You must have patience, Ed Gruberman - Ancient TaiKwanLeap master
Patience? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How long is that going to take?
- Tai Kwan Leap, Boot to the head (song)
Making money online is weird.
You will either have a very local company, or an online presence, with your company.
But, few people have a business of selling items, and then get an online presence.
The two factors are rarely in one individual.
So, there are either sales, or donations. (and T-shirt sales are donations, but, honestly, a good way to get the donations)
Instead of advertising. Find a product that you love, or that works with your content and your audience. Find an affiliate arrangement with said product.
A peculiar way to make this arrangement is to point to the thing on Amazonium with your link. Fascinatingly, you may become the best salesman for that product, and the mfg may never know.
But, even though i know all this, i never sell myself. And that is really a whole bunch of self-confidence work.