As my regular readers will have noticed, I have been having most of my post rewards downvoted to zero lately, for reasons that aren't 100% obvious - despite having been asked. The main reason that Acidyo has expressed today is that my posts get a lot of votes that he thinks are from auto voters and this is a problem for.. reasons... So...
How many of you that upvote me are live on the platform? If you get tagged by this post it's because you have upvoted me recently and I thought it would be good to find out whether you are active on Hive or not. I appreciate that some accounts simply never comment but still want to curate and that others may be active at times but might not be at present. Still more users might just not see that I have tagged them.
As I explained in depth to Acidyo just now in the comments on this post, I don't personally see auto upvoting as a huge problem since the design of the system pressures people to regularly upvote in order to not lose money through the inflation process.
Curation rewards are basically necessary, otherwise you will probably lose money on your Hive Power holdings. Additionally, auto upvoting is something akin to supporting someone on Patreon via subscription. Instead of having a subscription service, I choose to support Hive as I think it's a valuable project and decentralisation is needed now more than ever to support liberty and free speech online.
Some people don't have the time to constantly come to Hive to upvote posts in order to protect their investment and support their favourite creators.
In case you missed it, I also wrote a very long post about the cancel culture downvoting on Hive and it hit trending, with nearly a hundred comments and many reblogs. Of course, the downvoters unironically zeroed that post too:
Please read the heavily downvoted anti censorship post here.
Recent Upvoters With Substantial Upvotes:
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Read My User Guide for Hive Here
View My Witness Application Here
View Some of My Witness Related Posts
Note: Witnesses are the computer servers that run the Hive Blockchain.
Without witnesses there is no Hive blockchain or DApps such as PeakD and 3Speak... You can really help Hive by making your witness votes count!
Get paid to mine your imagination for the benefit of the entire NFT world:
I'm here and read and benefit from your posts. I don't have you on an autovoter.
Hey Matt, thanks for your kind words and support :)
I doubt that it is auto up votes that are the real issue. Look back and see what post were first down voted, most likely a Covid 19 pro or anti post. It seems that most down votes these days are from people and trails that do not like the message that is being posted about. Flat-earth=downvote/covid=down vote/religion of any type=down vote/political affiliation=down vote.
If there were no down vote trails then there would be fewer down votes based on ideology, but people wanted all the youtube stars, and other influencers, and this is what we got, masked people behind names down voting ideology.
I only vote on some of your stuff and that is things that apolymask see and finds interesting, or other of my followers find interesting and re-blogs your post.
Auto up vote trails are needed for several reason most of which you covered in your post. It takes time to find post that I want to vote on, I can not imagine what is going to happen when I have a much larger vote, post I vote on being down voted because I was to generous in my vote? I am not there yet but hope to be someday.
This is what some of us were trying to tell you a long time ago, but at the time you refused to even see it, or contemplate that it was possible. Some of us were rubbished for stating the the obvious, or doing the smallest amount of background work. It's good to now see that you have finally understood the reality of it all.
I have never been against auto up votes. They are needed. It takes time to find things to vote on, so when a whale finds things, (meaning people), he may put them on auto vote because they had good content at one point. Hive Block Chain, whether people want to see it or not, is an investment tool for many many people. No one wants to baby sit their investment for 8 hours a day. So they use tools to do that auto up votes are one of them.
I do not like the auto up votes and do wish people could vote manually and review what they are voting on, that is never going to happen unless people accept the fact that some accounts can give out $40.00 comment rewards.
I have always held the position that it is your vote, use it as you see fit. I have offered suggestions to new users about how to use their vote effectively, such as voting on other people and not self voting, but that is all it has ever been from me suggestions.
If a person wants to slam a down vote on someone, then that is their prerogative, it doesn't make it right, it doesn't make it wrong, it makes it a part of the system. I wish it would not happen. I wish people would use the mute function more often for what they find offensive on Hive, but they are not going to do that.
There are and always will be people that simply want to cause trouble, there are and always will be people that want to silence any voice and opinion except their own. Their are and always will be people whining about it and never offering a solution. I have offered up a solution, it went no where and never will go anywhere because people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions!
autovotes are exactly like patreon subscriptions
and the devs specifically said they wanted to add a subscription option to HIVE
and then these guys pretend autovotes are teh evilz
It takes me over three hours to manually vote some days. While I really want to grow my holdings, I know I am going to need to use auto votes some, but I really want to keep my Manual votes going too. So It will get complicated one day.
great work, either way, it doesn't make any sense to "punish" autovotes
Thanks for your comment and support. I think the majority of Youtube people are too wrapped up in either cotton wool or money to spend much time here - but we'll see! If people are still on there at this point, having not been ejected for too much freedom on their part - then they likely don't have a whole lot to say anyway.
Exactly @ura-soul! That's the point! This will be the problem with HIVE because it is decentralized and others are abusing power or HIVE POWER. So when you disagree with them, others downvote you as they do in all my posts.
I'm sorry that this is constantly happening to you.
I do all my voting manually, and have never done auto-voting.
I appreciate your concern and your constant support, thankyou!
As you know I have been onto these recently emerging topics for years and the attempts to control the narrative have always been visible around them online. I look forward to finding a solution for these issues on Hive!
That is one of my Problems. All of my posts have been downvoted without proper reason. I did speak to @acidyo before about this privately. You know who am I talking about bro.
Yes and what I hear they have good reason to. Shame on you.
Shame on me? What is their reason? Will you tell me? Have I made a mistake and been said to be wrong? Is there evidence or are they just words? Show a print screen so I can defend myself. Be fair...
How's AWS mining coming along? You going to forget how you threatened to doxx me?
Why? Did you invest? Am I the only one who make a wrong investment decision? And why are you so affected, did you invest in AWS MINING under me? Did I earn from you?
The idea that you doubled down on the stupid even years after is top notch, how's that eth mining bot coming along?
When you tried to threaten to get me hacked, did you think I'd just sit idly?
I'm sure @adamada can help you with that.
That doesn't know how to listen. He only listens to himself. His heart was full of resentment and anger! All he knew was revenge even 5 years ago. He can't show himself, nothing to do but to hide behind a mask. And I knew what he was going to say as he had told me before. He just repeats everything until you beg. And I knew what he was going to say as he had told me before. He just repeats everything until you beg. I’m sorry, but I won’t beg a crazy and ignorant person who doesn’t know how to listen and understand and forgive.
Trying to have a victim complex won't help you. I offered my hand and tried to call it quits months back but you just slapped it. You thought I was joking when I said this will be for months to years? You know what you did.
please consider reviewing your witness votes
if you disagree with the downvoters, you shouldn't vote for them
Copy that!!! I'm with you!
they just make up fake reasons
This comment of his is not going to age well.
Yes! Correct...
Could you please ease off on the project hope people? (piotr tag) They're bringing close to 0 value to Hive and most accounts are run by a very few users. Check @eddiespino's recent post, they're all pretty much the same running on delegations from dlease to increase the amount they take from the rewardpool and most likely continuing the beneficiary scheme they were doing before off-chain now.
Just happened to notice your votes on a few early on when checking what they're rewarding lately.
Off-topic but I don't see you commenting often.
