Blocktrades even suggested I leave social media as a whole
To save time for anyone who wants to know exactly what I actually said, here's the relevant portion of the thread:
If you don't have the time to read it, here are some of the highlights:
I gave her advice on how to mute her troller, something she totally ignored. In case that wasn't enough of a solution for her, @stellabelle and I both explained show she could use her own community to control the message on her own posts, which she ignored.
I explained that this is a decentralized platform and its main goal is to avoid centralized censorship, and that goal is more important than just growth at any cost. Again, not something she seemed to want to discuss.
My overall take on the conversation is that she didn't want to talk about the platform, she wanted to talk about how she was being personally attacked here. Which is really baffling to me, because it's almost impossible not to talk to many semi-anonymous people on the internet and not get attacked at some point.
She is an example of “radical left” “social justice warrior” “extreme feminist”
It’s very simple
She has her narrative
Which is, she’s offended
And that’s all that matters to her, she is offended and wants her offenders silenced forever. No facts or reason can be done with beings like her.
I try to be open minded. I want to believe she is not too left or not left at all. But perhaps she might be.
LOL, we are beyond left and right
The underlying issue is that this user is an attention whore, and attention whores are thirsty for by definition attention, and controversy, they are not looking for the attention of those who agree with them, hence her reluctance to hear your advise about communities, and thus the fact that she rage quits when engaged truly, for true engagement is too much for an attention whore, she aimed for superficial glances, but she got what she deserved.
Its funny how we all agree she is trash
finally something we can all agree on.
We all agree you suck
Finally we have achieved "Flawless Consensus"...... @cryptofinally You brought the community together!
You don't speak for me!
Im sorry, I didnt realize you even existed until today.
You don't speak for me either.
you dont even speak for yourself, dont you?
I do not agree with you either! My stance on this issue is a matter of record.
Though I do disagree with her recent actions and comments regarding HIVE and its community as a whole, I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE VIEWED HER AS TRASH!
no gentleman!In order to show @cryptofinally how this works, I am downvoting this comment! Shame on you @jaguar.force! You, sir, are
here is your whiskey mercenary fucking delusional marine playing it like you are virtuous, now get the fuck out of my sight or we are not gonna end well.
I might be no gentleman, you are not one either, but Im a man.
To be fair, yes I did suggest that she blog from within her community, which would collapse comments by muted accounts by default, but I also agree that there is a problem with hate on this platform that is coming from a group of people. That level of hate (and yes I did watch the video of someone with a bag over their head, which was reminiscent of a hostage film) is unacceptable. Harassment is a problem on this platform, and to be honest, it has never been really dealt with. Muting someone only allows you not to see it, while everyone else sees it.
I don't know what the solution is, but witnessing this level of hate, and seeing how it infects others on a larger scale was truly disturbing to witness.
The problem in my mind lies within the people here who are unstable, and full of hatred.
If we don't look at this problem squarely and try to build some kind of solutions, this same thing will happen in the future with someone else.
I personally experienced a lot of this hate/harassment in the beginning of Steemit, before we had any sort of mute button.
This is pure ugliness and something that I don't ever want to see repeated in the future.
Muting within a community mutes the post from everyone viewing posts in that community, not just the person doing the muting. So a community lets you setup a "safe space" to share information between people who share a common opinion about what sort of expression is ok and what sort isn't.
As far as the guy with the bag over his head, his post was extremely distasteful and got massively downvoted, but if you review his "introduceyourself" post, you will find he described his forthcoming posts as:
So I never thought for a minute he was serious about what he said. He's setting himself up as a shock jock and the bag is obviously part of his shtick, as he apparently uses it in all his posts. Nonetheless, it's not to my taste, no more than I enjoy listening to Howard Stern (sorry Stern fans, don't take it personally).
Well stated.
I read all your replies to her yesterday and she deliberately refused to understand and I was shocked you took your time to reply to her!!!
Wow, really hard to argue with someone like this. I think she'll come back to her senses once she cools off.
She probably got hurt because usually internet trolls are clearly idiots, but @xxxxxxxxxx isn't one and has a big stake that single-handedly took away her earnings.
If posting penises on other platforms and regularly insulting other users in a justiciable way doesn't make you an idiot, what else?
Idiocy is infinite...
Eventually I decided that her main issue was that she was no longer able to earn as much from her posts, instead of a real concern for the platform. She's certainly not the first person to get upset when downvotes start moderating their rewards.
I gave her really friendly and positive feedback before all this shit went down and she completely ignored it even though it was the top voted comment on her post. She only responded to the drama and didn't answer a single question with logic. I think the easiest way to prove that she is self-absorbed and doesn't give two shits about the community is to take a look at her curation rewards... oh wait, she doesn't have any because that means you would have to upvote someone else from the community.
wonderful. you got it
What was the feedback? Where is it? Also, where are you on discord? Can't find ya. Wanna talk.
Here is a screenshot of the comment I left for her.
