I thought I'd start my weekend off with some positivity and shout out some of the users I've followed lately. I haven't done this for a long time so I'm not sure how it'll go, but maybe those I mention might appreciate it and, besides, it makes me feel good to promote a few people who I've found to be interesting or fun to engage with.
I won't say too much about each as I don't want to indicate they are this or that figuring you'll want to go and check them out for yourself and see what you see. Anyway, here goes:
Eli is a second degree black belt in Jiu jitsu, an instructor and self-defence specialist and posts a lot of instructional, and plain old cool, videos on BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). As an advocate for preparedness I like to see people like Eli putting out good quality, sensible content and hive is lucky to have him.
Mamali hails from Iran but has been away from his home country studying in the Philippines for many years. He returned recently and is rediscovering his country all over again; A journey he is taking us on also. He's a man mountain, and used to play American football like myself, so we have that in common, plus a sharp wit and sense of humour. It will be interesting to see where his blog leads.
Hannah seems like the typical girl next door, all-American girl and her blog mirrors that. She's crafty, loves doing crafts, and outdoorsy too. She also has a friendly companion called Juno, her much-loved dog, who will steal some hearts here I think. Her blog is upbeat and fun and despite being new here I think has a bright future. She's also got a legit partner in @daltono who I also follow...So this is a bit of a two in one deal.
Paul is a Brit living in the Philippines. He loves motorbikes, if you're a bike person you need to check them out, and he loves diving. He's been diving for decades and combines his underwater adventures with his photography skills which makes for some interesting posts. He is interesting, engages in comments and is a smart chap; My sort of bloke.
Staying with the motorbike theme here...I stumbled onto this user a little while ago and have had some nice engagement from him, he even comments on my posts rather than waiting for me to always comment on his! An ex-500cc Grand Prix bike mechanic this chap, also from the UK, is all about bikes. He builds them for customers around Europe and also for himself. He's always got something interesting going on in respect of motorbikes and even finds time to post about other things from time to time.
One more you say? Ok, you twisted my arm...
Conrad is a cousin from across the pond - No not my real cousin, just a New Zealander. He's widely travelled and likes to share his experiences and travel-related information plus some New Zealand stuff as well. Again, he's responsive and fun to engage with and like all interactions between Aussies and Kiwi's we engage in some friendly, some may say abusive, banter. He's a good sort, and I reckon he'd be a good bloke to share a few coldies out of the chillybin with. (A chillybin is what those NZ knuckleheads call an esky - cooler.)
So there's a few of the users I've followed recently. There's others and you can check them out yourselves by going to my profile and taking a look at who I follow. Scroll back too as you may find some gold amongst them...I mean, you will find some gold!
I used to do this a few times a year but haven't lately however I think it's a nice thing to do as it helps a few users and the community in general by sharing information and growing relationships. You can have a crack at it too, you know: It's pretty easy. Just do what I did here in this post. Pick out some users that are cool and go for it. Oh, it would be good if they are not whale accounts also...They don't need, or want, the publicity. Right?
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Regards@galenkp I love what you have done, making members here to get noticed and also creating a good relationship with them. This will definitely encourage them to be dedicated to this community more.
My hope is that it exposes them to a wider audience and other people visit their blog and follow them also.
Shweet. I also follow the Daltono half of @daltono. Love his photo editting.
Yes, I agree. Hopefully you checked out the others too.
Let me check a few now. It was close to midnight in my end, so I just checked one. I'm up now.
update: Knightbjj is an assassin hahaha
He's a champ huh? I want him on my side for sure.
It goes without question. I'll walk around town looking for trouble, just knowing that my homie got my back lol
Too right...But watch out, cross him and it's BJJ choke holds all round!
That's when you'll realise the importance of dialogue and if that doesn't work, you just run zig-zag while screaming "I'm sorry". 😃
Chur cuz. Aussies and nzers are all cousins really 😄.
Those who say its abusive are weak. I really missed the banter while travelling. Hard to banter when you only know a handful of words tho...
Cheers for the mention mate.
No worries mate. I also agree about the weak comment. Many don't understand the way that cross-pond rivalry works and so don't understand the banter that flies back and forth. All good for the mention, hopefully it attracts a few your way.
About as weak as your rugby team 😁. Or are you one of those supporters of that weird aussie rules game?
