Bye Hive

in #hive5 years ago

I have done my best to express how much I care about Hive, that I am a vocal advocate for your platform - I've been advocating for Hive since day one and did not once attack the platform as a whole. Please go look into my actual posts, suggesting that targeted harassment is a barrier for adoption.

This was not an attack on you.

My suggestion to look into the behaviors of the social space came from a place of love for you guys, and wanting you to be able to see a larger consumer adoption.

If you follow my content you know that in addition to speaking up about Hive on my own platform, in every interview I've done since Hive started I've spoken about how wonderful this community is.

Instead of listening to these ideas and trying to find ways to solve the problem of harassment from large stakeholders, I saw the problem exemplified 10 fold. From hateful comments calling me a slut, cunt, twat, bitch and whore - to disgusting videos made on Threespeak insinuating you pay me for sex, Blocktrades even suggested I leave social media as a whole. You suggested it's my job to come up with a solution for the problem I was addressing - it is not the sole job of the people enduring the harassment to come up with solutions.

The outpour of hate and harassment I received across platforms for suggesting that behavior of stakeholders is a barrier to adoption is incredible. My entire statement was that people will be deterred from the platform if you continue to act this way, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.

I am very sad to see how this has turned out. I wish you guys the best in all you do, and do have much love for those of you who supported me in my time here.

The rest of you can kick rocks.

Appreciate the run guys!



Blocktrades even suggested I leave social media as a whole

To save time for anyone who wants to know exactly what I actually said, here's the relevant portion of the thread:

If you don't have the time to read it, here are some of the highlights:
I gave her advice on how to mute her troller, something she totally ignored. In case that wasn't enough of a solution for her, @stellabelle and I both explained show she could use her own community to control the message on her own posts, which she ignored.

I explained that this is a decentralized platform and its main goal is to avoid centralized censorship, and that goal is more important than just growth at any cost. Again, not something she seemed to want to discuss.

My overall take on the conversation is that she didn't want to talk about the platform, she wanted to talk about how she was being personally attacked here. Which is really baffling to me, because it's almost impossible not to talk to many semi-anonymous people on the internet and not get attacked at some point.

She is an example of “radical left” “social justice warrior” “extreme feminist”

It’s very simple

She has her narrative

Which is, she’s offended

And that’s all that matters to her, she is offended and wants her offenders silenced forever. No facts or reason can be done with beings like her.

I try to be open minded. I want to believe she is not too left or not left at all. But perhaps she might be.

LOL, we are beyond left and right

The underlying issue is that this user is an attention whore, and attention whores are thirsty for by definition attention, and controversy, they are not looking for the attention of those who agree with them, hence her reluctance to hear your advise about communities, and thus the fact that she rage quits when engaged truly, for true engagement is too much for an attention whore, she aimed for superficial glances, but she got what she deserved.

Its funny how we all agree she is trash
finally something we can all agree on.

We all agree you suck
Finally we have achieved "Flawless Consensus"...... @cryptofinally You brought the community together!

Its funny how we all agree she is trash
finally something we can all agree on.

You don't speak for me!

Im sorry, I didnt realize you even existed until today.

You don't speak for me either.

you dont even speak for yourself, dont you?

I do not agree with you either! My stance on this issue is a matter of record.

Though I do disagree with her recent actions and comments regarding HIVE and its community as a whole, I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE VIEWED HER AS TRASH!

no gentleman!In order to show @cryptofinally how this works, I am downvoting this comment! Shame on you @jaguar.force! You, sir, are

here is your whiskey mercenary fucking delusional marine playing it like you are virtuous, now get the fuck out of my sight or we are not gonna end well.
I might be no gentleman, you are not one either, but Im a man.


