New Start or an Echo of the Past

in #hive5 years ago

Although not a new start, it is a refreshing start. In some ways the beginning of a new journey. A new journey might not be the right phrase, maybe a new road to the same end goal fits better.

Things seem a bit up in the air giving me loads of things to complain about. However I am aware that many are doing many things behind the scenes I do not see to get things working right. So a bit of patience is needed, give them space let them do their thing and then bitch at them later when they have more free time. (okay that's a joke for those who are going to jump down my throat to rip me a new one).

I am wondering should I re-brand with changing the images I have used over the past two years. Who would have thought I would gain so much popularity that they would name the chain after the name I chose way back then. Thanks RolandP you have cool taste.

It has been said that changes are coming to how the Hive will work compared to how Steem worked. I do foresee a lot of skulduggery behind the scenes happening too though. One of the key things said to defend these sort of actions, quite often used is. "If you want to have a say INVEST" "get more stake". Unfortunately this same thing also states we don't give two fecks about community. The first time that is said will defeat and minimise the efforts of everyone that put effort to defend the Steem chain from the hostile take over.

Without the efforts of those who tweeted facebooked or other, without the changing of vote to a witness to assist in restoring some control back to the witnesses we knew prior to the attack. The publicity gained would have been much much less and the external pressure put on exchanges would have been negligible. Will those effort be forgotten? We will have to wait and see...

Vulnerabilities might always be with us and the need for the community to rally together again at a future time will always be present with us. An opportunity is provided now not only for the low raking membership of the platform, But to a greater degree the witnesses and the whales on the platform to show their true colours and what they will now do for the community.

Will the same thing continue as before were rewards are given to the high levels of SP and the lower be disregarded, or will there be a more level playing field? A level playing field were everyone has an opportunity to grow without brown nosing. Will the top tier look outside of their own circle or will this continue? Words will be spoken will the actions follow or will the actions conflict with the words spoken?

Those type of questions come to mind now because of the history experienced by many on the Steemit platform. Were decisions were made for the benefit of a few. Even after voices spoke out against decisions. The retort was get more stake if you want to have a say, It's a DPOS system do you know what DPOS is?

Personally, I look forward look forward with conflicting thoughts. Expecting a repeat of the past and hoping that will not be the case.



I hope that some of the issues of old will be addressed in the not to distant future. right now for stability and initial growth sake, I am leaving my witness proxied to @abh12345. I think in a month I will have enough views to select witnesses. There are several I will not selected, and right now I only have a few in mind I will pick.

I will be keeping my eye on the attitude of the initial posting about Hive Block Chain, I felt it was clear enough on who would get air-drops and who would not. Hive Block Chain was/is supposed to be about decentralization. They were very clear on the air drop.

I was appalled at the knee jerk reaction of the witnesses, and some of the reasoning behind it on the other side, I still am. I understand they were trying to protect that chain from the hostile take over. But mostly I was appalled at the attitude some of those witnesses expressed through out the last two months.

I want to see a change to witness voting that makes everyone want to vote, to put the people they believe will do a good job for them and not to fatten their own wallets. I will wait and see, first we need to get this new ship stabilized, then we can see about establishing a stronger set of sails.

Keep Jack Miller in mind for a witness if you have a free spot

@jackmiller added to my list - witness list - for when I get ready to do my voting. I do love that list function on peakd, a very useful tool I am finding.

Also so as not to catch you off guard, when I figure it out I will be doing some delegation shuffles removals on Hive Block Chain.

It is best imo to expect the best.

"Thoughts become things, so choose the best ones." - Mike Dooley

I probably have a better optimistic view than most about what can be achieved. Trust in those who have control is a different thing altogether.

Right. Yet organised well, the community as a whole will have control

That has yet to be seen.

Righ, but if organised well, the community as a whole can have control. No leaders, just delegates (spokespersons for the groups) who can be undelegated immediately if they speak with forked tongues

Okay. who has the amount to delegate, we are going in circles.
Let me rephrase that,

Who will vote the lower to speak for them above the top?

Thanks for your continuing responses @thehive. I appreciate you.

So, in the system i have in mind (Matrix-8) - at grass roots level, everyone joins an 8-PAC (8 People in Active Communication). The 8-PAC's are formed based in questionnaires the members complete, so grouped together based on similar interests. The members of the 8-PACS are anonymous. Each 8-PAC, meeting to discuss a particular subject, deliberting then arriving at an actionable consencus, elect a delegate to speak for them in an 8-PAC on the next level up, a group of 8 delegates speaking for 64 people from 8x ground level 8-PAC's. At any moment, if the delegate speaks wrongly (not as agreed), during a 2nd level meeting which the 1st level 8-PAC's can monitor live, he/she can be immmediately voted out (if he/she does not correct based on text message sent from his originating 8-PAC, and a new delegate voted in to replace him/her. That is just a beginning of an explanation.