I autovote your posts.
I also read a lot of them with interest and have been doing so for a while. I'll continue to do so.
I suspect you're getting multiple downvoting streams. There are the streams d/voting pLandemic material in addition to Acidyo's stream, which he kinda said why in the comments. I dunno if these two streams overlap - I pers. hope they don't!
I find d/voting when it becomes a 'power' thing, to be ugly. I gave thought to aspects of the issue a bit, once upon a time :).
Same. I greatly appreciate the way you reference everything well, the amount of information you share, and how much you have supported the Steem/Hive community for so long!
Thanks so much for your support in all the ways you offer it. I sincerely think that the tribesteemup posts help the Hive community to grow through attracting quality content that helps readers to improve life too. I think that's the best we can use this technology for and I am proud to be part of it. :)
Ahoy! Thanks for your support. I just read your article and it is really well written and poignant - so I reblogged. I see that ODB upvoted your article exposing this so that's something. It's very clear that more care needs to be used with large scale downvotes, control of others - even when thought to be a good idea - nearly always ends up costing more than it benefits.
Thanks in turn for reading, reblogging and saying nice things about the article :).
As much as poss, I retain the consciousness that we are all in this together, even when at one-another's throats. I'm taking the liberty of pasting what I think is perhaps the main msg of the article. I feel that you won't mind me doing this.
Not at all! Plagiarise yourself away! :)
I agree, this is also why I'm not a fan of posts being zero'd, in usual circumstances I would attempt to intervene but it's hard to make that decision when the content of these posts is something I wouldn't want rewarded personally.
...polarities, positions and p(L)andemics aside, I've been chuckling at what you expressed above :).
I acknowledge what I see of you as an overall benefactor to Hive and respect that you take the time to engage and discuss. I used to have you on autovote until I read a post of yours saying you didn't like it.
I did not have you in mind when commenting about d/voting power-flexinig but I did wonder if you were sympathetic or even affiliated with the d/voting sprees on, for example, Jasonliberty's posts.
From what you say it seems perhaps that you do not engage in these d/voting sprees (on pLandemic materials) and might even be inclined to address some of it if it weren't for the fact that you did not wish it rewarded anyway.
If so, I'd be pleased to hear that you are not part of bigHiveBullyPower that jumps on those that question the p(L)andemic. I find that bit ugly! I acknowledge that you yourself have a different position on the matter of masks etc and it was actually pretty cool to read how your and Urasoul's discussion progressed.
In general I think this genre is taking more from the rewardpool than it should compared to everything else on the internet in reflection to Hive, in the same wave I also think a lot of content about hive gets too much rewards as well but I don't see it being as potentially dangerous as causing people to infect others, etc. My personal opinion is that the plandemic discussions all over the internet are blown out of proportion, they either operate a lot of fake activity that takes in others along the way, a lot of fake/stolen content, (this person came up with this so let's respin this content so I also talk about this while leaving out facts and hyping up the content more). It feels like a lot of the unemployed people that were supporting trump, couldn't continue with that and had to find something else to do or get hired for protests, etc, are now on this bandwagon. Doesn't mean I disagree with all discussions, but if you see what other content this is causing - people running around shaming others for wearing masks, being obnoxious, vulgar and violent towards them, it's not something I like to see and I think a lot of that stems from these influencers who are monetizing something many themselves don't understand as long as it gets them clicks and growth.
I'm not one to jump onto downvoting cause others are, I also don't agree with zero'ing out posts, Hive is worth a considerable amount more than it was a few months ago so downvoting it to an extent where the autovoters can choose if they want to continue some times blindly supporting certain authors or content with their autovotes should be enough.
The few times I do get personal, hasn't happened recently, I use some downvotes on people I think are simply wrong, offensive or just cancer to the platform. If you notice I didn't go and downvote that dumbass that told me to suck his balls cause it's not worth it even if I could - actions cause reactions everywhere and Hive isn't immutable to that, it's even more prone to people reacting in different ways here with a lot more power and influence available than on other places on the internet.
I'm all for people posting their ideas, whatever they may be on an immutable chain, followers being able to view it, engage with it and reward such content in ways that can't be countered. Them feeling the entitlement that what they think should be rewarded should not be countered by anyone, going on to saying it's censorship and stuff like that is just stupid and makes me think it's just about the money and 99% of the time it is.
You see, my POV is that material from folk like Urasoul and Jasonliberty represent well-researched articles on serious issues. They seem open to 'fact-checking' in its original sense of verification and validation of reported data/info. There are shit-stirrers of course but some of the folk being systematically d/voted on Hive are reporting stuff they have researched and processed, and are writing (in part at least) so that the awareness of what is going on is made available to others.
I believe you to be a sincere person with a sense of personal integrity - an impression formed from reading your stuff/observing your engagement over time. I understand that your position on the p(L)andemic may approximate somewhat to the one below (quoting myself):
Humanity faces an existential threat like never before! We must all adhere to officially proclaimed, expert-led guidelines in order to survive. Those that do not, or refuse to comply, potentially threaten everyone's survival by their non-compliance. Information which challenges or purports to dispute official claims/the 'accepted' view is mis/dis-information. This information is dangerous, in part at least because folk could be lulled into a false sense of security and underestimate the danger posed by the existential threat. The Science is pretty much settled on this and in any case, we are in a Global Emergency requiring unprecedented action, even if that means curtailing what were once held up as unassailable Human Rights. We need to pull through this together and this will only really happen if we all act in the unison of conformity to officially agreed and advised action. Any notion of a 'conspiracy' behind the global pandemic is as outrageous as it is ridiculous!
I tend to the other side of the above- detailed in the link above coz I don't wanna copy-pasta too much, but if you read it you'll see.
PS. Thanks for removing your autovotes. There's been times I've wanted to just "shitpost" but knowing it'll end up on trending or the hot list has held me back. I've found ways to balance it now by forfeiting post rewards either to projects I think need a bit more funding or directly back to the DAO, or giving back to curators through There's many ways to do so, especially when you have big autovotes, the sad part is that very few do.
...but that's also why I rate you, coz I've seen you do that kinda stuff consistently and not d/v folk who yell at Whales!
autovoting is just like a patreon subscription
and the devs specifically talked about trying to make a subscription option for HIVE
and then they pretend like "autovotes" are teh evilz
I read your posts regularly and upvote them manually.
Recently, I've been unable to participate in discussions for personal circumstances.
You've always been fair and openminded and I personally feel you bring value to Hive and the community as a whole.
Hey hey. Hope all is well. Can you talk anytime soon? I sent you msgs on element
Definitely, will be in touch asap.
Ok, can you check our chat? I sent ya something on element/discord
Hey, I'm glad to hear from you and thanks for replying and your continued support here. The DD team, myself included, were worried for you as we didn't hear anything - let us know if there's anything we can do to help. <3
I am alive and voting for your posts from Canada.
I am a sovereignty loving individual who appreciates deeply the work you put into blogs. I am a weak writer and can only appreciate such blogs like yours wishing I could get the engagement you do.
I was also accused of low engagement by someone who has less engagement on their posts and its zeroing me...
In fact the person downvoting me has a botnet upvoting them while I get judged for my $2 posts is offensive and confusing.
