I simply knew this would happen. 3 days into the HIVE fork i wrote this post for that exact reason.
Is the work of 3 guys really worth spending a million USD inside few years time?People flying on the euphoria of success saying yes to any and all funding requests. Almost all the things that passed are excessive in their funding. You have @howo with 275 HBD a day, @netuoso with 150 HBD, @yabapmatt with 100 HBD for keychain.
No, its not. Lets be honest here. Ive talked to a few devs to see if maybe im being unreasonable here. Guys that worked in the industry on Peercoin and early Ethereum, that still do some side work in crypto, and even they said that it was a lot. Id get the guys to work on HIVE if there was any chance of them getting funding.
All that id give a pass, say my peace, move on, fuck it. People were emotional...
Sure, they are coasting on name recognition, sure, unknown developers have close to 0 chance to get funding without being introduced into the politics of HIVE and without knowing the right people, sure, we have shitty policing in place to make sure theyre delivering at that price range, so we will put money behind a familiar face. Hey man, you can T R U S T me.

They have to bring in devs, vouch for them, otherwise its beyond pointless even to look for devs to come in. They have 0 chance to get any proposal passed otherwise.Thats ofc a problem for guys like @blocktrades, @theycallmedan, @freedom, etc... big investors.
Why im going into this again isnt because of the devs, no. That was the initial problem i had with the proposal system. Its the next step in this overspending i have a big problem. I wouldnt even call it a step, rather a gigantic leap.
(in words: thirty thousand dollars) for being one of the people working on Hive getting listed and launched (among 80 other people) and for working in sharing the word about the Steem hostile takeover (among thousands of other people).Yesterday, the lovely @justineh wrote a proposal post where she is retroactively asking for $30 000
Now, she did do more then most, that is undeniable. What is also undeniable is that none of this would be possible if we all didnt step up.
Justine is not a Bitcoin, crypto veteran. She didnt call in favors with exchanges to get HIVE listed. Even if she was a crypto-vet that would mean little. You have a ton of veterans with hundreds of high end contacts and they cant get their shitcoins listed on major exchanges or have a hard time doing it.
As much as she or others might want to believe it, she was NOT the essential piece of the equation. The community was.
I personally had almost 500k impressions on twitter during the takeover. I contacted directly a few big crypto youtubers ("contacts") that picked up my tweets and story. My tweets were shared and i was quoted in a few articles myself.
How much is that worth? How about the 100 others that did the same thing? How about all the witnesses, community members that spread the word? That sat on the PC sending out emails, tweeting and responding to questions, countering lies and deceit.
Should we just spread the fund equally among the community then?
Not a single thing, not a single listing, would be possible, no matter the "contacts" anyone had or emails anyone sent if the community didnt step up and dig in. If the layer 0 wasnt what brought value.
Everyone busted their ass in their own way. Take @theycallmedan as an example... He talked to TRON, to Justin, went on podcasts, is now doing AMAs with exchanges.
If his investment going up is good enough for him for helping us out and isnt taking credit for it, then i think none of us should take credit either no matter how big our bag is.
Asking for 30 000 USD is taking credit.
Asking money for being a part of a team effort is the ultimate statement of taking credit.
Her proposal will pass, that is undoubtable. Dan is voting it, others will follow him, devs she mentioned are endorsing her. It will pass, politics be damned.
I know people like and appreciate her, but damn, is that now the standard were going with when choosing who gets funding?
Most of all this proposal is simply unfair. Its unfair to each and every one us that worked to get us where we are.
Its unfair to pay someone for the result we were all responsible for.
I feel there is no voice of reason here anymore ever since the community stood together for the takeover.
Dont be a coward that fears going against whats popular if you feel youre right.
Thats all i have to say on this.
Gl, Justine. Hope this manages to pay for the rest of the house. Honestly, if there was anyone that was going to rip off the fund like this, id rather it was you then someone else 😉
None of these things happened because people were yelling on Twitter. Do you actually think these big ass billion dollar companies give two shits about randoms dragging them on Twitter? They don't.
They are looking for a serious, dependable and professional point of contact that isn't going to waste their time and can actually deliver results. Everyone with DIRECT knowledge of all the happenings validates or communicates their agreement via votes that Justine was instrumental in that.
Do you think they're all just Simps? That they like to burn money? That they're stupid?
I think that like me, they probably recognize that we need serious, smart, dependable people that can actually get meaningful work done that produces results. That is valuable, and is exactly the RIGHT use of the HDF.
I don't agree with the idea that the Twitter campaign was meaningless. Not in the slightest. But I'm not trying to diminish the work of the people in contact with them.
I never said meaningless. I’m sure it was a contributing factor, but I imagine I just weight it a lot lower than others.
It would be an error to compare the importance of the two, if both were required.
I'm almost certain that that without the Twitter campaigns nothing would've happened. Steem would've remained under the thumb of Justin Sun and the world would never have heard the truth. Hive would've gone the way of Weku.
I don’t think it’s all that productive either, but that’s because we’re both operating on pure speculation. There were people that were DIRECTLY involved and have first hand, non speculative information about how the events unfolded and those people, in large part, if not unanimously support this proposal.
Everyone should vote or act with what they feel is right and it’ll be what it is. As I said before, that’s DPOS being DPOS.
I wouldn't discount the significance of the Twitter storm as being merely speculative. PR is hugely important for businesses like cryptocurrency exchanges that rely on trust. If trust is goes away, they stand to lose large sums of money.
What I mean is that our determination of the impact is speculative as opposed to objective. I THINK it had x impact and someone else THINKS it had y impact. None of us are forming these opinions on objective information, so it’s not really worth arguing about as no one can prove that the thing that they think is absolutely the right thing.
The other variable that we can use to make a determination is the first hand accounts of people involved.
It’s not lost on me that I instigated the debate on the efficacy of a Twitter campaign, but too large a focus on that is derailing the larger point.
so they stopped voting for witnesses on steem because someone send a nice "would you please stop it is not nice" email and not because all of that bad tweeter press they got?
damn, all that community can do everything, we did a great job, hooray for the community was a lie :( so that thousands of tweets was all for nothing, i should have wrote them on steem and hive, at least it would not be all waste of time.
I don’t think that was what he was saying. The community is amazing, but actively tweeting and contributing to spreading the word is very different than what my work describes. That doesn’t take away from others work, it was just a different aspect.
These individuals also, as far as I know, were rewarded through upvotes for some of these contributions.. again different than my part I covered.
