Follow Friday: Ups and Downs

in #hivelast year

The News

Happy Friday! The crypto world got excited again as Bitcoin went up over $50k. That seems to be dragging others up, but at a slower rate. $HIVE is up a little, but has been better in recent months. I have various coins tagged in my 'portfolio' so I can see how they are doing. I really think $HIVE should rank much higher. I cannot believe that over 300 other coins have better utility.

Prices from @coingecko

There have been some issues around Hive this week. A server run by @arcange got hacked, possibly by ransomware, and he is trying to get it back up. One thing it hosted is @hivesql which provides data used by various other dapps. So @hivebuzz is down and it seems that some token distribution is disrupted. We have to hope that this will be resolved soon, but it may encourage people to work on building in more redundancy.

shutting down their Q&A dapp. I have not used it much, but at least all the data will remain on the blockchain, so somebody could make use of it.I just saw that @reverio are

updated app with a new look and more features.On the plus side, @keychain have an

As we are on social media I thought this was interesting. He generally does satirical videos, but there is a lot to what he says here about how the big platforms are operating. I find FB almost unusable these days due to all the ads and 'suggested' content. I have almost given up on Twtr except to support some activities promoting Hive.

BTW He is actually talking about taking the apps off your phone so that you are not checking them every few minutes. As he has content to promote he is active on various platforms, but not on Hive, yet.

Friday Follows

  • UNHIDE to coordinate making Hive more attractive. Even if there is no big marketing budget we can work together on sharing information to help new users and to publicise the platform.@jfuji is kicking off
  • @basilmarples is one of many people taking part in the Vibes music contest run by @lordbutterfly. Part of the objective is to get more people to join Hive to take part, so notify your musician friends.
  • @gregscloud has a challenge based around kindness. That is something we need more of.
  • new comic that is very atmospheric. I am a big fan of his work.@paolobeneforti has a

The Dog House

It is always nice to get comments on your posts, but they need to be sincere. There are some people who regularly comment on mine, but what they say could have come from an 'AI' bot. They show no sign that they did more than look at the title or a picture. When you look at their accounts you may see that they made several comments over a couple of minutes, so they cannot have actually read much. This seems to be mainly a numbers game as they may get some rewards for activity. They will not get votes from me. Names are hidden to protect the guilty.

Junk comments

I would always encourage people to follow those they find interesting or to parimage.pngticipate in communities for what they are into. If you make Hive fun then you will want to be active and it can even be useful. Use it as you would other social media and take the rewards as a nice bonus. If you are purely driven by rewards then you may not get far.

The End

I hope you have a good weekend. Do not always be thinking about what you could post about here. Just enjoy the moment. Life is short and has to be experienced.

Hive five!

The man behind:

@tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

thanks for the shout out steev. Its nice to have a new music initiative to get the community excited again

Thanks for the news. You have become my HIVE BBC, HBC maybe :D

The Kindness project is very interesting. Normally I would not join as I tend to be very cynical or practical from time to time. However I decided to take the plunge, especially considering the effort Greg takes in that area. The result, Kindness is not easy, in the sense of consciously doing it or doing it under the pressure of daily life stress. Yet, I am happy I started doing it and hope to get better understanding.

UNHIDE looks interesting. If I can carve out some time I could help on the doc side probably. Will read up more.

Loved the Friday follows as usual. It was good as I did not realize I was not following Greg :D Don't know how that happened.

Good Sunday morning overall :D

I try to provide services to the community. It seems people appreciate that. It's my bit of kindness :)

Interesting coincidence. I was going to send this in some way to you. But here seems good enough. 🙏 Ta @steevc

I could read it fine. My handwriting is terrible.

I think one of the biggest benefits the internet has brought is to connect people around the world based on interests rather than location. We would not have met if it hadn't been for 6SB and our love of guitar.

I think Hive has great potential for bring people together. It has its own issues, but some advantages over other platforms.