I agree with your sentiment on auto upvoting, I see it as a sponsorship and promotion for the authors I like, such as you.
Thankyou, much appreciated! I wouldn't say you were a particularly weak writer from what I've seen. I guess I've just been around here a long time and blogging for about 15 years on these topics, so have a lot to say.
I honestly don't know what's going on with the downvoting, there's quite a bit of illogical activity that isn't properly explained and which seems contrary to the proposed spirit of the entire project and even to decentralisation itself.
Maybe someone will some day step up to explain rather than try to intimidate.
Maybe someday I'll grab my inheritance and downvote these loosers into submission just like they think we will be doing.
Lol I have enough in my inheritance to zero AZ and curangel I really love freedom of expression, so I may return one day with a bitter vengeance to serve as cold as ice.
Well, every action tends to create a response or reaction - hive is nothing if not a space to see that operate in realtime!
Imagine if Hive ever replaced Facebook - the voting battles would be headline news. lol
Yeah I have said that for years that's why I am making sure to make this as dramatic and arbitrary as possible as I promised @logiczombie, AZ hates drama but I personally love it so that's what this is about if I had to guess. I thrive in chaos as a Satanist. I win the economy when it's uncertain, I win at loosing.
Well said, he was my favorite in that show
You are the most botty mcbotface I've ever seen. Your not great you are a figment of my jealousy! What how dare you pass yourself off as human you artificial intelligence Android!!!
I bet the synthetic human league votes you Omnious hivemind...
But that's all good as long as your throwing votes...
I bet you anything they did that picture of the cat backwards...
At least my bots were supposed to curate specific content and I claim them in the title of my profile.
I always thought bots were scummy but I can see that the largest accounts are still curating botnets.
Actually those bots never went away they just changed their operating parameters. Gone are the days where you could use your steak to purchase a vote. And then everybody made out great. However now we have a bunch of whiny little babies running around forcing people to conform with their opinions.
I got banned from a botnet for the NZ shooting it was pathetic, everyone was talking about it but i was wrong lol
They r everywhere?
This issue needs to be addressed, has been debated for years, @anyx was writtings about it years ago and I have exhausted my reasoning skills arguing with people who are narrow minded twats.
I only manually vote.
The downvote issue definitely needs to be addressed, maybe even removing the monetary deductions it entails.
Thankyou for letting us know and thanks for your support - I appreciate it. I am split on downvoting because it's one of the main ways that vote bots were removed and they were a real problem. Having more of a community conversation would definitely help.
I don't even know how to "auto vote" so if you want to know if my votes are human, yeah they are me clicking like on every post I vote on.
I am no fan of "auto vote" but if people want to use the platform that way, I cannot blame them. is how someone has a curation trail or does auto voting.
Excellent, thanks for letting us know. Yes, manual voting is best but it's totally understandable that people will use and maintain autovoting lists too.
I do not auto vote, and all my votes (and reblogs) of your posts are manually performed by me, because I support your work! This can be easily seen in that I do not vote all your posts :) But I am active, as can also be seen by regular content I put out...
I do not think that this is the real issue, just the excuse to maintain the facade that there is not coordinated targeting of specific users and content. The reason for downvotes of my work by one downvoter was that it was, in their opinion of course, "not valuable" to the blockchain, although valuable to the many followers actually reading/viewing, commenting and sharing the posts. I think I'm up to 16 posts in a row targeted, most zeroed out, and ironically enough, among them have been some of the most popular, most shared, and in the case of the vaxx injury compilation you reblogged, my most viewed 3Speak video! I think this speaks to what is really going on here...
Hey Jason, thanks for your comment and support!
The 3Speak team are very well aware of this issue and I will be working with them to find solutions moving forward - ideally before the end of this year.
To be honest: I do have you on (one) auto-vote (a day) but I also actively read your posts, especially the ones who are covid related. Appreciate them very much.
For me the reason to use auto-vote is that all the posts from authors that interest me, i can read as early as after work. But to at least make sure my (daily) voting power is being used as efficient as possible I've put them on autovote. Mind you: I do vote manually as well.
Thanks for letting us know and i appreciate your support with the votes. I use autovoting in a similar way, it's an intelligent use of the technology imo. As others have said here, it's fairly clear that the reasons for my posts being downvoted to zero is less about autovoting and more about agendas that aren't being made fully public!
'the reasons for my posts being downvoted to zero is less about autovoting and more about agendas that aren't being made fully public!'
It does you credit to express it the way you do. Respect.
Knowing myself well enough I probably would have used less "diplomatic" terms, hahaha.
Take care mate, looking forward to your next post.
haha, thanks. well, i grew up in an environment that (outside of my home) was largely toxic and argumentative/violent. years of deconstructing the psychology and injuries involved has shown me that i have to take responsibility for my own involvement in that, so I do emotional processing in private to enable me to communicate without stirring conflict most of the time. Sometimes anger needs to be felt though! ;)
Looks like you got a bunch of jealous people who have way too much power and influence. Funny thing is the entire war against Auto voting is kind of dumb.
However a lot of these groups definitely need to start delegating more and spreading around these rewards to come users so that we have a real decentralized world not a so-called decentralized world where a bunch of early adopters have excessive influence.
And what about this individual and his crowd getting those huge votes? Seems like some total hypocrisy here.
A bunch of the small fish need to get built up and grown so that we can start fighting back against these Petty individuals and their hypocritical behavior.
Thanks for your comments. I don't really know exactly what's going on, it's easy to judge, but better to try to discern productively. I'm definitely behind a wider distribution of upvotes, but just like the offline world resources tend to centralise around peopel that specialise in areas people want content from and those people then have more time to get better at it and draw in ever more people. I actually have been blogging on these topics for a very long time and have been told I should do it professionally, but I don't want to compromise and get edited by an editor - so hive 'seems' a good idea. It would be awesome to have a large number of people doing good research work and getting upvoted.. I definitely want to see a research focused layer 2 token here.
Hive is definitely a microcosm of the macrocosm when it comes to wealth distribution and it's use!
Very much for I have to agree with you.
Excellent thoughts and views and we will see what happens here in the future. I am definitely going to hold out hope.
You say autovoting is dumb yet you want better distribution of stake - pick one cause looking at xeldal and co's votes are surely centralized to very few people bringing close to 0 value to Hive. Same as rancho's votes when they land on the same people constantly which I also try and downvote.
At least I have the decency to not accept all autovotes, knowing they're a problem, except on a few posts.
How about for the future of the platform you revise your statement.
Auto voting maximizes curation returns and rewards for the newer accounts helping them grow.
Also Auto voting and joining curation trails allows the small communities to really rise reward members and grow.
However we have so many accounts that are running on autopilot. Let alone these other individuals that you speak of.
Which is it... Do you want to see this platform grow or do you want to see it argue fight and download each other until this space is so toxic that there is no growth?
What we really need is more of the big guys to start cashing some in and sharing the rewards and influence around.
However when people do that all the sudden they get fertilized and harassed.
So are you supposed to harass people for using their steak or?
We got some big problems coming up man.... And getting all this fixed might actually bring us a lot more individuals that stay and contribute.
It doesn't since last hardfork.