So, not really taking away from what was done by the community in the slightest.
never mentioned you, nor the proposal you did. i could argue about the money, but this is global network, here you can buy a house with a big yard and garden, somewhere else it is paycheck for few months... what i was commenting and i seen it from few different people is this attitude
i never even said that it was your intention to take credit for things, just that it feels shitty to see that kind of comments, because i know how much time i spend on tweeter and on steem in that period and i had no reason to do that except to help (we can agree that 600$ (steem i owned at the time) in my wallet is a funny sum to spend days on something). also had no reason to tweet or comment on steem to try to defend darthknight (and for sure damage my ability to earn steem) except because idiots annoy me and there was a lot of idiots there...
It was a nice day today after 50+ days literally not seeing people, and two posts on hive made it kinda shitty...
Ah yes I understand the frustration and was just responding as this post is about me and so was Midlets comment. I think our community is amazing and am no way trying to take away from that.
Good point man. It's not just one entity that made this possible, or just a few. Maybe some have put more efforts than others but it was still a collective effort.
i wrote this because i seen on few posts/comments that now all that community work was not really important. someone should just told us that 2 months ago. my stake here is funny, i literately had nothing to gain by what i did, i thought i was helping, i am not really sure why did i care to help.
Maybe because Idiots annoy me and there was a fair share of idiots.
I am rumbling, and i should do something smarter, something that earns me a living.
Yes. That is precisely what they care about. In a unregulated industry the word of mouth is king. Twitter hype is what moves token prices and can hurt business. Thats why CZ and everyone else was quick to back down.
What we did on twitter and social media is exactly why any of this happened. Its why the biggest names in crypto talked about us, why media picked it up.
Had it not been for the community no one would care to even mention it.
The outrage was "proof of community". Because we cared, that meant it was important to report on.
If they vote to give Justine 30 thousand dollars then yes, i think theyre stupid.
Yes, agreed. I vote she gets 200k USD instead.
Reasonable points here by you and others, and while I'm sure what I said is not what people would want to hear about the effectiveness of Twitter noise, it's what I believe.
I'm not saying it had no impact/effect on the final outcome, but I do think the greatest contributing factors happened behind the scenes.
Since everyone here is making a judgment based on information without hard objective evidence we all have to use our best judgment as individuals. That's DPOS doing DPOS.
It's fairly obvious to me that he Twitter campaign was crucial but that it took people to negotiate with them and persuade them to list us without the usual fees and despite whatever bullshit stood in the way.
maybe he was lying, or maybe he was part of the team, i don't know, don't have the inside information.
It's good to know this... maybe next time something happens Hiveians on twitter won't do anything, we will just let binance keep going with the hostile takeover, let Huobi keep going with the hostile takeover, if Vitalik asks we will just say it's no big deal, I won't try to push Etherians, VeChaineres and EOSians into the mix, Andreas won't know anything about it because of all our tweets, none of us will congratulate when exchanges join us on the fight, damn, not sure why I spent weeks tweeting only about Steem and trying to bring more attention to a hostile takeover AKA 51% attack done by Justin Sun... Should have just posted it on Steem like hundreds of others did and get a few bucks out of the whole thing...
It's good to know that we had no part in the listings or in the fighting...
As I said in comments, I understand your concern and appreciate the feedback. But I will correct a few points -
There was a team of 4 people working on exchanges. Myself and devs. I was the point of contact and did all negotiations and planning. They can attest to that.
Not sure where you got 80 people, but no that’s not factual.
“Sharing the word” is a bit different than formulating a cohesive PR plan and carrying it out. This was done as early as SF 22.2. If you think just tweeting would have done the same thing, ok. Odd that thats just not the common practice then.
The proposal reflects a wage of about $40/hr
(Including past and future work). This work involves one on one conversations and negotiations with major corporations as well as dealing with legal matters. This requires vast knowledge of the platform, it’s background and understanding of the exchange and the crypto space. I’m just saying it’s a skilled job and therefore is reflected in the rate. This takes a skill I was able to provide, that others were failing at.
I understand you feel it’s not fair, and respect that. But I’m not claiming work I did not do or attempting to take advantage, so I will counter those aspects of your argument.
As far as “it will be passed because you’re popular”.. perhaps large stakeholders voting it is actually them attesting to the work I did actually do? Have you considered that? As there are a few supporting it that don't necessarily “like” me and I’ve had disagreements with in the past. Not sure they would vote such a thing for the reasons you’re stating, rather maybe they are trying to show they are backing up what I’m saying I accomplished. Just a thought.
Anyways, I appreciate the feedback and wish you well.
A large portion of the platform are getting the word out... If this is how the HPS is going to be divvied out, it will hurt onboarding.
Thank you for your work, but it doesn't deserve pay...
"A large portion of the platform" aren't directly working with the companies responsible for these listings though. I am all for decentralization and the community based Hive blockchain, but is "a large portion of the platform" running the infrastructure to serve all the apps?
Is "a large portion of the platform" involved in the code candidate for the HF24 and the airdrop list?
See what I mean? A "large portion of the platform" is doing a lot. While a "small group of people" are doing quite a bit more.
Hive needs users to succeed. That is true. However, it also needs a running network, maintained code, active upgrades, constant server maintenance, AND it needs to stay innovative and cutting-edge.
On top of ALL OF THAT, Hive users also want the price to increase so it needs marketing and direct communication with exchanges to provide listing campaigns, give-a-ways, and more.
How many of the "large portion of the platform" have provided Hive give-a-ways during the listings? People like @pharesim, @theycallmedan, @nextgencrypto have done a lot in that regard, I hope you don't try to take credit through generalization for that also.
If we(the platform) were part of choosing these reps, then maybe, but certainly NOT $30,000.
We need a better system with both support and not support options to fully gauge what the Community supports. The current system is ripe for abuse like this and only a handful decide the funding.
The HPS is seriously flawed and I don't support it either.
I stand by my opinion.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
well you will never please everyone.
also when everyone is able to express an opinion, probability that everyone will have the same is really close to 0.
LOL! I know. It's funny because one line in my post today was similar to what you said.
just read your post, it was next in the line of opened tabs, and thought the same thing :D
Damned if you ask for a shit ton of money based on the results we all achieved.
We should make a proposal together asking to be paid for being assholes. You only get 40% though because I'm a bigger asshole and did all the work! It's me! I did it! Where's mine! What about me!
You know I'm just joking, with a hint of reality.
I respect what a lot of folks did to get us all here. I know I personally held three and half years worth of earnings generated from entertaining people with actual content, then used that to vote for witnesses instead of buying nice things. Not mentioning names but a couple I voted for had been severe jerks to me in the past. The issues were bigger than my own problems though so I put it all in the past and voted anyway, and I don't require a 'thank you' card. I had no idea I'd be receiving thousands worth of an airdrop when I placed those votes. So I'll take my fucking money and I've already thanked them in my posts for all the hard work. How much did you get? What are we bitching about again?
