Downvoting is not fun, it usually costs you a lot more than the downvote is worth. People here flip out when you downvote the post, sometimes they demand you to remove it, sometimes they revenge downvote you, other times they go and form a linch mob on discord and get some whale to get ya. Have fun with those downvotes, I'm over downvoting, hopefully HIVE will forget over time about my downvoting rampages of the past and move on.
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You acted pretty badly. The community does have people like this burned into their brains.
So yeah you make enemies? People remember that. And you make your own reputation.
Same here. But I'd rather be who I am than cow to others.
And then.... Just think this.
Here you have to ultimate freedom of choice. You may be abusive and stupid. For the entire world to see.
Or you can be change.
We all make mistakes. However you are judged on how you manage them.
That's the real shame of it, isn't it? If you downvote someone, they retaliate - even if you nicely say 'Hey, downvoted you because it's plagiarised, look forward to some great content from you soon' - you know, 'giving ya a second chance' kinda thing. Well, it's like you insulted their mother - and they don't stop! It's crazy. I guess it's just due to mental health issues. I tend to avoid it, but do use @lotusmud to bring any plagiarised or shitposts in the Nat Med community down to zero LOTUS rewards, at least - but we usually always say WHY and are legit. Lynch mobs and retaliation is such poor behaviour - as is writing RANTS about it on their blog. It really shows a lack of self reflection and humility and ability to let things be. So I try to scroll on by as much as possible, but sometimes I feel a DV is legit warranted, so I'll always say why. If they want to DV me back, that's cool - as long as it's not a whale, hahah!!!
I see people change here all the time, and I'm always one for forgiving and moving on. I think we're a solid community and a few bad experiences in the past need to be left just there - in the past. They no longer exist.