How are 20 posts per day, most on content creators talking about the pandemic, barely socializing, not even linking back to hive or inviting their followers from outside of here help communities grow? How is it even helping Hive grow?
I want to see this platform reward those who bring it value.
This is literally happening daily, it's literally my point that xeldal and the rest of his trail should share it around more than overreward content blindly, blindly cause it doesn't matter what these users post they will still get that autovote/trail with unknown oversight.
No, remember to season properly.
Actually if these new accounts are signed up for auto vote and are using their steak they are exponentially getting more growth on their account even for the days that they don't show up and interact on here.
This is actually how you get people to sign up is to help them educate them and include them.
If you want to argue over engagement we are having a completely different argument and you are shifting the focus of the conversation.
Using Auto input sometimes it uses a different spelling however me and my puppy dog really loves steak too.
Will you share some.of that steak with us little.guys?
Curation and post rewards aren't guaranteed, that's part of proof of brain. If you're okay with getting massive autovotes on whatever you post you're going to need to be okay with getting downvotes as well.
It's ok if you don't seen the forest for the trees.
And best of luck. Hopefully you will see the big picture one day.
I don't know or understand as well as you do. However, I can offer my opinion as well as tell you what I do know from my personal experience. The pandemic has greatly affected millions of peoples lives in the past two years, you can't deny that. So why wouldn't that be a hot topic? A topic that alot of people want to learn about because they can relate to it in some way.
As far as inviting others to Hive, I have been trying to get my family on Hive for 2 months. Signing up and use HIVE is a PAIN and is NOT very USER-FRIENDLY. To give an example, did you know ecency only allows one signup per IP? It took me a month to figure that out. I use Hivesigner, and it only works 50% of the time. Usually when I use it to login, I get redirected to a page that says oops(503 I think).
I don't link to Hive because I don't use any other social media. I did have a blog on Blogger, but stopped using it due fear of getting banned by Google for voicing MY OPINION, which means my gmail getting banned and losing thousands of dollars worth purchased content on the play store and getting locked out of my Android phone. Before you say "that will never happen", just look at the people who have been banned because of voicing their opinion on YouTube.
I think it is because of people like you that destroy good communities.
All my votes are done manually.
That's great to know, thanks for your continued support too!
I have not looked into autovoting, and have no interest. I believe I am the target user who curates what they read. I feel like I'm left behind with all the tricks being used to milk the system. I'm hoping something might develop that restores the original goals of this platform. Thanks for writing very informative posts!
You are welcome, thanks for your comment and curation. It's true that some people build up rewards and followings through learning the system's rules and adjusting their posting/commenting/voting to maximise their results. I think that can be done in an ethical way or an unethical way. I'd say that Hive today is probably more Ethical than, for example, it's predecessor Steem was in the past - at least now the bidbots are mostly gone.
yeah, autovoting is like a patreon subscription and we all know how much people hate patreon
I upvote about 80% of your content. Just the ones I agree with or find informative. No auto votes coming from me, I am not a bot.
Excellent, thanks a lot for your support and letting us know.
Your welcome. In case it wasn't clear, I read every one of your articles, and upvoting most, but not all.
I do have you on an auto-voter but I also actively read and comment on your posts. I often modify my auto vote too.
The jpbliberty and hamismsf accounts (which are other legal entities that I control) follow my upvotes.
I'm not happy about a lengthy and detailed post being downvoted to zero like this.
Am I correct that the biggest downvote was from smooth?
Thanks, I always appreciate your thoughts, comments and upvote support! Great work on the progress on your epic legal case against Facebook/Google too - I always read your updates there.
It's actually Curangel and Newsflash that consistently put the biggest downvotes onto my posts. They have actually zeroed 8 of them in the last couple of weeks and nearly zeroed a few more. Smooth has put maybe 2 or 3 of his own in along the way too. Altleft is another one who often downvotes me heavily.
I personally feel a lot better about such downvotes if the person takes some time to engage in community connection and conversation, especially when the downvote is allegedly for 'difference of opinion'. I highly respect reasoned discussion and debate, so jumping for the downvote button feels like an avoidance of the whole purpose of social networks in favour of asserting some kind of dominance without even trying to demonstrate failing or mistake.
It's ironic that the downvotes are sometimes allegedly made due to a perceived poor ratio of upvotes to engagement, yet the downvoters themselves rarely, if ever, engage.
Thought I'd chime in a quick related story of my experience:
Newsflash downvoted an absolutely epic post written by myself recently. It got 427 upvotes and 225 comments. People loved it. It was doing great and then BAM, massive downvote on my undeniably quality content.
Was an interesting occurrence.
Shortly after, in an interesting twist of fate, the community disagreed with him and tipped me 5+ times the amount of the downvote, so even though my 6000-word post says it only earned 2.15 hive according it post-rewards, it actually earned almost 300, despite the random huge downvote.
Anyway, the whole experience felt kind of surreal, and I'm not sure what the takeaway is, but I figured it may contribute to the discussion. 🙏
(Side note: Curangel used to regularly curate, upvote, and feature me but stopped suddenly a few months back. Also intriguing. )
That... is a surprisingly large number, lol, and I'm not familiar with who it's being proxied to, or why. Still, very interesting stats you're able to dig up, thanks for sharing and commenting. (I actually thought @ura-soul might weigh in here since we had related experiences :D) 🙏
I was informed by Pharesim that Curangel's money 70% belongs to the team that runs it. Azircon is responsible for downvoting, as I understand and has several million $ personally, as far as I know.
It's kind of sad to think that people can acquire such money and not think of anything more exciting to do than downvote posts.
Wow, thanks for sharing this. There's so many perspectives around on downvotes, and it can be tricky for newbies (like me) to make heads or tails of it. I really appreciate kind gestures from people like you keeping me informed. I imagine if someone is that well-off financially, their actions must be done out of... either boredom or passion, lol. 🙏
Well look at how much time they've saved compared to myself running around in circle and getting nowhere. It's cute that you still expect people to tell you why they're downvoting you but when some do then you can't accept it.
Should I make a post calling out censorship when you downvoted a comment of mine down in one of your posts? Or should I stop commenting because it's not worth it anymore if the rewards get lowered from what I should've received?
I am a very direct person. If someone claims my posts are dangerous or scientifically inaccurate, they only need to identify how that is the case in a direct way. If they are correct, which can typically be verified through data, then I will correct my position and post differently. No-one that claims I am wrong on COVID19 has even attempted to do this to any degree whatsoever.
You have alluded to dangerous content in the comments in this post but not explained what you meant by that. You have also talked about autovoting but avoided most of the responses I sent your way on that topic. I have started this new post to try to progress the situation in a productive way - who knows, maybe you may find less autovotes as a result on Hive.
It's up to you. I personally don't really care if people downvote my comments in most cases because I can always start a new post of my own to draw attention to something that gets lost in comments. Nothing was in any way censored as a result of my tiny downvote, I doubt your comment was even rendered in a different position in the list.
People on Hive have been posting anti-covid conspiracies since it started, many are still ongoing. Who knows how many may have died due to not protecting themselves with a simple mask cause they've read shit like this on the internet. It's been trending on Hive constantly and most downvotes land late when the algo has pushed it down from trending due to age either way.