Being bullied with massive downvotes now, how's your day going?
What i learned now in my DMs, if true, we only get to share 20% and Justine gets the other 80%. lol
Its not about me not respecting someone. I respect justine greatly. That doesnt mean she gets to run off with 30 grand. Its about having an understanding of how all this came to be and not wanting to give any one individual credit in form of an absurd amount of money for a cumulative effort of every single person here.
I mean when they discussed in Slack about having someone get payed 100$ a day for working with exchanges Justine thought that was too greedy and here shes asking for 500$ dollars a day.
Been good. Im out of beer though. Ive got shitty white wine. I might go with the hand sanitizer instead.
What?!?! This is an outrage! There's no way she's a bigger ass than me. I worked hard for years on being an asshole and only recently reached the pinnacle of success in this asshole industry. It's my turn!
Being serious now. That's cool that you have concerns. I get those too, sometimes.
I think folks will be bickering about those funds, where they go, and why, for many years to come. I voted for her proposal as is, no questions asked.
I sure could use a drink.
Maybe I should write a post about dear Birdinc.
*$100 a day for a year - full time salary.
Right after launch, No listings accomplished, no legal work, no negotiation. Sent a few emails.
Important to note this requested pay did not actually include doing all the work to “work with exchanges”, he wanted to be the “lead getter.” Meaning he wanted to send initial emails and then transfer the work onto someone else to do all the applications, negotiations, legal documents etc. As he “didn’t have time for it.” So greed had nothing to do with it, it was that he was not doing any of the work and was taking credit for things he had no part in in an attempt to get funding.
I stated repeatedly if he would actually do all the work needed, I would have no problem with it. He didn’t, he wouldn’t .. and then he went on to work against the community.
On the other hand-
*$500 a day for 60 days to represent 120 days of contract work
Multiple major listings, negotiation of listing fees from $150k to 0, did all legal paperwork, all applications, all communication, all planning etc
Maybe stop listening to individuals who got kicked out of slack for going behind the community and stakeholders back to make a deal with an exchange so he gets a cut. Or go join them on burp.. their new whaleshares.
As these accusations are so ridiculous, even for you.
I can back these claims and I will go further to tag Mr @birdinc. Apparently @birdinc is going around lying about the role he played in the beginning when Hive was getting listed. @birdinc has been trying to start his own Steem-based chain since last year (made apparent with his recent push for his Steem-based fork he and others are working on).
@birdinc is a nice guy and I don't hate him, but he didn't do anything in regards to actually doing work getting the Hive token listed. He claims he sent emails or reached out to people, but when the time came for the work, he dumped it on other people as he fancied himself the one that established the connections in the first place (he wasn't).
Hive doesn't need ex-SteemIt employees behaving as if they are working for SteemIt. Hive needs people that are willing to CLOSE THE DEAL and not just drop it in the lap of others. I would not have made this post if not for @birdinc going around Discord spreading bullshit and misinformation.
@birdinc, why not just focus on Blurt and getting that shit-token listed on exchanges? If Blurt is not listed on Binance/Huobi/Bittrex by the end of this year, can we use that as evidence that you also would have likely failed to get Hive listed were it up to you alone? If you get Blurt listed on Binance/Huobi/Bittrex I will go ahead and give you 1,000 HIVE for that accomplishment (should be worth about $50k by then I suspect).
Also, I am not sure you would have been able to accomplish a SINGLE listing without having the legal documentation that concluded that EOS tokens (and by extension Hive tokens) are not a security. I obtained that document, and I provided that document. That would have been a good task for a business connections guy to perform imo. I am just a developer yet I am able to more effectively dig of legal documentation to support Hive efforts than an ex-SteemIt business lead?
If you had a problem with @justineh proposal, why didn't you come make a public comment about it? Why hide your tail between your legs and go snake around in private chats spreading misinformation? Is it because there are very little people that can dispute your claims in private chats? Is it because there are a LOT of people that can dispute your claims in public? One must wonder.
Finally, @birdinc, you advised us all to pay $150k from the DHF for Huobi listing alone. The very same listing @justineh closed on for $0. You wanted to pay $150k. AND you wanted to receive income from the DHF when it was clear you were not closing any listings.
To add context, you were admonished by @justineh, and me, and others, when you went to create the earlier proposal because IT WAS TOO EARLY and you were just trying to put your name forward to earn some kind of favor with the community that were not privvy to the exchange talks going on. Despite me disagreeing with your proposal, I still GAVE you 10 HBD (you couldn't even afford 10 HBD to make a fucking proposal?) so you can make the proposal and get stakeholder voting opinion. Did your proposal ever get funded?
Come on @birdinc. Quit hiding being private chats. Let's air this in the open.
He was greedy, you are not. I get it. People like you more.
Youre right, being in slack is like being vegan. It just makes you better then most people.
You do NOT deserve 30k Justine.
I wanted the job and you beat me out of it, that's fine. Good luck. You know every inch of this blockchain and are a better fit for it than me.
"Right after launch, No listings accomplished, no legal work, no negotiation. Sent a few emails."
I landed a call with the VP at Bittrex on the Wednesday before the hardfork/airdrop and then turned that into a call with the Head of Listings on Friday afternoon and then they surprised us on that Saturday listing.
Also, Hive devs knew Bittrex well. It's an attack on all fronts sales strategy.
The community and the story is the most important thing.
Since I've talked to over 200 exchanges professionally, I knew exactly who to talk to and what to say.
"$100 a day for a year - full time salary."
My proposal was for a three month "rolling contract" with the blockchain. Not $100 a day for a year initially but that was my ask in total.
As someone who worked for Ned directly to get Steem listed on all the top exchanges, I figured it would only make sense for me to help with Hive so as a community volunteer I reached out to eight (8) exchanges in 12 hours to help secure the airdrop for Hive (as part of a group effort of course) and I have the emails, Telegram chats, and business relationships to prove it. But I am a professional and work with many top coins so the way I see it she beat me out of a job which is completely fine with me.
Try Soju
If you feel you have done something that should be funded by the DHF then make a proposal and seek voter support. That is pretty much the point of the DHF. There will be different types of proposal, different types of users, and different funding amounts depending on many different circumstances for each situation.
I think the reward pool is a much larger concern about "wasted funds" but I agree and understand why you feel the DHF may be wasted funds.
If you think you should be funded for something it's simple, make a proposal and seek the support.
