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RE: Follow Friday: Ups and Downs

in #hivelast year

If they are also a witness then that's even more rewards for them. I don't really care. I'm just saying there are a lot of people who feel that $320K for a theme refresh is too much. To ignore their point of view would be foolish.


Well people voted for it :)

Really it only takes one or two big accounts to vote for it then after that point it doesn't matter. With no decline option pretty much everything is going to get pushed through if you know the right people. It's a flawed system. Better than what we had with Steemit, but still flawed.

as a newcomer I look at it a bit different. When we know that a few people are still able to put a finger on the scale then it rather than looking at nuance I would just look at whether a project is delivered or not. An an IT manager for more than 23 yrs estimating the ROI of IT is never easy. And there is never really 'just a theme refresh' :) I have not seen their proposal but if they haven't done so maybe finding the use cases would be great. But bottom-line is that if the UX is better and can have an ROI of roping in more new users to use it then it might be worth it. Especially when I hear the DHF is not even completely utilized.
I do agree that ignoring anyone's point of view is foolish. However the people debating it should talk about use case and ROI rather than talk about money as the latter feels like an attack on the people doing the work.

Ok my 2 cents speaking from some IT knowledge and close to zero knowledge :D Please humor me if I was wide off the mark.

I'm an IT Manager a well. I single handedly manage the entire IT Department with only one employee. I don't make anywhere close to $320K per year nor does my worker and we do far more. I stand by my comments.

Fair even @bozz. I was looking for a 4 member team, but as I said I did not check the DHF. Typically my thumb rule is 150k per year per person when I budget for a product. So 4 members would have been 600K budget overlay. But as you highlighted there is probably a range there that I am not aware of.

I have a larger point, but lets discuss it later and in another forum. Here it will just be colored by this discussion. Thank you for clarifying bozz.

150k is more than twice what I make per year. I could pay for myself and seven other people for 320k. I honestly don't care either way, but people are fed up to the point that they are talking about forks and I don't feel that is good for any of us.

Agreed, one more fork would be bad.