To be fair, yes I did suggest that she blog from within her community, which would collapse comments by muted accounts by default, but I also agree that there is a problem with hate on this platform that is coming from a group of people. That level of hate (and yes I did watch the video of someone with a bag over their head, which was reminiscent of a hostage film) is unacceptable. Harassment is a problem on this platform, and to be honest, it has never been really dealt with. Muting someone only allows you not to see it, while everyone else sees it.
I don't know what the solution is, but witnessing this level of hate, and seeing how it infects others on a larger scale was truly disturbing to witness.
The problem in my mind lies within the people here who are unstable, and full of hatred.
If we don't look at this problem squarely and try to build some kind of solutions, this same thing will happen in the future with someone else.
I personally experienced a lot of this hate/harassment in the beginning of Steemit, before we had any sort of mute button.
This is pure ugliness and something that I don't ever want to see repeated in the future.

Muting within a community mutes the post from everyone viewing posts in that community, not just the person doing the muting. So a community lets you setup a "safe space" to share information between people who share a common opinion about what sort of expression is ok and what sort isn't.

As far as the guy with the bag over his head, his post was extremely distasteful and got massively downvoted, but if you review his "introduceyourself" post, you will find he described his forthcoming posts as:

My sense of humor will not be censored. My opinion of worldwide topics will be heard. Truth will prevail. If you do not know how to take a joke, prepare to be offended rather often.

So I never thought for a minute he was serious about what he said. He's setting himself up as a shock jock and the bag is obviously part of his shtick, as he apparently uses it in all his posts. Nonetheless, it's not to my taste, no more than I enjoy listening to Howard Stern (sorry Stern fans, don't take it personally).

Muting within a community mutes the post from everyone viewing posts in that community, not just the person doing the muting. So a community lets you setup a "safe space" to share information between people who share a common opinion about what sort of expression is ok and what sort isn't.

Well stated.

I read all your replies to her yesterday and she deliberately refused to understand and I was shocked you took your time to reply to her!!!

Wow, really hard to argue with someone like this. I think she'll come back to her senses once she cools off.

She probably got hurt because usually internet trolls are clearly idiots, but @xxxxxxxxxx isn't one and has a big stake that single-handedly took away her earnings.

If posting penises on other platforms and regularly insulting other users in a justiciable way doesn't make you an idiot, what else?

Idiocy is infinite...

Eventually I decided that her main issue was that she was no longer able to earn as much from her posts, instead of a real concern for the platform. She's certainly not the first person to get upset when downvotes start moderating their rewards.

I gave her really friendly and positive feedback before all this shit went down and she completely ignored it even though it was the top voted comment on her post. She only responded to the drama and didn't answer a single question with logic. I think the easiest way to prove that she is self-absorbed and doesn't give two shits about the community is to take a look at her curation rewards... oh wait, she doesn't have any because that means you would have to upvote someone else from the community.

wonderful. you got it

What was the feedback? Where is it? Also, where are you on discord? Can't find ya. Wanna talk.

Here is a screenshot of the comment I left for her.

Screen Shot 20200715 at 9.17.47 PM.png
Discord: idkpdx#8758

That's helpful, thanks. I think she was told that same thing by several ppl.

I don't particularly like ethots. I only learned of her because aggroed kept retweeting her on twitter prancing around marketed her body-albeit while clothed. I Really don't care for women who market their bodies-I've had limited audio since the corona lock down, and for some reason haven't bothered to order solder or replacement speaker online so i have yet to hear her speak. I recently learned she was named a top 40 crypto influencer by binance. She is/was an asset that, for better or worse, that ended up being worth keeping just for her marketing skills-something historically we had an absence of going back to the days of stinc. Which pretty much now we could get negative PR by a binance top influencer whose roots are in our own community. PR is really sucking.

I am hesitant about upvoting someone so heavily downvoted, and who will likely leave the platform for twitch, patreon, etc as she started the process of powering down (and likekly divesting too). She probably already received many offers, or is in the market for exclusive offers and may never consider returning. Heck, she might kick us all in the balls and go to steem-with a nice stipend from Sun Yuchen who will rub it in our faces.

There was ways to prevent this kind of thing without risking centralization, without taking away's Bernie's right/ability to down vote. Just about all of us here are stakeholders. There was a failure to market the plight of what was going on to an important, if not confused, asset and a failure by most stakeholders, myself included, to prevent this from happening.