@justineh work with exchanges directly (and I was personally present in most the chats to witness and help), saved Hive money and valuable time while the Hive buzz was still in the media. I am glad you reached out to media and did work to promote Hive with 100k impressions ... gather some proof of work of what you have done, value your time, create a proposal, and seek support.
The system is there to be used and improved upon. Maybe you could contract a dev for less than other proposals and manage them. You could even make a percentage of the funding yourself.
No, i dont think that. Thats actually the point of the post.
I dont think she did anything worth 30k USD either. Thats another point of the post.
She made a case why she should get the funding. Im making this post explaining why she shouldnt. Im a stake holder.
Sure. Maybe i make another post talking about that as well. Thats not the topic of this post though.
Sure, if i ever think i have proposal worthy of funding ill post it. When i disagree with something i will voice it, as im doing here.
It was closer to 500k, Not 100k.
I wonder why didn't she asked for the money before doing the job, it would make much more sense. Otherwise if you done it, and nobody asked you for it, it's kind of weird to ask that sum retroactive. Binance and Huobi would list HIVE anyway after all the mess. I don't know exactly what's that fund about but I doubt she will get the money. Moreover if one comes with such proposals, he/she should never ever mention the word community. Again, you don't ask for money after you done the job, not invited by anyone and as an act of community member. Either you put the price on your efforts and announce it before starting it all, or not at all. That's how I see it.
Some people would say it’s smarter to ask for compensation after showing results, rather than on future promises... but I guess that’s a bit trickier when others are allotted credit for work others did. 🙂
I still consider that compensation should have been mentioned before taking action, if it's about money then we're talking business and things need to be settled before taking action the way I see it. Agree with you however that you can't ask for compensation before showing results and from what I understand you put some efforts for HIVE being listed on some exchanges and for the transparency of the whole situation with Steem and Hive in the media. I believe though that Huobi and Binance would list it anyway after the whole saga, and not only for that... The community proved to be strong, made some splashes online, and every exchange has the interest in listing such type of cryptocurrencies that drag attention upon them, after all they have their share from trading, that somehow pointing that YES the community with all of its efforts online played an important part for listings and not just one entity. You have the proposal submitted though and if it's gonna be voted, good for you, I'm not the one to decide if you should be paid or not. I will say though that in all the listings the community played an important role as well, and our payment translates in the value that the tokens we earn in here have on the market. Lets not overlook community and reduce all the tweets and efforts similar to what @lordbutterfly have put, to almost zero. If those don't matter then we don't matter, and if we didn't matter, why wasn't that clear right from the beginning so we won't bother anymore. I feel like some in here are trying to say now that all this was just the result of a few and not much of a community effort.
I see it the same. Make a Bill for past work without anyone notice is not cool. I would support funding for future work. Maybe with longer Time period and not 500$ a Day.
So the Community can see the work and if the community agree with the work, Proposal get funded.
What exactly do you mean by that? Do you see any solution for "healing it"?
Some ideas have been proposed about a change in the reward fund, but a lot of people are afraid of changing the status quo when the discussions happen. With the coming HF24 and other changes, it may be possible to look at avenues for improving token distribution as a whole. Maybe that could be HF25 or 26 because I think it is an important aspect that needs to be addressed.
What change more precisely?
None that are fully hashed out. But some of them revolve around SMT in some way. Moving the inflation generated tokens away from the main layer and to a second layer.
Another idea was to have the reward pool able to receive transfers and moving the inflation into the DHF. Then users could make proposals to increased the reward pool funding to adjust the inflation percentage.
Other ideas exist I am not thinking of I am sure but nothing has really been proposed along with a real reasoning, or testing, of if it will work.
What do "main layer" and "a second layer mean" here?
Moving the inflation into the DHF? All of it?
So some people have been throwing around ideas. I really hope all of those ideas will be thoroughly discussed in public before drafting proposals ready for implementation.
Why are you trying to quiz me on all the possible ideas that may come up to change the reward system?
I said I think the reward system is being abused. You asked me what I specifically am doing to fix it. I told you a few ideas that have been discussed and nothing is in the works right now.
You tell me you hope the ideas get discussed before stuff is in the works.
Whats your point here?
Edit: just noticed you aren't even the person that started the thread. Makes more sense now because I figured you were quizzing me based on the previous response I made.
Again, these are all just brainstorm ideas without research about their potential effect. However, SMT is currently in the works with testing and other things, like RC delegation, are being worked on and tested as well. The system will hopefully continue to improve. I think the reward system can be fixed, just not quite sure how just yet.
I really want to see downvotes added to the proposal system. This will bring more community activity to the system, give the community a bigger voice and remove frivolous requests that may get supported by whales just scratching each other's backs.
This would further the stability of the platform and make sure no more Justin Sun types gain control.
This back scratching is a problem on the level of the whole platform, not just with the whales. The whales simply follow sentiment of the inner group of individuals that have a voice in the community.
Unfortunately since wer all still holding hands, things like this go.
If we gave it 6 months, this proposal would never pass. I asked folks to postpone voting anything before it settles all down, but not many listened.
Lol, you aren't dropping as many big votes. That's what gets support for these types of things.
Most won't even read it...
Well, this is a fairly engaged post. A lot will read it. Thats really the best someone like me can hope for.
Youre fucking weak and you will never earn another penny here after this post. You think you have the right to talk all the shit you want, but I’m going to show you otherwise.
You're not a "stakeholder" here, look at your account.
Go back to Steem, you’re no longer welcome here.
Say bye bye now little bitch!
Well at least I don't feel like the only asshole on this platform now.
Damn... I also want to get paid at least a fraction of that, when the hostile takeover happened I spent days after days tweeting and tagging big crypto names, CZ, Justin, Ned, Vitalik, Andreas, IvanOnTech and many other weren't able to tweet without me talking about the hostile takeover, I barely tried to monetize it on Steem because I thought that the best way to reverse the hostile takeover was to fight on Twitter with bad PR... didn't know we could ask for money on the Hive proposal system after it happened...
I like Justine, I can get behind she getting something for her work and the work she did after, which I think she's been doing from what I'm hearing, but 30k! That's a lot of money... especially if you take into consideration that Hive is a world-wide blockchain and there are many people from poor countries here, 30k might not represent much in the US, but for someone in nigeria, for example, 30k is a lot of money...
But if the community reaches the consensus that she deserves it through the proposal system... who am I to go against it. Maybe I should make my own Proposal to get funding 🤗
$30k?What actual fuck? We should all get paid! I know a couple more ppl that barely slept through the takeover,they deserve some credit if we're dashing out money like that. SMH
Write a proposal! Say what you did. How many millions HP like you?
