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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I never said that.

Who are the overrewarded influencers? I'll tell the curators who upvote them to stop giving such large upvotes.

I haven't been around for awhile due to personal issues.

Also, there is plenty on the trending page that are overrewarded posts that are not doing anything for Hive or barely anything for Hive and aren't justified for having such high rewards. People writing short stories that maybe take about 15 minutes to type out earning 120+, someone making an intro post who has been around here for awhile?

These posts are probably the clearest overrewarded thing i've ever seen

You voted for this one, it's a guy who typed out maybe 6 paragraphs with some pics of cleaning up the ocean, and that's worth 150?

Will you downvote them due to over rewarding? Pretty much every single post on the trending page is overrewarded for how long it took them to make the content, for the quality, for the engagement, etc. There's no metric you could cite for almost any of them that qualifies them to be making even 50 USD per post.

The Trending Page should have tons of downvotes from you and others to get them down to below 20 USD posts if we are going by "overrewarded". I don't see that happening, maybe I'm wrong and you do that and I don't see that. I could be wrong.

I am willing to ensure our curators are not upvoting too much on people who are influencers who are trying to milk money from upvotes, so I am letting you know right now that is going to change once I talk to the team about it.