Certain authors don't deserve to get zero'd, like your case, but other "influencers" I've seen that bring 0 value to Hive in any way shape or form and constantly trend and earn a big pie from the rewardspool due to these autovote is what I'm against the most.
Hive isn't throwing people adrevenue money where it doesn't matter if they're faking their views, comments or following cause it's someone else paying for those ads, this is stake that people have either paid for or held onto long enough. It should go to those bringing some value back to Hive, not just willy nilly be thrown around - doesn't matter if you've bought the stake yourself, post rewards you create and curation you get from them aren't guaranteed until a post pays out. If you're constantly voting up stuff that others disagree with you're going to end up with less inflation.
All these discussions over downvotes, "censorship" and endless walls of texts could've easily been turned into working towards a layer 2 token that would want to reward this kind of content and these kind of influencers. Until then I'm going to try my best to protect the reward pool and make sure it goes to users who are putting in work and being active, whether or not they're big outside of Hive or in their Hive wallets.
Here's an easy example, do you think user is bringing value to Hive? I checked all his other socials, not a single mention of Hive, no traffic coming in, no views on his 3speak, barely any engagement from himself or others on his posts yet he's getting $50+ on every post before the downvotes.
Now let's look at, a big influencer according to her website and what I've seen on her Twitch streams, consistent 2k+ viewers. Even though she may not be bringing in traffic directly to Hive, she's at least using the platform. Blogging, showing her artwork, using dapps (nftshowroom) and engaging.
Would you rather someone who's somehow landed themselves big autovotes got the stake or someone who is trying, not getting autovotes no matter what she posts and might eventually start promoting Hive than someone who's not even trying, not promoting Hive but 20+ other socials (even steemit and dlive) and posting controversial content on top of it all.
Yet Israel and other countries that have a vaccination rate of 70% to 90% and all have massive covid outbreaks and they all wear masks.
The "masks" you are thinking of simply don't work, unless it's a KN-95 mask. No government that I have heard of has reccomended everyone wear those, which proves they don't really care about our health.
Masks are also supposed to be changed every 20 to 30 minutes if it isn't the KN-95 mask in order to even do anything, when Doctors wear those blue masks in the ER they are not supposed to wear the cheap junky blue ones that don't actually filter anything for very long, they supposed to wear KN-95 masks that actually filter viruses.
All of the people wearing masks and other face coverings are totally unaware that they are not doing something that actually is helpful in any meaningful way. Oh, and by the way, I always wear a mask and I have my covid vaccine through moderna(I suffered side effects of heart pain for a month). After 20 to 30 minutes the standard blue mask becomes so saturated with a person's hot breathe that it stops going "through the mask" when breathing and starts to go out the sides, thus not stoping almost anything any longer and it needs to be changed. Nobody changes their masks. You don't, your family doesn't, nobody you know does.
A person who actually follows the science would wear a KN-95 masks and follow the protocols of cleaning it and reusing it. We actually have KN-95 masks and clean them regularly.
So should people downvote you for your anti-science stuff you just posted?
Thanks, yes, the mainstream narrative on the 'science' of COVID response is mostly absolute propaganda nonsense. It's really sad that so many people do no research of their own to learn who is really doing the lying. Masks are a topic that I rarely cover because it is one that so many have bought into and get so emotive over, yet the evidence is so overwhelming of the complete pointlessness of most masks, that if people continue to support their use then I know they don't do any real research... hence there isn't much point in me speaking with them (unless they do actually have an open mind and heart).
I can share numerous sources, including WHO and pretty much all studies prior to COVID that state that respiratory viral pandemics should not invoke mass mask wearing. It was a single study early on in COVID19 that claimed mask wearing was a good idea which was used to overturn decades of wisdom - it was later disproven, but the mask policies continue anyway. There are several high profile health ministers and policy makers on record stating that the masks do virtually nothing to protect people but that the policies are in place to try to curb people's anxiety and to give them a sense that they aren't powerless. This is such a perversion of reality I am almost lost for words. There is really only one explanation for this situation and it is that the policy makers are corrupt or evil. There's a long list of nutritional action people can take to drastically improve their chances with SARS CoV2, yet these were very rarely mentioned. These are one of the main, correct ways for people to feel empowered. The fact that they are rarely mentioned, even ridiculed and then replaced with a mask fantasy is literally criminal.
@ura-soul, votes you received from me were not auto-votes. I have a couple alt accounts that auto-follow each other, but that's just so I don't have to manually cast votes from multiple accounts (unless I choose to vote differently from different accounts, then I change the order in which I cast those votes).
Also, although I have never solicited it, I have noticed that there are a few accounts that follow my account(s) as a curation trail -- I've never looked closely at them, so I cannot tell you how significant that might be.
The notion that a whale (or group of whales) would downvote your posts to zero because of presumed auto-voting is utterly ridiculous, imo (like this post, which generated tons of engagement, but was still DV'ed to zero).
Quite honestly, all this disgusts me.
However, despite my disagreement with those actions (and my disdain for those who promulgate them), I am resolved that the Layer 1 'feature' that allows such actions must remain (as a feature on Layer 1, that is), at least for now.
The downside to such behavior is that there is no way you can win against it (on Layer 1). As soon as one or more HIVE whales start DV'ing your posts, then it becomes costly for your supporters to continue upvoting you (because their curation rewards get zeroed out along with your author rewards).
So, there is an action by the DV'ers that costs them nothing, but costs you (in rewards that they claim were never really yours, which is technically true) but their actions also cost your supporters, and cost them curation rewards that REALLY WERE THEIRS (or at least should have been).
And, the DV'ers can continue this ad infinitum because it costs them nothing. The fact that it costs your supporters means many of them will stop upvoting your content (to stop incessantly losing their curation rewards). This is why such action is so disgusting to me -- it penalizes your supporters until they stop supporting you (or just keeps penalizing them, if they're stupid enough to continue throwing their curation rewards away).
I will be posting a more detailed explanation about my thoughts on this topic, and will link to that post here after it's published. (HINT: The answer to this problem resides on Layer 2, or at least it will shortly.)
In the meantime, I wish you the best in your fight against this abusive behavior; however, imho, you will be better off doing whatever you can to appease them rather than fight them or try to argue with them; they sincerely believe they are the 'righteous' ones. Nothing you or I say will convince them otherwise.
Thanks for your comment, yes, you are right about the curation and upvoting - though if enough people refused to give in then they can unite and take powerful action to stop such abusive voting. Aside from the principle of 'not giving in to terrorists' (to quote a famous US terrorist), the main reason why 'appeasement' won't work here is that the main downvoters are not being honest about their motives. They have zeroed a wide variety of types of posts, so it seems like the content is irrelevant to them.
We are operating in completely different universes. I don't expect that you will ever see my perspective, and vice versa.
So, with all due respect, I prefer to not waste your time or mine directly arguing.
Feel free to state your reasons for disagreeing with whatever I've said (for the sake of others -- not for the sake of trying to convince me).
I will be focusing my efforts on Layer 2 solutions. I see that as the only productive path forward with respect to this issue.