Hive will have to have its oligarchy willingly cede power, or it will slowly empty out until the echoes in the cavern become fewer and fewer, imo.
Payouts have already consolidated amongst the popular few.
Wanting to make bank when @edgargonzalez took over two years to get a 500usd pump is a no go, for me.
But, those that have new found power now need something to do with it.
They might as well line their own pockets.
The suckers will just keep on pulling harder.
It is what the rubes do, after all.
Now that our all powerful devs got 86m hive to put into their own pockets at their leisure by stake weighted vote, do you think they could give us back the ten percent they forced out of us before the fork?
Maybe reduce the poor tax from 20 to 10 hive?
Maybe we should tax popularity?
More than X htu and a curve kicks in?
Send it back to the pool?
For the newbs, of course.
An easily seen list of who is voting a proposal would help, too.
If we have to take the pool by organizing against those monopolizing it, it can be done, but it will be much better for them to willingly cede power to the larger groups.
Letting go of the prize after a lifetime of struggle may not be easy, but those doing it are epic in nature, iyam.
I think we need to burn half of the Steemit stake that went into the dao fund now and consider burning half of what is left every 6 months after until it's like 1 Hive or whatever. It's the only reasonable solution.
I'm starting to think that's the best course of action as well.
Not because I think the fund can't be used properly and fairly but rather because I know it won't be.
@lordbutterfly has a point, I didn't vote for @justineh proposal because I'm sceptical about the amounts. Did even check the average annual income in USA.
Please correlate the mentioned proposal with @dapplr one :
4 830,00 US$ to 30 000,00 US$
Don't take me wrong, I understand the work that was done is essential and I as beneficiary, I'm ethically obliged to renumerate.
On the One hand, it very much. It's more than I earn through a whole year (I mean like four times more).
On the other, this work is and was essential resulting in huge discounts for hive networks.
To reach a consensus, I'd love to see an update to @justineh proposal with reduction of funding. How much? Don't know, I'd vote for 20k
Please do notice, if this discussion would be possible on current Steem
I'm not going to get into the topic of individual proposals, but I will agree with your conclusion that things are still very emotional and that we still have many things running along the same lines of what was the case during Steem.
After all, many of the names are the same names, which is reasonable to expect as it was/is a fork of Steem.
Change takes time, it doesn't happen over night, nor does it occur if we surround ourselves with people who do not desire change.
Likewise, it is amazing how the community did pitch in and what all the community did and without the community there would be no Hive.
EVERYTHING that was done would be worthless if the community had not moved to Hive.
As far as the business side of things, yes, the norms of "Making an offer" and that offer being accepted as such and likewise all terms and conditions to be known prior to any contract being signed are not necessarily being applied to Hive as far as the funds available go.
I see a clear need to introduce crystal clear defined terms and conditions as far as funding goes.
Never enough openness and transparency.
As for the rest of the specifics your touched on, won't go near them, otherwise could be a victim of a downvoting/flagging spree and none of us small fish want that for ourselves. Won't deny it. It is the truth and will say it as it is.
Thx for the input.
I agree with you - I did not support this funding - this work has already been done and we say THANKS to you - this is enough, we did not force you to do this and do not sign contracts retroactively - As I expected, the fund began to be spent on top-level individuals and on shitty PR projects - everyone wants money - everyone wants to grab a piece - greed has destroyed almost all good projects - people are stupid and ready to vote for shit. This is my personal opinion and I do not impose it on anyone - I may be mistaken - but for some reason I am confident in my words. Thank you for the honest open post my respect to you!
Thx. This will unfortunately fall on deaf ears since shes well connected and does do good work. But she doesnt do 30k USD worth of work.
To say that wheels were already significantly greased would be an understatement.
yeah, this crock-pot of marinating shit was the flash point for me with Hive/Steem. I was dev-ing for Hive on projects but now I am casting my vote on this proposal by powering down and ceasing development. Her posts are over $100 in the first 5min from upvote bots. He could post a work update every 4 hours and get the $25/hr she wants. But nahh, how about milking every part of Hive for all its worth just as its a new chain getting started. The asking for back pay is the dirtiest shit I have seen on Hive yet personally.
How is Hive goina attract Devs that know the latest technologies, with shit like this and the other crap of Hive, its just too much. Almost every Dev on Hive I know uses the tech from 10 years ago or more. Very little of it is modern. The devs releasing node stuff dont use typescript, some are releasing ruby stuff which who tf uses ruby anymore, or php? Hive has no real AI devs which is my specialty, nor anything even close to this. There is no jupyter notebooks for any hive shit.. So much is outdated and as the fresh dev blood that was coming in knowing and using these technologies, its simply off putting and not worth while at that point.
We need people that understand the technical aspect of it all and can put it into words. That can judge the skill of these devs and their commitment.
I see something fishy is going on from a social aspect, but my technical limitations stop me from delving deeper into the crux of the problem.
I can ask a few devs friends, show them our github and ask them if the funding is excessive or not but we need someone from the community to go through Netousos, Howo, etc. commits for continual development and say:
"Yes, the work they do daily is something that would generally take 8 hours or 10 hours. No, all this can be done in 2 hours and they just obfuscate it all to appear theyre working but are instead picking their nose the rest of the day".
Sorry, Hive just isnt just not something I wanna be a part of anymore, so I cant give a comment of bridging the gap between the devs and the non-coders. @themarkymark I stopped my bots and ill stop building them cause there are still people I know that like Hive. But you need to grow some balls dude.
Cool story
Interesting,i am far too out of the loop and uninspired to concern myself with the political climate here. TBH i am not much interested in anything happening within this obscenely avant-garde niche speck of dust. That's not an attack on hive or steem specifically as much just a general disdain or lack of faith in dpos. If wasting too much precious time for over a year of my life on steem and "getting involved" taught me anything,it was to social distance myself from this dysfunctional platform and especially from the popular movers and shakers.
That being said,Justine is one of the few humans here that has influence and isn't loathsome. In fact I'd say she is far too good to be associated with these absolute dregs of the IT sector.. Which brings up my main thesis statement,its unlikely that quality people will have the time, energy, money etc to work for this blockchain. I'm completely flabbergasted that anyone would be passionate enough about this mess to do more than make one comment or post a week. And that's beyond my time allotted for monetized "social" media..
I'm not exactly jealous of anyone that's invested enough in this place to delude themselves into being a hive employee and subsequently hope to be reimbursed for their efforts..
It's a novelty and superfluous endeavor in the best of times. In this nearly dystopian nightmare of a completely rigged capitalist reality we are currently mired down in, I will gladly leave the crumbs of Dan and Ned's crackhead scheme to the real nutters. One has to either have far too much time on their hands or be addicted to the escapism a charade such as this provides..
