
Yeah we eat them too. There's no shortage of them though...They are in almost pest proportions as they stopped culling. We don't have the every now and then sighting thing...Here, you will see them as long as you are in the right part of Australia. You may get to see one from the inside too. Lol.

Salt water crocodile distribution map. I live down the bottom, in the middle in that place called Adelaide. 3,600km in a straight line away from crocodile areas.


Lol. wow. I'll definitely come to Australia one of these days, imagine food crocodile just waltzing straight into my life. I know a football club named after Adelaide I wanted to do that skilled migration thing in 2018 but I got admission to school and postponed it. Once I'm done, I'll give it another shot.

It's a good place, Adelaide. I was born here and love it...Australia in general. I'm a patriot.

What's the football team. You mean soccer or Australian Rules football, we have both named after Adelaide.

I mean soccer. It is weird to call it soccer. Every now and then I indulge in sports betting, and I've run into a soccer team called Adelaide. Adelaide actually sounds like a Nigerian name, Yoruba ethnicity to be precise. Adelaide United.

We call it soccer here, football is AFL (Australian Rules Football.)

Adelaide is derived from one of the English Queens from back in the Day. What's the name you think it sounds like?

Adelaide is is a Yoruba name in Nigeria, although it is spelt "Adelaide" and it means "The crown has come"

Ah ok, interesting! Still has the crown theme.