Is that one of your solutions to it? Downvotes remove author rewards but not curation rewards?
I just generally don't agree that curation should be guaranteeed either, only vests inflation should be and hbd APR.
Interesting, thanks - I actually didn't see your comment here at all as it was hidden in PeakD due to your negative reputation figure. Thanks for your support anyhow. 3Speak are well aware of the problems regarding free speech on Hive due to clueless curation, so are taking active steps to address it - we shall see how far they achieve change soon.
100% THIS.
I manually upvote.
Thankyou cap'n!
manually Upvoted.
Thankyou sir!
I only perform manual upvotes, and have written about Hive's voting-design & voting-culture deeply and often, so I won't say much more about it. :)
Wishing you an improved situation and a great day! 🙏
If I remove my auto votes on your posts, then will they stop downvoting you? Of course not....
Here, alive, and upvoting Sir!😅🙏💞💞
Excellent, thanks for your support! :)
I'm not in your list but I noticed your downvotes. I'm a new follower to your post. You've caught my attention with your covid post. Please keep sharing!
Aloha! Welcome, I will do my best, thanks!
I could understand downvotes for disagreement with rewards...but not to 0. Downvote trails do not function well in that context because they tend to be all or nothing...I'm assuming here a downvote trail is why your posts are going to 0 and not the result of 1 big whale vote...
Well, the bigger downvoters claim that the other large downvoters who came along and voted an identical percentage just did so by chance! I don't know exactly who controls what accounts, but they all seem to behave pretty similarly.
If @acidyo is downvoting because of auto voters, he needs to start downvoting @tarazkp and many many others who are getting high payouts. I'm so tired of the "Rules for Thee, Not for Me" approach on ~Steem~ Hive. (Not calling out taraz as being part of the problem, but he's certainly getting tons of auto votes!)
Do you see him post content that's mainly quoted texts like here?
Mainly quoted text, which requires considerable reading in order to post that content? You know, like any other blog or research article might require in order to share information about a particular topic when you want to provide evidence that supports your hypothesis on a particular argument?
Then decline rewards, it's not news that original content is rewarded here. Can just send rewards to if he wants to receive L2 rewards, they can reward quoted text if they like.
So you're implying that the time and effort put into content creation by @ura-soul is not as good as the time and effort that you or anyone else puts into an article- simply based on the fact that he used quotes?
I agree with your right to have an opinion and to disagree with what is valuable content. What I don't agree with your choice to throw around your "stake" to outright censor (i.e. downvote content to 0) simply because you have a difference in opinion about how an actual human wrote actual content.
Did you consider this aspect: If a reader was not aware of the links / references that @ura-soul provided in the article before reading his post, that's called value creation - whether he quoted the whole article or 3 words. This blog provided an introduction to the content, whether original or not. Hive enforces against plagiarism (because that's the right thing to do), not when someone openly sources and quotes from an article. Never has there been a requirement for original content in order to accept rewards. I'm certain that I can scroll through countless 2018, 2019, and probably 2020 blog posts where articles with full quotes were highly rewarded.
The underlying problem seems to be Hive's enablement of bots and voting trails. Perhaps if we forced humans to place actual votes, we wouldn't be having this argument. The counter-argument (pro-bots/voting trails) always seemed weak to me: "But then the people building on the blockchain will have less time to focus on their projects if they're manually voting on content." ... Well, that's actually fine. Once their projects are built, they will either succeed or fail based on the community's opinion about their project. If they're building something for free, then that is there choice - to "decline rewards". Everyone should be allowed to make that decision on their own. Also, in today's Hive, there are numerous monetization opportunities available for devs (as opposed to the limited opportunities provided from SteemIt Inc & Ned). I think it's time that we consider removing voting trails from the Hive code to prevent gaming of Hive rewards. Maybe then we'll get the broader mainstream adoption that we've all been working towards since inception.
Another thought .. was @ura-soul posting 5x/day and exploiting the voting trail process? No. So why 0-out multiple articles that have original content? This feels like a personal vendetta more than simply focusing on a single blog post filled only with quotes.
There are plenty of other folks exploiting the Hive rewards system but it doesn't seem like those are getting as much HUMAN attention. The powers that be in Hive leave bots to clean up after the bots.. how equitable. The obvious solution is to remove all bots, but this approach has been ignored for years by witnesses and those with the largest stake.
Perhaps it's time to have the conversation again - ban bots. ban voting trails. Then we can all focus on content and build community ... as opposed to bots building communities for us humans...
I would like to add something else. The biggest motivator for me to even visit Hive is to see if @ura-soul has posted any new vaccine content. He posts the numbers, and where he gets the numbers, so I can see for myself. I don't fully understand Hive, but it seems to me from reading the comments below it doesn't seem fair. Just another platform where one-side tries to silence the other. I don't know if I want to be part of it anymore. It is just a matter of time before Hive gets hijacked by a political party and change the rules andor definitions.
I don't like auto voting at all, because it reduces the idea behind 'curation' to absurdity, but if it would be a criterion to downvote posts, then some 'top' witnesses would have to downvote each other and many popular posters all the time ...
autovotes are exactly like patreon subscriptions
and the devs specifically said they wanted to add a subscription option to HIVE
and then these guys pretend autovotes are teh evilz
I don't know the specifics of what's happened to you exactly, but in my experience, there are a lot of forum police for a supposedly censorship resistant platform. They tell you what's okay to say and take your earnings when they feel, with or without reason.
I've argued before that calling this place a safe haven for free speech is a lie, a grift, and an impossibility.
Every deplatform, every demonitization proves me more correct.
I appreciate your content, and very active on Hive, at least I like to think. And sorry I no longer sign people up on Auto vote, and do more manual curation these days. Everyone who is on my auto is grandfathered in.
If I do vote, I do it like the blockchain God's intended. Manually! . I never liked autovotes as I believe they are a risk to the proof of brain of Hive.
I don't believe this is the issue here for downvotes otherwise there are several all time trenders that would be in the crosshairs.
It would seem that some of your content is not hitting the right note with people and maybe coupled with autovotes they believe it is over rewarded. I believe that is proof of brain in action, However, I would find it a bit ironic if they start to Auto downvote everything you do.
I'm upvoting your posts from NZ - but my vote in Hive is worth bugger all since I have powered most of my HP down because of downvoting.
My votes are worth much more in POB.
All none approved content is being downvoted by the cabal. They always have some bogus excuse for their circle jerk reward pool raping content censoring vote control.
Keep up the great posts!
Thanks for your support! I think that layer 2 networks have part of the answer. The 3speak version of these goes live soon I think, so stay tuned for more interesting developments!
There's only one problem with that. These same people will be "air-dropped" power to control that too, or so it seems - just as they do in every other community that crops up. This is the continual circus that gets played around here. I hope it can change things, but at this point, I am not holding my breath. There have been so many examples of the rotten eggs getting a foot hold in every community thus far. I just can't see how anything will change. I am not being negative, I am just stating historical facts that have taken place on this chain from day one, that bear the fruits of this continual deception.
Thanks for some of your recent posts. They have been exemplary.
Air drops can exclude those to whom airdroppoing would be counterproductive for the community, it is essentially like forking out justin sun. Thanks for your support too!
