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RE: New Start or an Echo of the Past

in #hive5 years ago

Thanks for your continuing responses @thehive. I appreciate you.

So, in the system i have in mind (Matrix-8) - at grass roots level, everyone joins an 8-PAC (8 People in Active Communication). The 8-PAC's are formed based in questionnaires the members complete, so grouped together based on similar interests. The members of the 8-PACS are anonymous. Each 8-PAC, meeting to discuss a particular subject, deliberting then arriving at an actionable consencus, elect a delegate to speak for them in an 8-PAC on the next level up, a group of 8 delegates speaking for 64 people from 8x ground level 8-PAC's. At any moment, if the delegate speaks wrongly (not as agreed), during a 2nd level meeting which the 1st level 8-PAC's can monitor live, he/she can be immmediately voted out (if he/she does not correct based on text message sent from his originating 8-PAC, and a new delegate voted in to replace him/her. That is just a beginning of an explanation.

There are four or 5 posts in the New Age DApps Community which go into greater depth to get greater understanding. I in-courage you to investigate them deeply (including the links within them). Please come back with any questions.


Yup have looked , I do think it has great potential.
8-pac sounds almost as good as a 2-pac rap.