Even if there is a bit of disappointment in her understanding of how hive works, would there be enough stakeholders with enough power willing to set up a curation trail to keep her here. @aggroed, if you start a curation trail just for cryptofinally and start marketing it to others, and convince her to stay, lemme know and I'll add my name to the list. It is outside of my comfort zone to give/upvote to an ethot, but she's apparently a lot more than that.

As far as her complaining about being called names, that is part of the internet-it's not unique to any platform. The bigger you are, the more mean words will be spoken. She is nearly conservatively dress for american audiences, but in some parts of the world anything less than a full body burka is unacceptable. As her influence expands, so will the criticism of how she markets herself. She needs to man up and acknowledge that the eastern world exists too, and it is gradually taking over the world-and that, yes, there are people in the west too who find amusement in triggering people with words-myself included at times.

If there are users who are going on 3speak personally accusing her of prostitution, she can feel free to sue them in court for libel if she can establish identity-which probably 3speak could help provide-and jurisdiction. She can also reach out to various abuse services and downvote said libelous users. Also there might be a 3speak TOS issue if they libeled her. She is not entirely without remedy legally, on chain, or off chain.

There was ways to prevent this kind of thing without risking centralization,

What is your recommended "solution"?

enough independent users, particularly whales, to use their collective votes to negate bernie and bring her (and others) back to profit. Bernie's vote would still count-but so would ours. As suggested above aggroed [or someone else with good marketing abilities] could set up a curation trail, and people would just need to agree to be part of the trail and the upvoting would be done automatically.

But given cryptofinally's nearly see through top [fan servicing] gif on twitter, I would remove myself from from the pool of those who would be interested in trying to help if she were to return. Certainly there is a potential strong future for adult markets through tips and upvotes when third party platforms could [easily] be build around it, and if that market ever grows [increased demand on hive] the more valuable hive could become-but I don't have to [knowingly] endorse such activities.

I was hoping you might suggest capping downvotes (and upvotes) at 1 hive (and just distribute more total capped votes to "whales").

Most people jump on curation trails for $$$$ and "care" much less about "content quality".

Individuals shouldn't be expected to "fix" a SYSTEMIC FAILURE.

If people told her about communities, like you said here, then she knows better and she should reconsider her views, her decisions. If she is not making her own communities, as you guys suggested, then it is her loss.

Im getting sick of hearing your retarded fucking shit, joey

There is a big difference between muting something you don't want to see, that is in your control, vs being downvoted. One cannot control if one chooses to flag you to zero, which, is really hard to ignore.

There is a big difference between muting something you don't want to see, that is in your control, vs being downvoted. One cannot control if one chooses to flag you to zero, which, is really hard to ignore.

This is why I'd like to see a feature where I could "mute" myself from certain users (by adding them to my "mute" list) in order to make my posts and comments invisible to them.

Sort of a "mutual mute".

@blocktrades, has such a feature been considered?

I explained that this is a decentralized platform and its main goal is to avoid centralized censorship, and that goal is more important than just growth at any cost. Again, not something she seemed to want to discuss.

Well stated.

Abusive downvotes are a serious problem.

Has anyone considered capping downvotes (and upvotes) at 1 hive, in order to make payouts more reflective of "the community" and not just the "whim of a random whale"?

Any system that allows an individual whale (or a small number of whale pals) to over-ride the "community consensus" of hundreds or thousands of minnows is going to make those smaller fish feel like this is a place where the established oligarchy picks winners and losers as they see fit (with no accountability).

A 1 one hive cap wouldn't work, because someone could just create a bunch of 1 hive accounts and vote with them. This would actually allow smaller stakeholders to abuse the voting system, making easier for a malicious actor to downvote against community consensus.

But I do have ideas for how to approach this problem as part of the web-of-trust system that I'm planning. But that's a big topic and I'll be approaching discussions of it slowly, once we've finished our current optimization work.

But I do have ideas for how to approach this problem as part of the web-of-trust system that I'm planning.

