Do You Like Justin Sun, or Do You Want to Fork Him? (My First Hive Post!)

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Hellloo Hive Fam!

This is my first post on HIVE!!! 🐝

What a momentous day and I can honestly say that I am SO proud to be part of this community right now. As my first post here on hive - I thought it would be only fitting to share the slightly edgy tweet I just put out! 🙈

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Well... slightly edgy for me. Those who know me well know that I generally stay pretty neutral on stuff - but what can I say, we are in edgy times!! I also have to give a big shoutout to my friend @goldmatters for thinking of changing the f*ck to fork in this photo. He's been an awesome friend to have through all of this change to talk to about everything!

I think this is a beautiful example of the free market. Will Steem completely crash and burn? Will Hive take off... or not? These are all questions that remain to be seen and will honestly be decided by the market. I honestly think that things that provide TRUE value will rise to the surface.

I love you guys and I can't wait to see what is ahead for us. It's an exciting time and the whole (crypto) world is looking at us right now. Not only are they looking - but they are rooting for us too. We have proven that communities can't be bought and that in the end - decentralization can win. It's been really cool to see almost the entire crypto community (minus Tron people) cheer us on these last few weeks. To be honest, even my Tron friends have gone quiet lately because I think that even they are starting to realize that what Justin has been doing is not okay.

Being in the blockchain space is so much more than just an investment strategy for me. I'm here for the revolution and today makes me really proud of our top witnesses for stepping up and for all of you to back them up and stand up for your values. We are stronger then ever.

Much love,

XO, Lea


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Ugh! You see I was going to reiterate "see you ARE funny" and then I saw that the credit for the joke actually goes to @goldmatters lol.....

I don't think Steem is going to disappear just yet, not unless Justin dismantles it purposely...

Got to say though, Forking was a balls out move! And it seems like it needed to happen. For me it, this has been a very important case study for the entire crypto/blockchain and decentralized idiom to scrutinize.

hahah yeah you see I just have funny people around me and I steal their jokes. 😂

Yeah it was a total bad ass move and I honestly think the entire crypto community is cheering for us right now, which is cool.

I think what we could REALLY use right now though is a comedic Steembirds song to get us through. Wait... Hivebirds? lol not sure it has the same ring. 😂

Yea, I was talking to @teamsteem about this too, we all gotta rebrand now lol... Hivesisters sounds like you both have the chickenpox!

We'll all figure it out eventually ;)

Anybody know how to find out how much voting power one has left? I have no clue how to do it on Hive. Generally I don't like it to fall below 70%...

You can check yourself out on or for that!

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.

You’re welcome! We’ve all got a lot of bookmarks to change... 😬

true that! ( I just did ) :>)

Which interface do you use?

I just log directly into's website.

Ah that links to the wallet, where you would be able to see it if it were up already, which it isn't. When you use you can see the information in the menu on top.

Go to - there's tons of good info on there!

Yup. That was what I was looking for.

woooohooo! you made it!

Yeeeess! Great to see you Stellabelle! 🐝

Nice hear :)
Also a t shirt!

haha not yet. I just photoshopped the hive logo onto my shirt. Glad it looked believable! haha

Yes, good move to change it to "Fork", makes it better actually.

haha thanks!

I think he has already been forked so I will pass on that offer. I love your hair! It looks like spaghetti.

Exciting times indeed and I'm feeling very positive for the first time in a while. Let's be honest, we can all use some distraction in this insane world. And community ( even if we can't hug each other in real life ) is paramount!

Let's hive and jive from now on! :>)

hive and jive! haha i love it! and apparently spaghetti hair might need to be my new look. 😂

Yes! The spaghetti ( hair ) looks good on you(r head)! ;>)

I'd like to fork him up alright....

Dirty 👀 haha jk

I honestly think that things that provide TRUE value will rise to the surface.

Agree. Anyway value will show as time goes by, not to be confused with short term market price.