There are four or 5 posts in the New Age DApps Community which go into greater depth to get greater understanding. I in-courage you to investigate them deeply (including the links within them). Please come back with any questions.

Yup have looked , I do think it has great potential.
8-pac sounds almost as good as a 2-pac rap.

Quite the opposite approach than stoicism, which is preparing for the worst as hope always lets you down. By planning for the worst, you won't be disappointed & instead can make more rational & logical decisions.

Interesting difference in mindsets :^)

Yes, I think a combination of d the two works best, "trust in God, but also tie up the camel"

lol I can get behind that :^)

@thehive I have been considering writing something almost identical to your post here because I see a good bit of the same thing unfolding.

Especially in regards to this:

"If you want to have a say INVEST" "get more stake". Unfortunately this same thing also states we don't give two fecks about community. The first time that is said will defeat and minimise the efforts of everyone that put effort to defend the Steem chain from the hostile take over.

Which to me just reeks of elitism and a big 'fuck you' to everyone that helped battle against the hostile takeover.

And this:

Will the same thing continue as before were rewards are given to the high levels of SP and the lower be disregarded, or will there be a more level playing field? A level playing field were everyone has an opportunity to grow without brown nosing. Will the top tier look outside of their own circle or will this continue? Words will be spoken will the actions follow or will the actions conflict with the words spoken?

As far as rewards go it is already looking like the same old circle-jerk cabal is continuing on this blockchain which is a bit dismaying to say the least.

Something else that I have yet to actually get an answer to is who exactly now controls the @steem.dao account that was apparently airdropped the Steemit Incorporated stake during the hard fork to Hive?

I was in the chat channel the other day when both of us asked that same question and the silence was deafening!

I honestly hope that I did not spend all that time fighting against the hostile takeover just so a few greedy folks could make a cash grab and then continue to shit on the content creators while rewarding their friends (brown nosers) and perpetuating the cycle of abuse that occurred on the previous blockchain.

It's my understanding that no one controls the @steem.dao account. That account is used to automatically transfer payments to the proposal system recipients.

Yes and the proposal system is done by DPOS votes if I am not mistaken, Big stake makes a proposal it goes through.

That is correct, anyone is free to visit the proposals page and vote on anything they'd like to see get funded. Any proposal that ranks above @gtg's return proposal will receive funds based on the requested amount modified by what the dao is able to payout.

So one thousand small votes gets no where. One big vote gets passed ?

Hard to say, you haven't provided any numbers. What's a "small" vote? What's a "big" vote?

Smaller votes are able to overtake bigger votes.

1000 votes of 500 HP support can be over taken easy by one account with 1 Million.
Just and only as an example.

sorry the long delay in reply. no Gina secretary yet.

Well someone has the keys to the account right?

How does that saying go that folks like tossing around...oh yeah...

"Not your keys then not your crypto!"

I'm honestly not sure if someone has keys to that account or not. @blocktrades, if I recall correctly, was the original leader of implementing the dao project back on Steem. Hopefully they can provide a bit of clarity on this.

As far as I'm aware, @steem.dao is a purely automated system, with no human at the controls.

@blocktrades is one of the few that I actually have some respect for and trust in so perhaps it is all in good hands.

Kind of hard to know without any official word on it. It mostly being omitted from all the Hive announcements before and after the launch makes it incredibly suspicious.

I watch many chats in many circles. Mostly I just watch what is said.

I do one side get a feeling that there is a few high rollers, that do genuinely want to see changes.

On another side I see questions asked and no replies or an evasion of the question. Everyone can agree that things are all up in the air right now. I see the same votes going to the same people who do not make quality posts as such and many of them writing the same thing and in essence getting voted by each other or a common account with a high stake.

We cannot tell people were to vote, but the linear reward system in place now reduces the rewards to lower stake while give more to those with higher. The last fork reduced the value of my vote because of a lower SP and increased the vote of those at the top. Basically taxing the lower to reward the higher. We need an equal system of vote power at least.

There are many things we will be able to cry over right now, But maybe best not to make those issues of discussion until things settle a little. If DPOS is mentioned then as an argument against a change we know we have been hoodwinked and the community said to be what things are about does not count.

Wait and see is the only option we have.

I agree on all points... especially on waiting and seeing.

I am definitely not in a hurry or anything and think that it is best to just view the situation pragmatically and be supportive of the new blockchain even if some of the core is rotten and needs to be cut out later or at least drug kicking and screaming into the light.

Thank you for your words and sharing your views.