Awesome, I look forward to examining your proposals.

she has 40k fake followers on Twitter. I think she never get more attention as now on hive.

Goodbye Karen. Best of luck. Remember, No matter where you go? There you are.

Milk as you can. Leave when you can't. Simple.

So true. So true.

Poor gal. I do hate it for her. I hope this little rant of mine did not send her "over the edge". Then again?

I enjoyed your video....

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Not sorry your attempt at cancel culture did not work here. Funny how you are for it when it’s in your favor, but, throw a tantrum when it’s not.


Seems like you just “shill” coins you know nothing about, hardly use, and demand to be given the red carpet treatment for having a couple of followers on other platforms.

You are so fake you told a bunch of people you would support and follow them when you first got here when the community came out and engaged with you on Twitter. Looks like you could not even be bothered to do that let alone vote another person, witness, or give a real dam other than the $ on a post.

You can go be as self-important on Instagram all you want unless they ban you again lol. It’s certainly not decentralized land over there but how you like it what you want when someone disagrees with you and says a bad word.

Finally Banfield.

DLive? lol. You're moving to a platform that literally stole people's funds. Completely illegitimate. If that's who you want to be though, nobody's stopping you.

Can you give me the reason for downvote?

it is not the sole job of the people enduring the harassment to come up with solutions.

Yet you tried, and when you were given existing solutions you ignored them or didn't accept them but continued your rants.

The outpour of hate and harassment I received across platforms for suggesting that behavior of stakeholders is a barrier to adoption is incredible.

Unfortunately I put a lot of time to follow this bullshit yet I failed to see much hate except from a couple accounts. I see this kind of hate on twitter constantly and in your comment section there which is a complete shitfest, so if you expected just roses and rainbows on a decentralized platform, especially after how you yourself behaved, you're delusional.

I am very sad to see how this has turned out.

I agree, I thought you'd know better.

You really tried your best, I read many of your replies on her posts but she did not just want to listen, guess she was after attention!!!

Anyway it is good she is now happy wherever she is or has gone too.

I have a feeling she will comeback hehehe.....

  1. Get downvoted and "harassed"
  2. Start crying about trolls
  3. Get offered many solutions
  4. Ignore all the solutions
  5. Leaves


Edit: 1. should be "makes almost $2k"

you said it is not about rewards, you wanted a solution.
A lot of people tried to present you with few, you ignored it.
One of the biggest developers wrote few "essays" of how it works and what could you do. and only thing you got from it is "Blocktrades even suggested I leave social media as a whole." and even that you misquoted (misunderstood).

I am not sure what you expected (i asked, you ignored it). Did you expected witnesses taking bernies stake? Censoring him on a blockchain level? The solution is here, you can mute him, you can make your community and not show his comments. Anything else is not possible. Because if it was, well some day it would happen to you.
All big accounts could vote your posts, but you would still leave because that would not block his comments and it is not about rewards.

I really want to know what you thought could be a solution to this situation? I know i will not get any answer from you, and that is ok, it is your choice.

Best of luck, and don't get canceled.

I'm aghast. I've never even heard of you before today, and I find out you were here just as you're leaving.

I have missed my opportunity to apply reason to your emotional diatribes, to scorn your quasi-prostitution, and reject your claim of victimhood. I am desolate at the lost opportunities to promote sound values, thick skin, and independent means to your vapid followers, some one or two of which might have been able to grasp the potential benefits of those principles that have enabled humanity to survive genocidal warfare, plague, and geological catastrophe.

But I won't miss you.

I'd like to thank, again, as I did just a day or two ago, @xxxxxxxxxx for flagging me incessantly. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside when I know they care so much that they attend to my every post and comment. I feel so important!

Just in case you actually read this, the factual reality of my gratitude exemplifies that it is not what happens to you that degrades you, but what you do yourself. My posts and comments aren't diminished by being opposed. To the contrary, it is the insipidity of the opponents themselves that best recommends my observations.