I'm actively watching.
I get notified whenever you post via my website because you write about stuff that actually matters and not content that's intended for prepubescent followers like what your downvoters like.
Maybe if you change your avatar to some anime character and start promoting NFT fads they'll leave you alone.
I now have an Anime avatar image - so hopefully that's that. :)
Wow that is some brutal truth right there oh my God you made me s*** the bed laughing!!!!
Hell yeah that's what's up some truth up in here!
Yep we need to have these individuals power limited because the abuse is getting pretty Petty.
Ahoy, thanks for your support! I hadn't seen your website before, thanks for sharing the link. lol.. Well, it takes all sorts I guess!
Dude's been spitting garbage lately, at least what I post, the few times I do are real things and I forfeit a lot of rewards because of said autovotes, show me others doing the same. No need to get butthurt cause some people say anything they want just to get off of downvotes for overrewarded and borderline dangerous content.
Stay away from 5g towers.
The truth of the matter is that HIVE mostly does work based on voting trails. Legit stakeholders follow or stake these accounts based on their personal preferences or the type of content they'd like to see rewarded. Stakeholders that contribute to or follow voting trails are content with the curation that occurs. If they weren't, they'd pull up stakes and find other places to invest their delegations.
Not everyone wants to engage in full-time curation, but good HIVE-folk desire to contribute to the growth of the social dApp, the dApp that started it all and made this place initially an enjoyable place to create and share.
Inverted and negative curation is abstract to the real-world marketplace. It's on a par with Antifa window breaking. You're not hurting the big businesses and corporations, you are damaging the little guy, and you're doing it for what exactly? This kind of behavior is the most entitled behavior on the blockchain that I've ever seen.
Just because you control a massive amount of stake, you feel that you can null the votes of hundreds. And now you're going to pretend that trail votes don't count. You know that we know damn well that you whales are doing reciprocal voting and getting vote trail votes.
Don't be such a hypocrite. I don't want to take a giant deuce on HIVE by exposing the pattern of reciprocal voting that happens on your accounts, nor point out the fact that you're getting trail votes too. You know how this place works and its flaws just as much as the next guy. But I've seen you take a weird pleasure in "destroying another community." If I remember correctly, those were your words verbatim.
Just cut it out man, life is too short, and people are just trying to get by. The type of spirit killing that you're engaged in only emboldens our kind. And your war on information war and deep dives content will not gain you any traction or earn you any brownie points, save for with some of the other sociopaths on the blockchain. You haven't sold anyone on the idea that your downvotes on quality content are meritorious.
If you don't believe that, look at the engagement in the comments. Most stakeholders strongly disagree with your position. To answer @ura-soul's question: Whenever I vote for one of his post's it's after I've read it through and through. Be good to your fellow HIVE people. That's not such a terrible thing to ask.
Let's aim for a strong community with diverse ideas. There are many different cultures on the blockchain. Stake trolling with large downvotes is an amateur move that can drive people away. That can't possibly make you feel good to use your power like that. Does it?
there's downvote trails too, show me what other reciprical votes i cast continuously and compare the stake to what they cast back. If you're going to accuse me of votetrading at least provide some proof.
I don't disagree that i also get a lot of trail votes, they're normal but I'm not the one posting controversial content and never adjusting what rewards I get to keep depending in the post. I realize not many others give away half or even a little of their posts rewards for beneficiaries either and that many just maximize but there's still so much garbage and unfair overrewards ongoing that I don't have time to look at the normal posts and authors yet.
the community you're talking about was project hope and i said destroying sarcastically. There never was a community, they're just a few people on a lot of accounts sucking out value through leased stake, content no one reads and too busy switching accounts to post many times per day to engage and build connections and be social.
It's sad how little people have when they try and pull the attention back towards me.
If I wanted to maximize I wouldn't have posted 2 posts in 2 months, I could easily start up a few alt accounts and hire cheap ghostwriters to vote up with a ton of stake. I don't do that, though, nor do I vote trade. Hive and my reputation mean more to me than money so better luck next time random nobody.
Look, I'm not trying to go on a witch hunt, but the fact of the matter is that reciprocity is something that happens from time to time. It happens IRL and in business very naturally. I'm not even bothered per se when I see it because it's none of my business.
I mean, if it's a blatantly obviously shitpost or low effort post, that might be annoying. What we're talking about is the downvoting of legit content that people pour their hearts into writing. That and the targeting of specific communities because of ideological differences.
Your set to get rewarded $183.51 for your latest post, and it's 778 words long. If you compare that to his 4350-word post from five days ago that got zeroed out--it's damn near criminal. All I'm saying is that HIVE will never be fair, and comparison is the thief of joy. Instead of seeing content that people poured their heart in and maliciously downvoting that. Why not find someone else's content that is under-rewarded and give them a nice big healthy upvote.
In life, we buy what we want and ignore the content we don't want to see. Punishing HIVE-folks because they have different opinions doesn't serve the broad array of cultures that will make the various social media dApps stand out among the other platforms. Specifically, those that engage in grimy demonetization tactics.
Do you think that you're uniquely qualified to be the judge of what content is safe enough for others to read? So many people are getting hurt by these vaccines. When they go to social media to tell their stories, they get silenced by the technocratic elite. I think when the truth finally emerges, and it is daily, you're going to feel very sorry about what you've been doing on the chain.
Just today, for example, the NIH has admitted that they had indeed funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. And this means that Tony Fauci outright lied to Congress and Rand Paul about the bioweapon research they jointly conducted with the aid of China.
These topics are serious business. And I know you are not interested in it right now, either that or about as interested as a child choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream cones.
However, I promise you this: when people start dying en masse from these shots, you will quickly find out that these 'boring' or 'dangerous' topics will become very interesting to you. It'll be interesting because you'll have friends or family who will undoubtedly have gotten affected adversely by these experimental vaccine trials.
I think I even gave you a large PDF document full of social media scrappings and images about the vaccine damages, and this was before they were censoring or "fact-checking" content. At the time I did it, I knew that you were a reckless downvoter.
But because I know that people are more important than this silly social media company we call HIVE, that didn't stop me from trying to warn you not to volunteer. Even if you did volunteer for the shot once or twice--that doesn't mean that if you feel you've made a mistake, that you have to double down and keep getting hurt by them.
Here is an additional Easter egg for you.
The image was taken from this document.
I started reading this thread for other reasons but what is read cannot be unread I suppose...
I'm with you on the gain of function research. That happened and it was lied about. Now one could argue that it was unintentional and that the NIH did not ultimately know at the time the grant was made that it was going to be used in that manner. But that is really no excuse even if true. One could also argue that despite that funding, there is no direct link (yet) between that and COVID-19...but I don't believe in coincidences that big either.
Where you lost me is on the vaccine starting to kill people "en-masse". What is the evidence for that? When do you expect that to start happening?
I feel like existing conspiracy theories (and I am not trying to use that term pejoratively here) are contradicting each other somewhat. On one hand, COVID-19 isn't a big deal, on the other hand gain of function research created a super virus and was funded by the U.S. in China. If COVID-19 is a big deal then a vaccine makes sense even if it was created in a lab and even if it was done to line the pockets of "big pharama". If it isn't a big deal, then the gain of function research isn't either (in that it hasn't produced anything we know about).
