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RE: New Start or an Echo of the Past

in #hive5 years ago

I hope that some of the issues of old will be addressed in the not to distant future. right now for stability and initial growth sake, I am leaving my witness proxied to @abh12345. I think in a month I will have enough views to select witnesses. There are several I will not selected, and right now I only have a few in mind I will pick.

I will be keeping my eye on the attitude of the initial posting about Hive Block Chain, I felt it was clear enough on who would get air-drops and who would not. Hive Block Chain was/is supposed to be about decentralization. They were very clear on the air drop.

I was appalled at the knee jerk reaction of the witnesses, and some of the reasoning behind it on the other side, I still am. I understand they were trying to protect that chain from the hostile take over. But mostly I was appalled at the attitude some of those witnesses expressed through out the last two months.

I want to see a change to witness voting that makes everyone want to vote, to put the people they believe will do a good job for them and not to fatten their own wallets. I will wait and see, first we need to get this new ship stabilized, then we can see about establishing a stronger set of sails.


Keep Jack Miller in mind for a witness if you have a free spot

@jackmiller added to my list - witness list - for when I get ready to do my voting. I do love that list function on peakd, a very useful tool I am finding.

Also so as not to catch you off guard, when I figure it out I will be doing some delegation shuffles removals on Hive Block Chain.