Thanks for leaving and not bringing a bunch of vapid thots and coomers here to transform our sanctuary for free speech into a groupthink hellhole and soft porn site.

Your comments received ratio is certainly going up.

Thanks for doing your part.

Sorry to hear it but I have to find this all very annoying you are claiming you understand how our community works. Very audacious of you to make that claim. You clearly have no idea how the Hive community works let alone the technology of how it works and how it's designed for such events.

Bernie has been around here for 4 years! Do you honestly think you were going to "win"? Bernie has been through many hardcore battles here on this chain good or bad that is just the way it is. Anyone who knows the community knows this. You clearly aren't connected to the community.

I saw the whole thing take place from the start. You were told your posts footers were spammy. You were told to engage more with the actual community with comments, not on your crypto show. You got mad because of this and didn't understand why whales didn't come to your defense once someone told you no more reward for you?

You could be right. Adoption could be stunted ( it won't ) by one whale but nobody will care or even know of Bernie when there are 1,0000 whales. So who cares? You didn't follow anyone's advice after-the-fact. You aren't going to be part of the most powerful social media ( and many other things shortly ) blockchain in the world. You really aren't going to be able to make in-roads in the crypto world as a "crypto influencer". You kept digging yourself a hole as I'm pretty sure some people had sympathy at first like myself but soon realized this was a case of being butthurt.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to a permission-less network. I'm sorry the non-existent authorities could not save you as they could have on traditional social media. It's just not for you. It's not for everyone. There's no protective bubble.

I have done my best to express how much I care about Hive, that I am a vocal advocate for your platform

Bye Hive

Hello. I guess I haven't seen you before.
Why "Bye" then?
That doesn't make sense.
It's a decentralized platform so in part it is exactly what you want it to be.
Focus on what you like, if you can fix what you don't like, ignore everything else.

G-D grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Easy peasy. Some need to learn to deal with their own shortcomings before pointing their finger at others. Self Talk. I agree 100% @gtg with your assessment and advice.

Plain and simple, she is a SJW like people in this video.
No reasoning with her.

^^^This is why there needs to be a dispute resolution function on Hive.

To anyone who's listening, if you think it's a good idea to drive people like her off the platform, you're wrong. It doesn't matter what you think of her content. Maybe she is an idiot. Maybe she doesn't know the first thing about crypto. I don't know. I haven't read or watched many of her posts. The problem with running her out on a rail though is that it's pretty obvious that a lot of people like something about her. If not, where did the upvotes come from? You think the people who voted don't matter? Because it seems like that's what you think. You think they're going to stick around? I don't think they will. The downvotes (flags) were originally supposed to be only for people who did something obviously wrong and broke a clear community rule, like posting plagiarized content as their own or harassing other users, not "I don't like this so I'm going to take my ball and I'm going home."

Upvotes and engagement on social media are an extension of the human limbic system, not our higher cognitive functions. I don't care if she sits there grunting like an ape and drooling on the camera, if there are people who like that kind of shit and it brings them here to grow the platform, bring it on. Social media is about creating a place for people to get together and form communities. Sometimes those communities are built on things we disagree with. Sometimes it's vapid horseshit slung by shallow idiots (I'm not saying that it is BTW, again, IDK). There's nothing wrong with that as long as they aren't harming others. I don't know what your goal was here, but it sure as shit isn't going to help bring in new users. What the fuck.

Upvotes and engagement on social media are an extension of the human limbic system, not our higher cognitive functions.
what a strange thing to say.

I don't care if she sits there grunting like an ape and drooling on the camera, if there are people who like that kind of shit and it brings them here to grow the platform, bring it on.
i guess she's better than furries, adbl's and pedos i guess.

Social media is about creating a place for people to get together and form communities.
Is it? I try to do that in real life and don't really see this platform as social media inasmuch as free information.

Sometimes it's vapid horseshit slung by shallow idiots...There's nothing wrong with that as long as they aren't harming others.
Yeah I suppose and it's easy enough to ignore all that if you don't like it. But there is something wrong with it though, it sux and makes something somewhat unique into like every other place online that's filled with bots and vapid horseshit.

