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RE: All those who hold ENG, EM & EMFOUR please read. We must get organized.

in #hive5 years ago

Also noticing the conversation about SMT's has basically ended since the switch to Hive began, unless you still trust Justin Sun for his fickle promises.

Coincidence? No.



All I know this is just one big mess.

0% of Humans need SMTs, I all out hate the idea. You take a Blockchain to fuse it with an Exchange and a bunch of SideChains, I get the benefits and the ideas,.. but I hate the concept. I like cats and I like dogs out of different reasons, still, I would NOT like to cross their properties to get both in one.

So, I take it you never cared about earning steem engine tokens either?

I got some, all staked up and by that doomed. SE is just not available and the Tokens are anyway done for, who would buy them now? I also created one.. well what a waste of money. But I don't think it made anyone rich :p