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RE: New User? Here's Why You Shouldn't Worry About Downvotes (Mostly!)

in #hive4 years ago

That's the real shame of it, isn't it? If you downvote someone, they retaliate - even if you nicely say 'Hey, downvoted you because it's plagiarised, look forward to some great content from you soon' - you know, 'giving ya a second chance' kinda thing. Well, it's like you insulted their mother - and they don't stop! It's crazy. I guess it's just due to mental health issues. I tend to avoid it, but do use @lotusmud to bring any plagiarised or shitposts in the Nat Med community down to zero LOTUS rewards, at least - but we usually always say WHY and are legit. Lynch mobs and retaliation is such poor behaviour - as is writing RANTS about it on their blog. It really shows a lack of self reflection and humility and ability to let things be. So I try to scroll on by as much as possible, but sometimes I feel a DV is legit warranted, so I'll always say why. If they want to DV me back, that's cool - as long as it's not a whale, hahah!!!

I see people change here all the time, and I'm always one for forgiving and moving on. I think we're a solid community and a few bad experiences in the past need to be left just there - in the past. They no longer exist.