True. The 6SB community was the first I was in which was global yet unifying. Based on the subject matter I would have expected the community to be large, but it was surprising that despite size how positive the attitude of the community was despite it being made by people from all walks of life and from all ways of thinking. The only minus point of not being on FB or Instagram is missing many of them.

I will keep trying to do positive contribution here as I learnt there. If nothing else this is good for my own mental health as @gregscloud had highlighted in his article on kindness.

So thank you for not giving up one bringing me here :) And apologies for the one year I wasted before I started in full earnest.

I don't like to pressure people over Hive, but I will make them aware and then it's up to them what they do. I'm happy you found your 'village' here.

If my handwriting is pathetic i will send you text later.

I sincerely appreciate the mention for the kindness challenge. I will definitely be doing more of them. I received some great feedback and participation. If just one person benefited, that is worth everything.

People like a challenge and I'm all for encouraging good behaviour. Keep it up.

Looking forward to my keychain app updating!!

There are a new swarm of AI commentors. If they come hear me they are getting slammed.

And reading through the comments, I see complaints about the hbd funding for keychain. I think it is absolutely worth it. Hive needs to be easier to use. I would love to see keychain being able to get a qr code or something from a new account being generated so that they never had to deal with keys and could just use their account as they wanted

It's a bit scary how much stuff is dependent on HIVESQL. I have never realized until now. I like the new look of Hive Keychain, but I am not sure it was worth the $320K the DHF paid for it. I've seen some people mention there should be a downvote option in the DHF. I think that would be a good step forward. That's too bad about Reverio. The idea is sound and it has worked in the past. I just think a lot of people are disengaged these days. This last bear was tough on a lot of people.

I don't know how much the people behind Keychain have made over the years, but they have two full time developers now and they do not charge us to use the app. People tend to under-estimate what software development costs.

Last I saw they get $320K per year from the DHF. That seems a bit extreme to me.

Spread over a witness, two developers and a community manager it seems like less, but it's not up to me to make excuses for them. Thousands use the app (mobile on Android and Apple plus extensions on a couple of browsers), so how much is that each?

If they are also a witness then that's even more rewards for them. I don't really care. I'm just saying there are a lot of people who feel that $320K for a theme refresh is too much. To ignore their point of view would be foolish.

Well people voted for it :)

Really it only takes one or two big accounts to vote for it then after that point it doesn't matter. With no decline option pretty much everything is going to get pushed through if you know the right people. It's a flawed system. Better than what we had with Steemit, but still flawed.

When I read the first few news pieces I was like oh damn is this gonna be full of bad news?

But then kept reading, the unhide idea is cool, hopefully it comes to something, we need it, and the more marketing initiatives the better.

The new Keychain interface looks cool by the way!

If you can't see this awesome banner, open this post InLeo

We have to be realistic about the bad news, but look for the good stuff too. There is always something happening around here.

As long as we still have more good news than bad, we will be alright hehe

Reverio : good idea, not enough users
Keychain : good looking update, but it costed 320K$ from the DHF to make
SQL : the downtime made almost the whole chain suffer especially hive-engine delegation tools, some people now are using free of sql scritps

We agree, it needs a lot more time than we can give at the moment, in the right hands for someone who can drive users, it would be a great foundation to build on.

By foundation do you mean like the code is public ?

Because the idea is so good, i'm sure someone would be willing to try to realive the project soon or later

Software development can be expensive as you need good people for it. Keychain is an essential tool for us.

With the current activity on Hive some projects will struggle to get much traction. If there were millions then they might be more viable, but it all takes time and effort. I suspect a lot of people are not making much from the work they do compared with commercial jobs.


BEERHey @memess, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I’ve had some “odd” comments but not sure whether they are AI or from people whose first language isn’t English? HiveSQL - that’s not good!

I hope Hive gets ranked better. We can always do better
Thanks for the stats!

Until Bitcoin's dominance comes down, we won't see money pouring into the rest of the coins and causing their prices to rise.