I can't say with authority what the origin of COVID-19 is. I can say that based on my own personal observations that the vaccine helps more than it hurts. Despite being anecdotal, I put a lot of weight on what my personal observations are given how statistics can so easily be manipulated and 50% of which are completely made up. And when I say "personal observations", I don't mean stuff I read on the internet. I mean people I know of in real life, usually through some level of indirection...friends of friends and so forth...I've been fortunate that no one close to me has had serious complications with either COVID or a vaccine. At any rate, those observations have led me to know of a few people that have died from COVID 100% unvaccinated, fewer people that have been hospitalized due to COVID but have been vaccinated. And nobody that had died from COVID and been vaccinated or died or was hospitalized from being vaccinated.
Now if the vaccine is really a time bomb waiting to go off to kill mass numbers of people, I definitely would be interested in knowing about it...but tend to be very dismissive of such a theory without solid evidence.
I'm worried about vaccine induced ADE (Antibody-dependent Enhancement). And it seems that Dr. David Bauer of the Francis Crick Institute warned about something to that effect.published these various articles to the blockchain. Just bear in mind that these are experimental trials authorized for emergency use. They are not approved, they are authorized and the vaccine companies have zero liability if it causes harm. Now they're moving the goal post. It used to be two shots, or one shot. Now they all have boosters and say you can mix and match them. They also say if you don't get the boosters, you're not fully vaccinated. This is all very suspicious and smacks of Big Pharma mission creep if you ask me. If you're interested, @ura-soul has done some extensive research on this topic and
P.S. My evidence for the shot killing people en mass is somewhat anecdotal, I've been monitoring obits in a certain area and there was a large and noticeable uptick among the elderly. I'm think it's highly likely that most of these folks caved to the propaganda and got vaccinated. Before, they started censoring the social media posts I had come across this as well. Basically, we're getting hit with weaponized propaganda surrounding the vaccine, it's safety, and effectiveness. Now when people come out to talk about how the vaccine damaged them, the social media companies censor that data.
There are so many people commenting on this topic that there are bound to be numerous views that do contradict each other to some extent. Having looked into this for so long, I hold off from making concrete statements of fact until the puzzle pieces are clear enough to do so. That's part of why I focus on data and testimonies from top experts, where they themselves either make statements of fact based on their own evidence or they make statements which they combine with comments about how certain they are of their accuracy and why.
In many ways, this and even most science is similar to a murder mystery puzzle. We get clues, we do experiments, we think and we draw conclusions. It's often best to remain open to new information and not be closed at all - at least until the truth is so clear that nothing is likely to ever change it.
Humans are being faced with choices regarding COVID19 that may be life/death for them and their children, so clearly it is the obligation of all caring people to do their own due diligence research. Unfortunately, the topic in hand is very complicated and it is obvious that substantial amounts of the information are being distorted for profit - in other words, we are being lied to as we try to survive something that the evidence suggests may have been created BY the people who are getting caught spreading the lies AND who, we are being told, are the 'top experts'.
The fact that Fauci in the US, most of the characters in the UK Gov's team and numerous others have been caught red handed so many times in either blatant lies, fraud or just having massive conflicts of interest SHOULD be sufficient for everyone to put the world on hold until this is deeply looked into. Unfortunately, few people are willing to do any real work and are more than happy to pass off responsibility. Unfortunately, the main people waiting to syphon up that responsibility are the very ones implicated in massive crimes against humanity.
In terms of the specifics of your points about the virus engineering, vaccines and deaths etc - the page linked by @thoughts-in-time contains many links to articles I have published on Hive which fill in the gaps from my perspective. There is ample data to demonstrate that the size and scope of COVID19 has been hyped to generate fear and probably to centralise power/wealth. This doesn't mean that SARS CoV2 doesn't exist or isn't dangerous - it just means it has likely been misrepresented for profit and personal power gain.
In terms of the experimental injections, I suggest checking out the numerous articles I wrote on that topic for more info. The summary is that the primary way we have of tracking the safety (independent of the pharma industry's own 'studies') is the public adverse reaction reporting databases. These are known to be under-reported by 40-100 times, a fact that the pharma industry NEVER acknowledges publicly. The constant stream of videos of vaccine injured people and deaths is never ending so far and there are numerous pathologists who have spoken out to warn that the situation is not being properly monitored. Very few autopsies have been performed on COVID19 patients, especially not looking for vaccine injury. You can see statements from Dr. Ryan Cole and also testimony from a top Pathologist in Germany in my articles, stating that a very high percentage of people who are dying are doing so due to the shots and not COVID19. Plenty of them are being logged as COVID19 deaths too.
The full scope of what SARS CoV2 is, is yet to be fully revealed. I track various researchers online who are diligently doing independent research into it and the consensus so far seems to be that it is indeed a potentially very dangerous pathogen long term. However, there are also numerous safe options for self defence from it which are being deliberately buried in favour of profitable 'vaccines' that actually don't work very well and cause harm.
For me, the bottom line of all this is that despite all the complexity, there is signal in the noise. One of the main signals is that there is a repeated pattern whereby the actions of many governments consistently deny and cover up information that could result in lives being saved for free or for a low cost, while consistently taking obvious action that results in death.
I suggest listening in particular to Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world's most cited scientists ever - he goes even further than I do in calling this an organised move to cull the population:
It's funny that most of his content gets no engagement yet they're all rewarded the same.
We have a voting trail that upvotes stuff in the respective communities, it's not "autovoted" on any user, we manually upvote content and the trail follows. So the curation trail we have gets the upvotes from people who have been on our trail for years and years and that's why his content and others will generally have the same reward as we usually do the same upvote % when we do it. We haven't attempted to grow our trail to be larger for awhile.
Our trail has the equivalent of a 2 million HP 100% upvote. At one point we had over 4 million HP due to some whales following us for awhile.
I haven't been around for the last year or so to really build this up any larger and I'm not sure that I have the time and energy to do so, let alone even making my own posts lately due to time constraints.
I dunno man, ura souls posts really arent controversial in my view. Ura soul is a pretty tame poster and very friendly, hardly any kind of out there controversial sinister figure. My view of him has always been more of a hippie vegan(of which he admits he is a vegan). I have a really hard time seeing what you see, maybe it's because I know the guy and have talked to him for years and read his posts a lot.
This is @truthforce writing.
So you're the person in charge of overrewarded "influencers" that have brought 0 value to Hive?
great fucking job.
right... like YOU have a Job where you get to Critique how others do THEIR job?
Because I don't get you one bit... I think you're a little Damaged in the Brain and need to act like some Manager here to get your rocks off...
How bout you ignore what bothers YOU and go on to build what you need with HIVE? and stop harassing people who seemingly work outside of the FUCKING RULES YOU FUCKING DECLARE!!!
And if you cant do that... Then how bout YOU GO THE FUCK WAY? How bout that?
I don't work for YOU and if YOU EVER touch my Shit and produce this Faggotry Whining about how you feel superior... then I will Come out to meet you personal and YOU can ACTUALLY explain it to me... sound good?
mother of God this is BRILLIANT!