If it brings happiness to you that someone took the time to read your rant (misplaced and strange), i hope i brought you that happiness just now.
You dont like HIVE. Acknowledged. 👍
K,that was hardly a rant. (all comments and communication here are misplaced and strange) If I was seeking happiness online I wouldn't be reading your posts so clearly no smiley faces awarded there.. Your entire premise is essentially a rant and in the spirit of your act of futility I chimed in.. Your whining is no more pertinent than mine or anyone else's here. I sense a bit of butthurted but that's the most abundant resource of all here so no surprise there. So which are you A. Too much time to kill or B. Escapism into inane antics that give you some sense of having control over something, no matter how utterly insignificant ??
I'm definitely here to extract joy from condescending keyboard warriors... Could that be us?
Im trying to share my disdain at a proposal and youre just shitting on HIVE saying how its a waste of your time.
Then stop wasting your time.
I love HIVE, unlike you. My rant has a point, its to change something i dont like. Yours is just venting how everything is shit.
Why are you here then?
My question exactly. How the fuck can anyone say such stupid things? Everything on Hive or, in fact, the entire crypto space is ridiculously overfunded. If someone was into social media at all, knew about Hive and chose not to be here, that person should never complain about not having enough money again. Hive/Steem are the closest thing I've ever seen resembling a magic money tree in my entire life. This place is the stuff of fairy tales. Try running a blog that has fewer than 500 views per day and report back to me. How much money would you make on a blog like that out there in the real world?
Seems like you're discussing an individual case and symptoms of a proposals system that in its current form has flaws. Rather than go after the individual instance, would you consider thinking of possible improvements to make to the proposals system so it serves the community better?
Many things on HIVE are determined via discussion and social agreement is what affects how the chain functions beyond the technical level.
Changing the mentality is the first step.
Now, i can attempt that, which i am doing here, but i will ultimately fail since my position is in direct opposition to the established decision makers.
What i can do is raise some noise but since i am what i am none of my propositions for change would even be considered. Thats simply how this works.
Im the wrong person to propose anything.
I don't support Justine's proposal because of the retroactive part. I'm happy for her to get paid something going forward, but to get rewarded for work you did without expectation of reward is a bit rich.
it's always amateur hour around here... i'm exiting
At current phase, HPS reward pool (from the inflation) isn't really necessary in my opinion. I've never been a fan of that. We've had so many project being developed the past years, how many really successfully attract new investors and active users anyway.
Im not opposed of using the fund to help out projects or fund individuals that bring value to the platform. If Justine wants to head the PR for HIVe, fine by me, make a proposal. Define your work.
My problem is with popular folks just simply throwing out numbers and taking credit for something they should not be taking credit for. She could have said she wanted 50k, 100k. She knows the folks, it would pass i guarantee it.
The community needs to tell the big stakeholders to cut the crap and start being reasonable.
Everyones still holding hands and kissing each others ass, to put it colorfully.
otherwise, GREAT POST
I'll never get it right. Sry. Lol
Honestly, finding out how much people are cashing in on this proposal system for things we all were helping to make happen (the successful launch of HIVE) makes me feel like a bit of a chump for creating a 90 minute Getting Started video tutorial without asking for funding first. I just did what I saw needing to be done to help the community. I thought my reward was the success of the community. But maybe that's not how it's supposed to work?
Lol me too, just shows how little I actually pay attention to whats going on here
i'm powering down, let me know if you find the next REAL decentralized crypto project, i'm not staying for another dumpster fire that's getting stoked once again
So here's the thing, maybe this is how decentralization does work. It quickly devolves into crony capitalism, because that's how people are.
aristotle said democracy turns into the oligarchy ... i just didn't think it would take a few months, oh well
Yes, we should be mindful with HDF, because most of it is a one-time deal coming from steemit stake and the rest of the excluded accounts (how I wish we didn't have the part after "and"!).
We also need to reward accordingly work being done for Hive.
I agree with you that Justine wouldn't have accomplished probably most points in the proposal without the constant public pressure from the community, but the community wouldn't have Hive traded on most of the exchanges it currently is, if there wouldn't be someone or a small group that took the task of going through hoops with them and do the actual work she described.
Exchanges work in a world with legal entities, CEOs, points of contact and stuff. Thus the recurring question I saw being asked at AMAs for theycallmedan if we have a CEO. Making them recognize Hive as it is, in its decentralized form, surely took some convincing. Although -- without knowing anything -- I still have the feeling that someone had to step up and say I represent Hive and give all the legal documents they required.
Is that work worth 30K? I don't know. Having your new coins listed in more prominent places is worth a lot, otherwise they are quasi-worthless. But at some point stakeholders might feel she has been rewarded enough, and stop supporting the proposal.
Actually the fact that the proposal was made mostly to present already achieved results (granted, she was one of the people involved in the process) is a validation for me, as opposed to funding promises (with potential accountability).
Okay, so, help me out here ... how does someone rip something off by asking for what they believe their work is worth? Does the regular definition of a scam even apply here?
I come to this as a community volunteer and as an artist in the ACTUAL world, where occasionally I get to write for grants based on work done and work to be done in the future. It does sometimes happen that a grant comes through based on the merit of work you have already done -- you prove you have done the kind of work the organization is interested in, and they cover your expenses because they recognize the value you have already provided and thus enable you to continue to provide to the community.
The distributions being asked for from the Hive fund seem to be in a similar class of things -- people receiving from the fund are presenting the value of their work and asking for what they want in their proposal. Since this does sometimes happen "retroactively" in the ACTUAL world of grants and stipends (sometimes called "sustaining" grants or something like), I don't see how it can be classified as a scam and a ripoff here on Hive...
If the amount is a problem, there are three things to look at here. Do we have the right to tell people how to value their work, and if so, based on what accepted criteria? Generally speaking, one would be laughed at and accused of rank jealousy if trying to get between grant-makers and grantees in this way, even though grant-makers generally are 501c3s and are thus public benefit corporations. They belong to the national community ... and so we all fund them in a sense. Yet criteria are left to the grant-makers.
The second item: at what point does money paid become a robbery of the community? $30K? $20K? $10K? Who says? Again, there is a strong whiff of sour grapes here ... most of us do not have the total set of skills and connections necessary to be in line for a $30K grant, and that can make us feel overlooked and underappreciated for what we are able to do and have done. But it is always dangerous to conflate our personal feelings with a problem for an entire community. Have we been robbed? We have all contributed in six weeks to something that we have equal access to that has great and recognized value. Some people are more equipped to ask for and potentially receive greater personal benefit than others ... but that is not unlike actual life, and that is not necessarily a diminishing of anyone else or the community.