Discord: idkpdx#8758
That's helpful, thanks. I think she was told that same thing by several ppl.
It's almost always about rewards regardless what is said.
I don't particularly like ethots. I only learned of her because aggroed kept retweeting her on twitter prancing around marketed her body-albeit while clothed. I Really don't care for women who market their bodies-I've had limited audio since the corona lock down, and for some reason haven't bothered to order solder or replacement speaker online so i have yet to hear her speak. I recently learned she was named a top 40 crypto influencer by binance. She is/was an asset that, for better or worse, that ended up being worth keeping just for her marketing skills-something historically we had an absence of going back to the days of stinc. Which pretty much now we could get negative PR by a binance top influencer whose roots are in our own community. PR is really sucking.
I am hesitant about upvoting someone so heavily downvoted, and who will likely leave the platform for twitch, patreon, etc as she started the process of powering down (and likekly divesting too). She probably already received many offers, or is in the market for exclusive offers and may never consider returning. Heck, she might kick us all in the balls and go to steem-with a nice stipend from Sun Yuchen who will rub it in our faces.
There was ways to prevent this kind of thing without risking centralization, without taking away's Bernie's right/ability to down vote. Just about all of us here are stakeholders. There was a failure to market the plight of what was going on to an important, if not confused, asset and a failure by most stakeholders, myself included, to prevent this from happening.
Even if there is a bit of disappointment in her understanding of how hive works, would there be enough stakeholders with enough power willing to set up a curation trail to keep her here. @aggroed, if you start a curation trail just for cryptofinally and start marketing it to others, and convince her to stay, lemme know and I'll add my name to the list. It is outside of my comfort zone to give/upvote to an ethot, but she's apparently a lot more than that.
As far as her complaining about being called names, that is part of the internet-it's not unique to any platform. The bigger you are, the more mean words will be spoken. She is nearly conservatively dress for american audiences, but in some parts of the world anything less than a full body burka is unacceptable. As her influence expands, so will the criticism of how she markets herself. She needs to man up and acknowledge that the eastern world exists too, and it is gradually taking over the world-and that, yes, there are people in the west too who find amusement in triggering people with words-myself included at times.
If there are users who are going on 3speak personally accusing her of prostitution, she can feel free to sue them in court for libel if she can establish identity-which probably 3speak could help provide-and jurisdiction. She can also reach out to various abuse services and downvote said libelous users. Also there might be a 3speak TOS issue if they libeled her. She is not entirely without remedy legally, on chain, or off chain.
What is your recommended "solution"?
enough independent users, particularly whales, to use their collective votes to negate bernie and bring her (and others) back to profit. Bernie's vote would still count-but so would ours. As suggested above aggroed [or someone else with good marketing abilities] could set up a curation trail, and people would just need to agree to be part of the trail and the upvoting would be done automatically.
But given cryptofinally's nearly see through top [fan servicing] gif on twitter, I would remove myself from from the pool of those who would be interested in trying to help if she were to return. Certainly there is a potential strong future for adult markets through tips and upvotes when third party platforms could [easily] be build around it, and if that market ever grows [increased demand on hive] the more valuable hive could become-but I don't have to [knowingly] endorse such activities.
I was hoping you might suggest capping downvotes (and upvotes) at 1 hive (and just distribute more total capped votes to "whales").
Most people jump on curation trails for $$$$ and "care" much less about "content quality".
Individuals shouldn't be expected to "fix" a SYSTEMIC FAILURE.
If people told her about communities, like you said here, then she knows better and she should reconsider her views, her decisions. If she is not making her own communities, as you guys suggested, then it is her loss.
Im getting sick of hearing your retarded fucking shit, joey
There is a big difference between muting something you don't want to see, that is in your control, vs being downvoted. One cannot control if one chooses to flag you to zero, which, is really hard to ignore.
This is why I'd like to see a feature where I could "mute" myself from certain users (by adding them to my "mute" list) in order to make my posts and comments invisible to them.
Sort of a "mutual mute".
@blocktrades, has such a feature been considered?
Well stated.
Abusive downvotes are a serious problem.
Has anyone considered capping downvotes (and upvotes) at 1 hive, in order to make payouts more reflective of "the community" and not just the "whim of a random whale"?
Any system that allows an individual whale (or a small number of whale pals) to over-ride the "community consensus" of hundreds or thousands of minnows is going to make those smaller fish feel like this is a place where the established oligarchy picks winners and losers as they see fit (with no accountability).
A 1 one hive cap wouldn't work, because someone could just create a bunch of 1 hive accounts and vote with them. This would actually allow smaller stakeholders to abuse the voting system, making easier for a malicious actor to downvote against community consensus.
But I do have ideas for how to approach this problem as part of the web-of-trust system that I'm planning. But that's a big topic and I'll be approaching discussions of it slowly, once we've finished our current optimization work.
Awesome, I look forward to examining your proposals.
she has 40k fake followers on Twitter. I think she never get more attention as now on hive.