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RE: Who has uncle G-dog followed recently

in #hive5 years ago

Hey Mary, how are you? You said you'd be around the hive this weekend and here you are! True to your word. I hope things are well for you.

I used to do this a lot, sort of promote people where I can; I see it as my responsibility as someone who has been around for a while, three years for me actually. I remember starting out and how hard it was to build a brand; I worked really hard at it, and still do, so figure why not help others.

@daltono and @flowerbaby are a cute couple of young'uns huh? He's a funny dude to be honest. IT's also probably a good idea to engage with the others too, although motorbikes might not be your thing. Here, if you reply on support of just one or two larger accounts you are limiting your options.

It's best to cast a wide net. I engage with people whose main focus isn't that interesting to me, I mean painting my face isn't at all interesting to me, but look at us, engaging like people in the real world. That's because I dug a bit deeper than a post or two and realised the person behind was someone I like and want to know a little more. You know what I'm saying?

I guess it's like with you and my Grouchy/Lego posts or maybe my gun stuff...I'm almost certain you have zero interest, but there you are, engaging with me nonetheless.

Anyway, this got longer than I wanted. I hope you're well, enjoying some excellent Romanian weather at what... 9:15am? (I'm not smart, just looked it up.) Lol.


Yes, they are a very cute couple, and a man supporting his woman in her dreams is definetely a keeper😉 Digging a bit deeper is important, we are more than our post, we are what it is being said between lines. I did not imagine commenting on gun post... But.... Look at me now hihi. I think my ocd applauded your precise measuring skills 👏 I always keep a promise, it is very important to me to put value behind my words. It is 9:50 am now, preparing to work. I work saturdays too. I wish you and Faith a great week-end 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️

You're exactly right, about the support for one's partner and the deeper-digging thing. So true. I'm proud of you for engaging with the gun stuff...Many wouldn't and haven't, but it builds relationships and that's what is important...One needs to step out of their comfort zone here I think, and in life, and engage with people in things that are interesting to the other person, not just themselves; Like you with my gun posts; It builds solid relationships.

Enjoy your work day and the rest of the weekend...Do something fun...And good luck with listening to your clients yapping at work. Lol.

Oh you are so right about the yapping part🙈🙉🙊

Lol...Yeah, you gotta just put up with it. I assume you tune out though, nod and smile at the right times, or what you hope are the right times.

I actually engage pretty much, I have clients with whom I can talk about books or concepts. I had one time a lady that managed to talk with me about space and physics and universe. The best talk ever. I remember it to this day.

It's good to be able to converse about many things. I deal with clients too and am a pretty good rapport-builder and conversationalist. Pretty girls make me nervous though, not in my work as I'm always just doing my job and an very good at it, but in social situations...I get nervous. I'm a bit shy. Lol. Fortunately I'm not on the dating scene as I'm married - I'd be totally useless! Lol.

Lucky married people! 😂