Third and last item: If the system for making proposals is open to everyone, how it is unfair for people who make proposals to ask for what they want? Just because not all of us are equipped today to have the set of skills and connections to make a $30K ask and expect to receive it, does that mean those that do should be kept from having the right to ask when the same open door is in front of all of us? Put another way: if I have assumed I never will be in a position to do such an ask although the door is wide open, does that give me the right to handicap everybody else as I have handicapped myself in my own thinking? YET AGAIN: there is a strong whiff of sour grapes and limiting thinking around this idea.
because thats not what her work is worth.
Repeating a thing does not make it true, @lordbutterfly. I read your entire post a couple of times, so I say emphatically: repetition does not confer truth.
You wish to apply subjective criteria to others about the value of their work, but understand that the value of your assertions can be held up to the same scrutiny:
I have purposely not chosen to attempt to lower the value of your opinion and thus your person to the community by attacking it as harshly as I could. You are operating out of a certain set of beliefs and circumstances and attempting to do good as you understand it. I respect that. I am, however, pointing out to you that you lack the same respect for others who are doing work you are not doing so that we can all share this valuable platform.
Do i really have to answer these? 🤦♂
lol. I just find this funny. What can i say? Thx for not shattering my self-esteem.
No, you didn't have to answer them. They are rhetorical. But since you did, future readers can weigh things out how they wish. The premise that someone asking for what they feel their work is worth and getting it is robbery or a scam or a ripoff is at least questionable. But, like I said: I do respect your position, and your right to express it.
If she asked for $30k or $40k broken out over one (1) years for a part-time or even more if she wanted to go full-time, I would be fine with this.
But $30k for services rendered, no, because lot's of people, including me, played an important part in the exchanges for Hive.
Let me see if I understand:
No. 5 is the part that disturbs me, sir. I can understand 1-4 not going well, and then you feeling disrespected by the powers that be. I can understand if you are saying you believe you personally are being treated unfairly. But just because someone applied for in essence a $30K grant for work already done and got it while you didn't does not mean the whole community has necessarily been robbed unless said work OBJECTIVELY had no value to us -- that would be hard to prove, but, I'm open to it if you can do it.
But if there is value, here's what happened. Person X valued their work at $30K; the Hive fund agreed. That is the kind of thing that takes place every day in grant-making circles to actual volunteers who apply for sustaining grants based on past work. Not everyone applies, and not everyone who applies receives ... $30K is a big example, but it does happen with big funds. That does not mean YOUR work has no value. Thank you for everything you did that got us to where we could have this conversation today. Yet at the same time: just because no one has yet put a dollar sign on the value of your work doesn't mean that we can prove the dollar sign on anyone else's work is invalid.
I made a proposal but Justine asked me to take it down so I did. She wanted it to be a team proposal but she didn't want me on the team.
But I realized that I wasn't the right guy for the job because I didn't have many individual relationships with members of the Hive Slack.
Here you can see a chart with all my initial notes.
Again: your work has value, and so does anyone else's that contributed to the excellent work you have linked to. However, that is a bit of a non sequitur to the question of whether anyone on that work should not get $30K. I also have no way of knowing: who asked for what?
The point is getting Hive DAO Funds is more about politics than merit and I was pushed out politically.
Now, I'm kind of an outsider when it comes to how things run behind the curtain of Hive so my question is where are all those funds coming from to pay the people you mentioned. Are they being airdropped from the rewards pool or how things really work?
I was thinking that we don't have a Steemit stake anymore, like we used to, but on the other hand I understand devs have to be paid, although... neah...
What did the lady do for the $30,000 she's asking?
She talked to a few exchanges and was involved with dozens of other people in the start of HIVE but not in the technical aspect. She is not a developer.
You can read her proposal here. https://peakd.com/hive/@justineh/hive-exchange-listings-and-communication-pr-proposal#@lordbutterfly/re-justineh-q9rc60
I won't bother reading her proposal. Got the idea after all and my opinion is that she should have asked for the money before getting involved. That's how I would do that, otherwise it's just volunteer work and nobody is being paid for that.
There should be a proposal to get the fucking SMT coding and testing finished like yesterday.
Yeah well, what can i say. No SMT talks yet but wer giving 30k, because...
Actually.. umm that’s the other proposals you’ve been bitching about.. as well as you know all the dev Public meetings and public convos. So again, as usual, you make very general statements when you actually know very little.
Nope. Just learned a few new things as well even though its pretty obvious how it went.
You dont deserve 30k Justine. Did you really convince yourself you do? Check your ego ffs. Youre not the mother of HIVE.
Haha. Look who showed up. Did you call him or did he run into the post himself? lol
Perhaps you should then get up to date on what is actually occurring before making such broad statements.
I have no ego. I made a proposal for my own contributions, no one else’s. Whether it’s approved or not doesn’t change anything.
And I never call him. As while I think your post is lame and clearly you are uninformed as you think apparently others did work that was done by few, I see nothing to downvote and think it’s an important discussion, even if you are focused more on insulting me than improving anything. And I believe in consensus and your feedback is part of that.
Fucking A you didnt.
In the two years ive known you, 100% of the time when ever we disagreed over anything, this was the go to statement for you. "You are just uninformed."
Well, no. Thats not the case nor is it an argument. You made claims about your work, i do not agree with anything you said nor do i think that even if i accept all you said that you deserve 30k USD.
You either had a talk with a few whales like Bernie, Dan, etc. to confirm they would vote you or your ego is so damn big that you went at it alone, to even consider that your voluntary work is worth 30k USD.
I really expected more from you. Its like youre devolving into everything you have been shitting on for years.
Show me where.
And no I didn’t go to anyone to see if they would support it. Those who were part of the core group were encouraged to eventually make a proposal. In the beginning I thought maybe a group one would be done, but that comes with its own issues. I decided to just focus on my own work rather than the other which were more group efforts. That’s it.
As far as the rest, you are getting personal and I stand by my actions, what I am stating my contributions were and everything else I’ve said here. You are entitled to your own opinion and I respect it.
I thought i would try my luck👍https://esteem.app/hive/@steemitcuration/exchange-setups-and-communication-pr-proposal
Just to be clear and so I understand you right, you want everyone to share into another rewards pool the spoils is the thinking correct? I'm not here to beef I'm genuinely curious on a solution vs. complaining. What is your solution? ( in a soft tone )
In my opinion, I have no idea if they are being overpaid. What I do know is we need dev's and we need people working in the background. Who do you want to do the work?