I've found this all kinda amusing for about 2-4 hours today. Can't wait to move along and not care again.

-I'm not sure I understand why you think it's strange. They call them "likes" or "upvotes", not "carefully considered and rational verbal responses." It's all about the feels with social media. The original idea of Steem (now Hive) was that you could do all the stuff you do on other social media platforms but you own your content and get paid for it. Another aspect of the original concept was that trolling was disincentivized by flagging here and that you could do your thing without being harassed by them. If people can't do what they do on other social media platforms here ad the trolls own the flagging/downvoting apparatus, and the trolls can run them out of town, then the whole conceptual framework collapses. I've been here since the first few months of this experiment, and that's the rhetoric that was being thrown around by both the founders and the early community. It's obvious that it's transformed into a few social cliques that exclude everyone else (I say that as a member of one of them). If the people here want this place to be worth anything that can be used as an exchange of value outside of the Hive community, that needs to change. Otherwise, the whole thing will continue to deteriorate into obscurity. Honestly I'm getting a bit tired of waiting for everyone here to get the memo.
-Nothing is free, not even vapid horseshit.
-Unique, as in, only a tiny group of people that the outside world doesn't know about participate in it.

It's obvious that it's transformed into a few social cliques that exclude everyone else (I say that as a member of one of them).

Well stated.

fair enough.
anyway her latest video showing the slack chat has changed my opinion a lot and I feel a bit guilty. Oh well, abandon ship.

I sent the bloody memo years ago! lol

All people of all creeds, colors and SEXES. Seems to be a predominantly male aversion here and in all of crypto. Soon as she was nominated, something went haywire.

Excellent analysis.

This is why I'd like to see a feature where I could "mute" myself from certain users (by adding them to my "mute" list) in order to make my posts and comments invisible to specific accounts.

Sort of a "mutual mute".

disgusting videos made on Threespeak insinuating you pay me for sex

you could mention that everybody downvoted that video and reputation of that account is on -1. (even people that downvoted and were on the other side of discussion with you downvoted that). that would be fair.

I was on your side until this post.

Despite all it's flaws, you profited from being here, and that's something no one can take from you.

I have more respect from people that stick around and tough it out. Downvotes are nothing, you still profited despite them (even more so, looks like in addition to the additional conent and support this created for you as well). You would have received more support moving forward. Instead you rage quit.

I removed my upvotes for you over this last week and downvoted the post closest to payout. You see, with my stake, I can choose not to support (even downvote), people that don't have the best interest in the blockchain (or my perception of what that is based on my stake) in mind.

Um. Bye?

No such thing as bad publicity for the right cause.


Not all publicity is created equal.

Some build by tearing down, some build by ... well, building.

In the coming post Twitter world, I herby title This fortune speller...

FRANK BACON is a new Tactical BOOSTER with a lot of promiseS!

The highlight from this vid is that it underscores how much can be developed in a year.

I started 4 years ago with a simple PHD level dissertation of Fight Club.

With a very long Punchline. ✌️❤️🥓


She might be a little bit misguided, perhaps.

Id only appreciate, for the sake of those that understood your side of it, that you dont go bad mouthing HIVE on twitter.😇
Most people here are good people.


Meh, let her or people bad mouth hive to their group and anyone that wants to listen, from those that blindly agree we will be saved the agony of seeing them in feeds, and the few who decide that well fuck it the place is a dump but I don't mind the smell and it is a little better when I close the curtains well that is the best you can hope for and I think that at least adds benefit with less useless drama. It is not like this chain will change and only a new chain can improve so if people can't deal with the fact we do have to stay in a lane for the most part because if you don't have the money you have no say then that is just too bad.

Id rather not have people talk badly about us no matter the reason. No matter if you think shes right or wrong.

If people do not get told something is shit how will they know? whether it is shit does not really matter, because those who know it is not will do their thing to keep it not being so and at the very least be the exception. I don't think it is so bad, but ideally, it should be a bit of both when talking about these things. Sure you can like it but you must also admit to the failures. Someone that only sells you the shit part therefor is doing so to cover-up their own failure.

