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RE: Follow Friday: Ups and Downs

in #hivelast year

Fair even @bozz. I was looking for a 4 member team, but as I said I did not check the DHF. Typically my thumb rule is 150k per year per person when I budget for a product. So 4 members would have been 600K budget overlay. But as you highlighted there is probably a range there that I am not aware of.

I have a larger point, but lets discuss it later and in another forum. Here it will just be colored by this discussion. Thank you for clarifying bozz.


150k is more than twice what I make per year. I could pay for myself and seven other people for 320k. I honestly don't care either way, but people are fed up to the point that they are talking about forks and I don't feel that is good for any of us.

Agreed, one more fork would be bad.