts that have been flagging the other accounts for years, you just got caught in the crossfire, likely because you might get some headlines for the drama.
The worse those positive voting accounts can make the chain look the better, for them.
They have been trying to collapse the platform since we rejected their pool reaping years ago.
This post still has above average rewards on it, you'll have to decide for you who you want to support, the folks reaping the pool by upvoting you, or those protecting the pool so the redfish can eat, too.
He got 100% upvotes from me on everything he posted because this was literally the 1 video creator I ever considered to be worth my time to follow, there was another but I lost his account name cause he had a mental episode and had to stop blogging for a bit.
I don't follow the guy, too polished for me.
I do follow one of his detractors who calls him out for sitting in his room too much and not getting out networking at gatherings.
There are also indications of financial ties that are questionable.
I don't know, just what I have heard.
How would any "detractor" know what I do with 100% of my time. It amazes me what people who don't know you imagine in their own minds. Indications of my financial ties that are questionable? Proof please?
Second hand info, I don't expect you to prove a negative.
I have other, more specific reasons, for not being a fan.
I don't think there is any need to discuss it, you get to be you, but we can if you like.
I stopped following you several years ago.
I'm interested from a arm chair perspective but I know what you mean, I am a narcissist and no musician or content creator usually likes my critique of their band especially when I know it's just a self interest that wouldn't help their band grow.
Professional friction could be behind the source, but he seemed to have good data.
I just prefer my subject matter authorities to be well read in the topic.
There is a path to follow, all who follow it hit the high points.
These high points make it easy to see where, or if, they are on the path.
How many more links do they need to add to their shackles to convince themselves they aren't free?
Lost in narrative, i know lots of free media in this siutation.
I'm sure he's heart broken... face palm
yeah I am sure he is offended when he expected to get paid out, did insulting him make you feel better about something?
Lol, somewhere, deep inside, is a little ego that just got stabbed, I'm sure.
'Protecting the pool', really, that's what their systematic zero out campaign against my account amounts to, really? Even though I haven't gotten a single upvote from those reward 'reapers' in a single one of my last 14 posts, every single one targeted by this cabal.
Methinks there's a lot more to it than getting caught in the middle of a flag war, although I'm sure that's possible on this one post of Brian's. For many others, it is systematic targeting of specific content creators and their content, quite clearly.
I haven't followed you close enough to speak on that, but I do know a number of people feel the same way.
Often when folks push back, in the aftermath of being flagged, they do things that add to the problem.
Time was when that would be that, but at the fork to hive a change of heart took place among some flaggots.
I'll keep watch to see how you get treated.
Any data you care to highlight will count in your favor, with me.
For now only that every single post is being downvoted, by altleft and curangel for the most part, azircon a few more times, most of them zeroed out. When they make it to trending page, that seems to attract an even greater number of downvotes. I will also link to the latest post I made following my initial reporting of this targeting, with more specifics on a few targeted posts that went to trending, although it is no longer up-to-date, but not a post of mine has gone by without major downvote action since that initial episode a few weeks ago. Time will tell if any of my posts unrelated to Covid are also downvoted, I suppose, but so far I’ve been exclusively reporting on the evidence that challenges the official Covid cult narrative, besides the 2 posts I made on my downvote experiences.
Thanks for your interest, there are many of us being systematically targeted, or so it appears, directly related to the content being posted and no other reason, although some on the receiving end seem to also be personally targeted, even their unrelated posts also getting hit, suggesting both content and specific content creators putting out such content are being targeted.
EDIT: as of the past few hours, my then latest post was also zeroed out, by azircon, curangel, votes within hours of each other 3 days following publishing, with my five most recent posts in a row now all zeroed out (minus today’s brand new one). Hope the data helps you figure out what’s going on.
I'm in the discords if you would like to flesh out this claim. has encrypted chat and will sign you up without an e-mail.
Or, we can do it here, up to you.
This isn't hard to achieve here.
One bite of the hand feeding us and they seem to get triggered.
Most of our whales have built this for us at a fraction of what it would cost us to get their labor in the market, if I was the type to get triggered I could see it.
I don't believe for a minute that the largest holder has less than 1%, not from a group of people that initially had more than 80% and reset the chain because their miner went offline and somebody beat them to the punch.
Granted plenty of bag holders bought in, but who sells themselves that short?
That is not a control freak trait, iyam.
The only suggestion I can give is to continue to put out 'good' original content and build an audience that outweighs them, or succumb.
Up to you.
This is just how the crab bucket is functioning, atm.
There isn't much that can be done to stop these accounts from sucking up the commons other than downvote any rewards they get.
Oh, there is LOTS people can do ....with just a little organization, and the will to do it....
Hive is sitting on a double sword - which also happens to be set in a foundation, that's built on sand.
I'm all ears.
How do we stop those accounts from reaping the pool?
Leak their IP and MAC address combos to the dark web with a paragraph explaining the weaknesses of the hive keys and the estimated accountant value of each IP and Mac combo.
That might do it.
Hijacking accounts happened real early on the chain, they changed how keys were made and restored the stolen accounts.
If that will work, it would be nice to know now, and not after an attack.
Well Blocktrades is legally required to log that info and guilty of crimes if they don't have that info.....
So we can do a compliance check on them to start, if they pass then I'd say we have to make our own Hive front end and we would also be legally required required log that info....
It's not an easy line to walk.
The odds of them coming for us are not that good, there aren't enough of them.
Nothing in the interwebz is private.
It doesn't forget things that we do forget.
If they wanted us all they have to do is come get us.
Everybody is a felon at this point.
Even if only in court, a ham sandwich couldn't get a not guilty nowadays.
If the consensus is distributed widely through many jurisdictions the blockchain currency will not be considered a Security. If there is a consensus amongst any group of people on the network who have influence over distribution (or financial options for trading) they have expectations of them that are cut throat and unforgiving.
Being unwelcoming to any group of people on a network is setting the pace for a securities auditor to perform an audit of the blockchain and they will not like what they see with the new users spamming twitter with false claims about investment and being paid to blog.