Ugh! You see I was going to reiterate "see you ARE funny" and then I saw that the credit for the joke actually goes to @goldmatters lol.....
I don't think Steem is going to disappear just yet, not unless Justin dismantles it purposely...
Got to say though, Forking was a balls out move! And it seems like it needed to happen. For me it, this has been a very important case study for the entire crypto/blockchain and decentralized idiom to scrutinize.
hahah yeah you see I just have funny people around me and I steal their jokes. 😂
Yeah it was a total bad ass move and I honestly think the entire crypto community is cheering for us right now, which is cool.
I think what we could REALLY use right now though is a comedic Steembirds song to get us through. Wait... Hivebirds? lol not sure it has the same ring. 😂
Yea, I was talking to @teamsteem about this too, we all gotta rebrand now lol... Hivesisters sounds like you both have the chickenpox!
We'll all figure it out eventually ;)