"Right after launch, No listings accomplished, no legal work, no negotiation. Sent a few emails."
I landed a call with the VP at Bittrex on the Wednesday before the hardfork/airdrop and then turned that into a call with the Head of Listings on Friday afternoon and then they surprised us on that Saturday listing.
Also, Hive devs knew Bittrex well. It's an attack on all fronts sales strategy.
The community and the story is the most important thing.
Since I've talked to over 200 exchanges professionally, I knew exactly who to talk to and what to say.
There was already a chat set up with Bittrex before you did this and discussions were already on the way. Which is why when you attempted to take public credit for the listing, you were met with so much backlash.
I wish you would have actually been able to follow through with how you sold yourself, as someone who had done so much in regards to exchange work. Unfortunately you didn’t want to actually do any work.. simply send an initial email, and then expect others to do all the actual work while you took credit any time you could. I guess that seemed a bit strange as sending an email was the easiest part of the whole deal.
Yes you wanted to “partner” with me, after your rush time make a proposal claiming to be responsible for Bittrex was met with some pushback. You then felt if you could get me onboard, you would get support.
I told you I didn’t think anyone (especially someone who just showed up) should be doing a proposal that early on. As it was important to get things started and settled. It was important to actually accomplish something before asking for compensation.
You disagreed. I simply stated I would not be a part of any proposal, at that time. But encouraged you to make one or that I would support it at a later time.
I also stated that if you were going to make a proposal for handling listing, perhaps you should actually do it. As I had quite a lot on my plate already and was under the impression you were going to be handling exchanges (as you wanted to).. but you told me “I don’t have time for that” and stated you were simply the “hunter” to send emails.. to public contacts. No offense, but we didn’t need a “hunter”.. we needed someone to work hard and close the deals, you didn’t want to do that. You wanted to be paid to send an email.
Then, after that discussion, you did even less “work” than normal and wouldn’t even respond to questions. There was also a concern as you had taken discussion to your private emails, rather than the group, and seemed to be working for the exchange rather than the community.. very hard push to pay the fee (there is proof of this, so not sure why you are denying it).
After nearly a week where you wouldn’t not respond to multiple tags and attempts to get in contact with you, as well as concerns coming out of some of the communications from exchanges not seeming to show the goals or desires of the group (since you took them private).. you were removed from the group.
You are now starting your own fork, congrats. I wish you luck. It would be wonderful though if you didn’t then try to warp your contributions or the facts to somehow result in negative reactions to me. I did nothing to you, and my proposal does not claim any work you did. And, if we are being honest, none of the “initial” emails sent even resulted in the main listings described. Huobi was Dan’s initial contact, Bittrex was Gandalf, and Binance was mine. Not to mention none would be possible for not the document Netuoso uncovered and we used for all listings.
If you feel you contributed some how and want to be compensated, please make a proposal.. but don’t try to claim I didn’t do the work I’m describing.. as the facts aren’t on your side. Back rooms DMs to smear me are just showing your character, even more than your past actions already have.
Good luck.
"Unfortunately you didn’t want to actually do any work.. simply send an initial email"
(1). Connect with the decision maker.
(2). Coordinate Telegram group chat.
(3). Invite Hive devs and marketing.
(4). Make introductions.
(5). Coordinate/monitor comms.
(6). Build relationship.
My proposal was to rise and repeat with up to 100 exchanges each month, like I did for Steemit, Inc.
Your multiple comments are very confusing and make them scattered so I’ll just ask a question and we can move with our lives.
Do you believe that my proposal is taking credit for any work you did? Do you believe somehow you were responsible for anything I stated in my post and therefore it’s not a factual proposal and my statements concerning my involvement for each action I explained are untrue?
For the work that I did, it's not worth any money, it was proof-of-capability from which a part-time sales job could have been justified.
You know that I was there for every crucial second from when Binance announced the hardfork/airdrop support on Wednesday afternoon Easter Time until the hardfork on Friday.
And I worked very hard to let everyone that I knew in the industry know about Hive but I did not want money for this, I wanted a sales job on a 'rolling contract' basis.
But I did not have the relationships in Hive to sell myself or my services effectively.
Binance happened in a group you weren’t in and started weeks before the airdrop. You aren’t even in the group chat set up with them and devs. Not really sure what your game is here but you didn’t even have a part in that and can’t even claim initial contact like some of the others you have.
This is getting silly and the scattered convo is ridiculous. My last comment is pretty clear - if you can’t show me where in my post I took credit for something you did, stop saying it. You weren’t responsible for closing a single listing and if we would have taken your advice than the community would be out hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If you want to make a post about your work, great. But please stop claiming mine is not factual unless you can back it up.
"If you want to make a post about your work, great. But please stop claiming mine is not factual unless you can back it up."
You ridiculed me in the Hive Slack for being greedy and not waiting for the right time and then come out with a proposal for 5x what mine was.
That speaks for itself.
