
I want Justine to get DAO Funds, she knows every inch of the Steem (now Hive) blockchain and she works very hard. But the way she is proposing it, I do not like; same way she didn't like my initial proposal.

I was moving fast with the exchange work and I can see how I was stepping on toes now and that was not my intention.

If I would have moved slower and not been as decisive in the Hive Slack like 'I'm here to run exchanges' which I can see how now if people saw it that way, or even if I didn't do any work at all, I would probably still be in the Hive Slack and I would still be huge fans of this blockchain.

I deeply respect the fact that you are self-reflective ... the politics being messy is one big part but you know the others.

What you have done STILL has value... after a few months when things cool off, and if others also self-reflect and show humility, Hive will still need your kind of skill and maybe there will still be a way to offer them in a way that is fair to you. If not, your skill still has value. So does your ability to self-reflect and realize the steps in the processes you have gone through -- that, in an un-reflective world, is PRICELESS. Others will see it ... unfortunately, maybe this time politics has caused things to be overlooked that should not have been. But there will be a next time, and new opportunity. I wish you well, sir.

Thank you. I do exchange work for many top coins now and it's okay and completely understandable that I do not fit with the culture everywhere.

Today has been a bit crazy.

Ironically, the Head of Listings at Coinbase reached out to me tonight to ask about Hive and presumably get the listing process started. In the spirit of decentralized social media, I will pass this contact and communications along to the Hive team via @inertia @howo and @roelandp. Most likely, tomorrow morning Eastern Time. Coinbase sent a 15 page listing document for someone to fill out.

Yikes -- Coinbase! Thanks for being willing to help Hive by passing the word along ... and for the EARLY heads up for those who have read down this far into the conversation (especially ME)!