Howo , Netuoso and Justineh all work on this blockchain to improve it and are using the tools provided to get paid to do so and the community is deciding if they agree via DAO. I'm not sure what better system there is?
No. That was said just for the sake of effect. I dont agree with her 30k claim nor do i think that anyone can take credit for what we achieved together.
The solution is simple, lets not fund this.
Someone that wont ask for absurd amounts of money.
This post is me disagreeing.
We didn't really move the goal posts. Not funding it isn't a solution. There needs to be a way to fund people behind the scenes since we aren't a company anymore.
I spoke my mind, with my downvotes.
You're a clueless, butthurt little whiner.
I actually made a reply on a similar topic about having the ability to vote against proposals.
When it comes to money and funding we need a way to disagree with other people without having to resort to raising the bar for all proposals by voting the return proposal. Right now we have 3 vote options on proposals, agree, abstain and 'Raise the bar'
So if I am reading this right. $30,000 for one month's work? or was it 6 weeks.
We already were in the eye of many exchanges with the other social media actions taken.
Huobi Ionomy Blocktrades Bittrex listed us with no negotiation. Binance followed Huobi, So some of the biggest exchanges listed us already. How much does the other exchanges offer to value listing us.
it is the advantage to each exchange out there to list Hive as it can profit from all actions of Hive on that exchange.
Seem's to me there is an expected return of about $100 an hour, chances are even more per hour for the effort put in.
Accepting a role and then after the fact seeking to gain financial rewards. Which in my opinion will be granted by votes from those in the circle is abuse of power.
Put myself in the firing line here , I think.
Perhaps read the actual proposal post.. as no it’s not for a month, and no those exchanges didn’t happen with “no negotiation”.. they took months of negotiations - Which I detail in the post...
Ah I see, You were negotiating for Hive before Hive was there.
Talks with binance started way before the launch 😃 perhaps it was just by magic though ... magic is magical like that.
Ah so you are in chaoots with binance the enemy to assisted in taking over Steem.
Nah.. I just tweeted and magic happened. There is a post to give information. Feel free to read it, or not. Have a good day.
No fairness in #newhive
How much can she ask for? Is one billion HBD possible if she gets the votes?
She cant ask for a billion HBD lol.
4500 HBD is the max daily budget.
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there is no voice for reason. i had given up up steem, came back after hardfork as was giddy for ONE WEEK but i see the same shit show, different channel here with the top one thousand at the top just greasing each other, and yes @justineh 's post was a bush league, amateur hour joke of a proposal.
i am powering down steem, i'm powering down hive, i'm not thinking happy thoughts anymore, i'm looking for the next boat TO A REAL crypto project that isn't a cluster f
What the actual fuck !
Everything always comes down to money and power - let's not forget fucking ego....It all gets so tiring after a while, and is the one main reason why this is failing to entice new users here, to a large degree (or to even keep them, for that matter). One thing comes out of people's mouth's, and then their actions are totally different in practice. I thought people don't like politicians, but they sure as hell seem to act like them. The entire point of a decentralised chain, is to have NO LEADERS and promote individual and voluntary choices. But all I ever see is everyone telling others what they should say, or shouldn't say and do - and now, what I should post or shouldn't post (attached to that is a veiled threat of not making money - where it all comes back to in this merry-go-round). Then some are constantly pumping up engagement as the only thing that matters, while at the same time ignoring some people's comments when they try to engage with them, and then constantly engage with whales for votes and /or favour, but mostly for votes. I gave up on engagement long ago, because most of it is fake .
We live in another space of hypocrisy (just like the real world), that will never cease to exist, because of the very fist line in my comment.....what it all comes down to - always.
It rarely goes beyond that.
When you have a shift in power (a revolution of sorts) in any situation you always have the "new establishment" form that thinks THEY are the ones that deserve the accolades. That they are the ones that deserve the rewards.
I mean just take a look at the Bolshevik revolution where they overthrown their king.
Did the people (community) really take over or did Lenin and his cronies come and in and install the new ruling party?
This, ofc, is just an anecdote but the parallels are vivid.
ProBit was 100% me but at the same time it wasn't me at all.
The credit goes only to the Hive itself.
I had met the CEO of ProBit in Seoul in November and knew the listing manager from prior business.
I knew exactly who to talk to and what to say, regarding ProBit and many other exchanges for Hive but I wasn't welcome on the team so I left.
As someone who worked for Ned directly to get Steem listed on all the top exchanges, I figured it would only make sense for me to help with Hive so as a community volunteer I reached out to eight (8) exchanges in 12 hours to help secure the airdrop for Hive (as part of a group effort of course) and I have the emails, Telegram chats, and business relationships to prove it. But I am a professional and work with many top coins so the way I see it she beat me out of a job which is completely fine with me.
If you read nothing else that I write here read this:
She had opinions about my proposal, so I have opinions about her proposal.
$30k for services rendered is off. There is no 'magic' with exchanges and there is no single person that can 'close the deal' or 'take credit'.
If there is 'magic' with exchanges, you won't find anyone better than me.
@heimindanger saw this and I work for @dtube now as well as many other top coins.
I wrote about this 3 days into the fork. The post is linked in the first sentence of this post.
I have no affiliations with any group, im not payed off, nor do i owe anyone anything. I dont backscratch nor do i brown nose.
I just call out bullshit.
Thats why you were featured a few weeks ago on my blog and thats why Justine is featured on this glorious day.
Good one. 😂
You preach by threatening people with rape and murder and you have the nerve to vote your own comments. You, sir, are a reward pool rapist and just a nasty individual from what I have seen.
Well, I hope you feel better now with all your downvotes on my contest post. Good job, maybe your *butt-hurt has gone away a little bit.
I am glad you like my American flag, I like it. I must ask you, though; do not insult retarded people by calling me one. Most retarded people I have known have a much better disposition than I do so; I take exception to you using that term in what I perceive to be disparaging.
If I have not spoken truth regarding your commentary and behavior on this platform, then I must have been hallucinating. I have been on this platform for close to three years and am very familiar with your actions in Discord as well as on STEEM.
What I actually said was, You preach, threaten people with rape and murder, and vote your own comments.
I made no mention of DTube in the comment you are referencing. What are your next threats? To seize what little bit of DTube tokens I have and ban me from the DAPP? That would be a real classic Justin Sun type move. Oh, that is how you folks roll on STEEM these days.
Do you know something I don't? I am not aware of any whales helping me. I can count on one hand the up-votes I have received from a whale and would have to borrow your hands to count the down-votes I have received from same.
My response to your down-vote threats?