Haha, nah AFL isn't my thing...It's a stupid sport...I'm into motor racing mainly, but I can't talk smack there because you fucking sheep fuckers keep winning the V8 Supercars! Lol.
I very much appreciate your support man! <3 <3 <3
Uncle G-dog got your back bro.
Hey dude, appreciate your comments, you have been a great help over the past few weeks passing on good advice, already getting to know @missionx after you gave me the heads up on another biker, he's a cool guy, I will of course go check out your other mentions. Stay safe fella!
You're welcome Paul. I've been around for three years and know how hard it is to get established as I went through it myself, and still am. A little helping hand never goes astray and you have an interesting blog that many others will respond to I think. Hopefully you pick up a few new followers to engage with.
Have a great weekend in paradise.
Thanks bud, you have a good one also.
Blushes, cheers bro.
What a nice initiative to promote new users! I love it! I took a look at daltono and his flowerbaby, what a lovely couple and it's so cool to see how people help each other here on hive.
Hey Mary, how are you? You said you'd be around the hive this weekend and here you are! True to your word. I hope things are well for you.
I used to do this a lot, sort of promote people where I can; I see it as my responsibility as someone who has been around for a while, three years for me actually. I remember starting out and how hard it was to build a brand; I worked really hard at it, and still do, so figure why not help others.
@daltono and @flowerbaby are a cute couple of young'uns huh? He's a funny dude to be honest. IT's also probably a good idea to engage with the others too, although motorbikes might not be your thing. Here, if you reply on support of just one or two larger accounts you are limiting your options.
It's best to cast a wide net. I engage with people whose main focus isn't that interesting to me, I mean painting my face isn't at all interesting to me, but look at us, engaging like people in the real world. That's because I dug a bit deeper than a post or two and realised the person behind was someone I like and want to know a little more. You know what I'm saying?
I guess it's like with you and my Grouchy/Lego posts or maybe my gun stuff...I'm almost certain you have zero interest, but there you are, engaging with me nonetheless.
Anyway, this got longer than I wanted. I hope you're well, enjoying some excellent Romanian weather at what... 9:15am? (I'm not smart, just looked it up.) Lol.
Yes, they are a very cute couple, and a man supporting his woman in her dreams is definetely a keeper😉 Digging a bit deeper is important, we are more than our post, we are what it is being said between lines. I did not imagine commenting on gun post... But.... Look at me now hihi. I think my ocd applauded your precise measuring skills 👏 I always keep a promise, it is very important to me to put value behind my words. It is 9:50 am now, preparing to work. I work saturdays too. I wish you and Faith a great week-end 🤸♂️🤸♀️
You're exactly right, about the support for one's partner and the deeper-digging thing. So true. I'm proud of you for engaging with the gun stuff...Many wouldn't and haven't, but it builds relationships and that's what is important...One needs to step out of their comfort zone here I think, and in life, and engage with people in things that are interesting to the other person, not just themselves; Like you with my gun posts; It builds solid relationships.
Enjoy your work day and the rest of the weekend...Do something fun...And good luck with listening to your clients yapping at work. Lol.
Oh you are so right about the yapping part🙈🙉🙊
Lol...Yeah, you gotta just put up with it. I assume you tune out though, nod and smile at the right times, or what you hope are the right times.
I actually engage pretty much, I have clients with whom I can talk about books or concepts. I had one time a lady that managed to talk with me about space and physics and universe. The best talk ever. I remember it to this day.
Lots of awesome people in there always something great to learn from them :) the best community for a reason :D
Hey @blazing, how are you?
Yeah, there's a few quality users. I had to cut it back as there's a few really good ones I've followed lately. I'll do another post though, share a few more.
Thanks for your comment, and taking time to read my post in the first place. Much appreciated.
Thanks for the mention. I followed you as well. I enjoy your stuff. I'll probably have some gun related vids to post soon!
Thanks for the follow and support.
You're welcome mate. It's good to see someone like you here, posting good stuff, showing personality, passion and effort. (The three things I look for when I curate.) Any gun stuff put into The Pew community mate, you may have seen it...I curate there, as do a few others.
All the best and have a great weekend.
Oh man thanks for the mention, most appreciated, and sincerely, thanks bro.
You're welcome mate. I remember when I was new here and someone helped me out with a little exposure which I appreciated. I do the same where I can. I hope you're having a great weekend. It's blue skies, 20°C and pretty nice here for an autumn day. Making the most of it.