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RE: A few thoughts...

in #hive7 months ago (edited)

A plan for the funding have been published

Regarding personal interactions; I think you have room to improve yourself, just like aggy does. This morning the way you have treated me, your friend for 6 years, is probably something that needs improvement.

No matter the outcome of any proposal or witness votes, we are human. I want to be treated as one. I don't think you did that this morning.

For the record. I have no witness, I do not own any project, and I don't care what happens to my investment. None of my interactions were driven by that. And yet, since I didn't agree with you on this, you have mistreated me.

Now I get mistreated all the time, it is not an issue; but coming from a friend and for no aparent reason; it hurts more.


A plan for the funding have been published

One hour ago. A little late, don't you agree?

You told me this would be the consequences of my actions. If you're okay with voting according to my values having negative consequences in a unrelated matter, I misjudged you all this time. Good to finally see your hypocrisy.

I just feel like there's an opportunity here for better language. There's a bridge here that's worth being built, and disrespect is the biggest barrier to it. Let's try to get on the same page.

Yes. Late for sure. By 8 days?

Proposal have many months left. I have seen numerous funded proposals without a cost breakdown. There are many currently on the docket.

None of my action has anything to do with vote. No one asked me to vote this or that. I said even if they did to me (which nobody did) it would be fine. Because people lobby for a cause all the time.

I have asked people to vote. You have asked people to vote. There are things we agree, there are things we don't agree. There is no need to any drama.

What I said to you, I stand by it. As a human, all our actions have consequences. Yours have too. This is a life advise and this is also a fact. I stand by my comment. Fortunately, I can share my thought in public, the language that you have used against me this morning, you will be ashamed to repeat.

This should've been part of the original proposal. Or added as soon as people asked for it.

I don't mind asking for votes. I do mind putting others down who don't vote the way you want.

Speaking of consequences, how's the proposal doing?

I agree, that this should have been part of the original proposal. But life happens, and people get busy. I have many other things on my plate, so does Matt. I have requested the feedback regarding this earlier to Matt. I got busy and he got busy.

And you also know why I am busy. I will be going through a major surgery. You know that. No one else does (until now). Why, because you are my friend. I am sorry, but I am slowly loosing my senses on my fingers, so it is hard for me to type. This is a symptom for the condition that I am having.

Regarding consequence. I think the proposal is doing fine. It is not my proposal, but I do support it. I believe there are other people support it too. If the combined net support gets higher than the return proposal it will be funded.

Now if you excuse me, I need to stop typing, because I can't feel my fingers.

Good luck on your surgery AZ . That is far more important than all this!

This isn't about you or Matt being busy, it's about aggy blackmailing, bribing and bullying. Well, and you defending him, which felt like a kick to the stomach.

If the combined net support gets higher that the return proposal it will be funded.

It was funded. Without this fuckery it still would be. And in this case the consequence is justified by the action.

Yes, I again agree.

Let me know what can I do to make you feel better.

For now, please focus on next week and get better as soon as possible. This isn't worth the stress, you have people who depend on you in much more profound ways.

Sorry for wishing you ill, that was not okay.

I don't hold grudges in general, but I learned in many hours of therapy to expect more from a friend. Telling me it's my own fault that someone goes on a vendetta against me just because you support their cause is definitely not it.

I am not Aggy. Aggy is not CEO of SL. Matt is not Aggy.

If you have a problem with Aggy, you two need to sort it out yourselves. It is not necessary to involve others or make a public drama about it.

I haven't defended anything. I only said your actions have consequences. So does Aggy's, so does mine.

I didn't have a problem with him before this. I did tell you that I do not condone the backroom deals you're also involved with, but I kept quiet. Until I was attacked personally.

Gl on the surgery 🙏