Your attempt to thrash me is getting more pathetic. I never said you were greedy, I said you weren’t doing the work you were claiming. I also said you should wait and do one later, as well as actually do the work. Instead you decided to not take part anymore and go suck up to JS to see if you could get funds there. I stepped in and after WEEKS of work closed deals. Deals that increased the market cap and saved the community money.
Do a proposal for your “12hrs” work and 2 phone calls then.. and whatever accomplishments you think you did.. and quit trying to take away from mine. Nothing in my proposal is false and there is plenty I didn’t even include.
Your game won’t work here as it’s not a he said vs she said, it’s you versus a whole group of people who are very aware of your actions.
Good luck with your future projects.
I used the Binance announcement in support of the hardfork/airdrop to reach out to all the exchanges that I knew.
"You weren’t responsible for closing a single listing and if we would have taken your advice than the community would be out hundreds of thousands of dollars."
Nobody is responsible, it's a team effort. But landing calls with decision makers seems like it's an important part.
I knew all the players and what to say and was moving fast saying exactly what they needed to hear to consider Hive.
But then Huobi started the dance with the business deal, and it was then when I realized that without your @justineh's support, Hive was not the right place for me.
Never ever did I say Hive should pay hundreds of thousands of dollars.
@thecryptodrive and I may have discussed $10k or something for KuCoin as more a historic deal and PR opportunity than anything else. But KuCoin was going to airdrop this money to new Hive holders.
Please share screenshots because I can share everything as well.
"Do you believe that my proposal is taking credit for any work you did?"
In a way, yes, but I no longer want anything from the Hive DAO Fund.
I had two phone calls with Bittrex and one phone call with the Listing Managers at Huobi, which I had already set up before @theycallmedan asked if I could take a call with Huobi for him.
I knew all the players and what to say and was moving fast saying exactly what they needed to hear to consider Hive.
But then Huobi started the dance with the business deal, and it was then when I realized that without your @justineh's support, Hive was not the right place for me.
For the work that I did, it's not worth any money, it was proof-of-capability from which a part-time sales job could have been justified.
I felt that you pushed me out and took the job for yourself but we both could have worked it.
@gtg @roelandp @therealwolf @howo @followbtcnews and others more or less understood the work I was doing but I wasn't the right person for the job so I left.
I would appreciate if you told me where in my proposal I took any credit for initial contacts other than the Binance one where I detailed that. I only detailed anything I actually did and then stated others played other roles. If those initial two calls were the reason for the listings, it seems odd that it took weeks of work to actually accomplish them. I know though, if we would have just paid as you suggested, then it may have been quicker.. which is sort of what my proposal is about - the work I did to get the listings for free.
So please let me know in which part of my proposal I’m taking credit for things you yourself did. As now you are making an attempt to say you did what I am claiming to do, and I think if you are going to do that, you better be able to back it up.
I didn’t want the job, David.. and didn’t push you out. I had to pick up the work because you weren’t capable or didn’t want to.. and then you stopped participating all together. Weeks later, after hundreds of hours of work, we saw listings come through.
Acting as if I did anything but work my ass off is nothing but a further used car salesmen attempt of yours to further yourself somehow by bashing me.
If you can’t show where I took credit for anything you actually did, I would appreciate you not telling everyone you did everything I claimed to. It’s getting a bit old.
Thanks so much.
Did you land initial phone calls with decision makers at Bittrex and Huobi?
For the work that I did, it's not worth any money, it was proof-of-capability from which a part-time sales job could have been justified.
The head of listing at huobi wasn’t even added to the conversations until after you were removed from the chat. This was the first he was even aware of any part of it and we started from scratch.
You calls with whoever clearly weren’t with the right people and considering one had made calls to many people through telegram I would say it wasn’t that hard to get in contact with her. Seems perhaps you were working on some other deal and why you were pushing $150k to come out of the DHF. I speak about that a bit in my post, how long it took us to even get started due to poor communication and effort on your end. Though I didn’t specifically name you as I didn’t see why putting anything negative in was needed in it.
As far as Bittrex I stated clearly who did the initial work on that and it wasn’t you or I.
"There was already a chat set up with Bittrex before you did this and discussions were already on the way."
They wanted Hive to delay the hardfork/airdrop, but then I landed a call with the VP who then introduced me to the Head of Listings for a follow up call.
It's an attack on all fronts strategy, and whether landing a call with a decision maker at Bittrex had any impact, I'm not sure.
To say I had 'nothing' to do with exchanges, is silly.
For the work that I did, it's not worth any money, it was proof-of-capability from which a part-time sales job could have been justified.
Since I pitched Steem to over 200 exchanges in 2 years, I knew exactly who to contact and what to say in many cases.
"Simply send an initial email"
Knowing what to say and who to send an email to is very important.
"I wish you would have actually been able to follow through with how you sold yourself."
I came in too hot and shared too much and didn't have the relationships in Hive to make it work.
"Unfortunately, you didn’t want to actually do any work. simply send an initial email."
@therealwolf called this 'God's work' and left it at that.
"Unfortunately, you didn’t want to actually do any work. simply send an initial email."
You deserved just as much as my initial ask was for, I told you this in the Hive Slack.