I think youre overthinking this.

Imo its pretty simple. She has lots of followers. By looking at the nominations shes one of the top influencers (no matter if you think she deserves it or not) and she got burned here and thinks most people on HIVE are assholes.
Id rather she doesnt bad mouth us. It could not matter, maybe some more drama would do us good, she does have a lot of haters but id rather not test that.

what am I supposed to do with this then?

So got burnt, then sat down in the flames.

She’s a cunt. Just like your ex you pretend to be.

If she says anything on Twitter, you all can just block her.

Will not be an issue at all if she says really shitty things and you can't see it!

I am not really familiar with the situation, but are you leaving hive because someone is downvoting your ?

Does that mean you will be leaving twitter aswell if you get a couple of hate comments there ?

I think you just wanted to leave hive and needed an excuse for it.

The best solution is not to leave because of trolls. I want to suggest to make your own community and mute people there. No one can see his comments if you will do this inside your community. I will be joining your community if you will make one

You have to join onlyfans to see the content you're hoping for.


shit, how much is the subscription?

She made a community several months back. Seems abandoned.

cancel culture does that to you, its a philosophy of abandonment.

Go to her YouTube, etc, and remind her of the community option. Make videos and tell her. It is possible that she is not aware of that.

The community is already reminding her on #Twitter. I don't get why she don't understand it.

Maybe she doesn't want to get it and that is too bad for her.

Congratulations @cryptofinally! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You got more than 300 replies. Your next target is to reach 400 replies.

You can view your badges on your board And compare to others on the Ranking
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Introducing the HiveBuzz API for applications and websites
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Do you dare complain? Tell me what is wrong with this picture lady? Meh.


accounting it is no great loss to anyone of us on HIVE.You received more support on this platform than you ever gave @cryptofinally and that is a fact. It is a shame you are leaving, but by my

Hopefully, now that you have said you have officially left HIVE, you will consign your vitriol to those you perceive are attacking you on cryptotwitter. Remember...

Burning bridges is not always a good strategic move. One never knows when they may need to cross back over.

finally we can fucking agree on something sarge.

What a time to be alive !!

She made only 30 upvotes and got some good rewards. I guess it isn't worth "working" here and your "efforts" are better rewarded on youtube or twitter.


Good for you @cryptofinally, you do you, don't be forced to do what these people want you to do.

Listen to this appropriate song on Youtube! `
kind of sums up what HIVE has turned into.

Sad it turned out this way.

Wow, well this is sad. I can't say that I blame you for saying goodbye. We all have to take care of ourselves in the best way possible. I'm sorry you were attacked on this platform. It seems there is no easy way through this barrier. Yet, we must forge ahead anyway. Much love. See you on other platforms ❤️

I've been attacked too. But we can make it through it.

I find it amusing how after being called all those names being told to leave social media would be where you would draw the line. 🤣

P.s: It must really take a lot of love and dedication for a platform to have not upvoted(liked) a single thing in the 2 years you been on it. Really giving autovoters a run a for their money there.

The outpour of hate and harassment I received across platforms for suggesting that behavior of stakeholders is a barrier to adoption is incredible.

I saw mostly positive response to your posts. You are saying it is a barrier and a problem, but you seem to refuse to acknowledge the solutions that are already in place. Ultimately, what you wanted seems to be propaganda. You wanted somebody to join your crusade, but instead they gave you an answer. It's sad that you are leaving as this platform could really expand your user base. Most of us didn't know who you were.

I have a footer that I sneak into the center of my posts as a way to hide it while not really hiding it. I would still copy and paste posts to Hive. I post to over ten different websites, the more the better. You don't have to put money into Hive or spend too much time on Hive if you don't want. It's good to have backups of your content on as many different places as possible. So, you could at least post your best stuff to Hive and all over the Internet, just one second per year. You don't have to totally leave forever. But you could limit how much time you spend on Hive.

Look at how hate has divided our Hive community.
This is not right, and everyone knows it deep down.

Most of us gather a few friends and hit them back if we don’t have enough stake to stalemate them ourselves but ok. Lol. Bye

You call it "hate" because people didn't respond well to your playing the role of a "victim" and bitching and crying constantly, because someone didn't like your shit. This isn't kindergarten little girl, grow the fuck up. If words affect you so strongly, then YOU are weak and that is the real issue. You're not going to be treated any better anywhere else if every time someone disagrees with you or rubs you the wrong way, you start crying and whining like a child. You're going to get treated exactly the same. You were only here for earnings and it was evident through your many-ref-linked posts and by how you're leaving now because you "cared too much" or some other retarded shit you expect us to eat up or your low IQ following to eat up. It's just dumb as shit and obvious. If bernie had been talking shit to you, but upvoting you all along the way, you'd definitely stay and entertain it and you're a fucking liar if you say otherwise. The problem is that in places with no centralization and censorship, no one can sit there and play the parent role and protect you from "hurtful" words like they do on centralized social media. The problem for you, is that people here didn't entertain your childish bullshit and your ignorant and obvious lies of words and you didn't like that. Go ahead and sit on twitter and instagram and other shit where you'll never make what you could here, all because you were weak and couldn't handle a bit of criticism or foul words. Boo hoo, not considered a loss for me. We need less crybaby bullshit in the crypto space and you were damn sure full of it. If you can't handle trolls, toxicity, cursing, and the likes... then just get the fuck off of social media altogether, because that's how children who cry and whine and never grow up, get treated across the internet. You being weak, inadvertently, makes people WANT to fucking bully you. Why? Because bullies only bully the weak because only the weak give serious reactions to basic things. Have some introspection for the future, please, and stop playing a victim and placing blame where it doesn't belong. I'd love to have you here, but not acting like a child and whining and complaining about people saying WORDS that you don't like, to you. Boo fucking hoo, get over it. It's called "mute" and it's been an option since before hive even existed. You are CHOOSING to see the words of others on here, considering you can mute them, and CHOOSING to ignore the audience you DO have, that cares about your content, by leaving and forsaking them because of your own selfish pride. Don't act like a victim here, when you made yourself into one. It's a bad look and it's a pathetic way to live life. Smfh.

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This platform reminds me of the gaming community, where you have the elitist 'Gamers' thinking that if you don't play their way, then you shouldn't play at all. The pvp'rs who think talking shit about the other player is just the way the game is played. They don't care if that other player is new to the game, they will berate them none the less. and ruin the experience. There is clearly that mentality in this community. I don't think the fork from Steem solved your problem.
This medium will not work if it allows those who are already established to tear down people as they walk thru the door.
New people will realize, like I did weeks ago, I have no reason to be here.
There are places where I can go to learn new and fascinating things about cryptocurrency, and to comment on what I have seen, without the "Good ole boys" atmosphere.
I have just been waiting for my tokens to power down, so I can trade them for Cardano.

@cryptofinally is respected in the large community overall, Hive/Steem are working towards proving they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. and just as Justin Sun worked so hard to convince everyone that he is a scammer and opportunist, Hive too will convince even the most open-minded contributors that they made a mistake supporting it.

I don't think the fork from Steem solved your problem.

Steem fork was never intended to solve "toxic" community problem. It was only to remove Justin Sun and protect decentralization.

One user in particular went after her. Plenty of people gave the best suggestions possible what to do, but her reaction was to reject and keep complaining. Some people will stand in the rain and demand you move the house so they don't get wet.
Censorship resistant means exactly that - including trolls. Somethings are just mutually exclusive.
If that's a deal breaker, then sorry, maybe this kind of space isn't for everyone.
I suspect the wider crypto community will discover exactly what she is sooner or later. I personally go out of my way to avoid people like this. Best of luck on Cardano, it looks interesting.

Damn. I thought you were leaving too. Oh well. Wishful thinking I guess.

Is that your way of confirming you agree with my thoughts?

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