please consider reviewing your witness votes
each and every account has exactly 30 votes assigned
UNUSED witness votes are de facto votes for the oligarchs
please consider reviewing your witness votes
each and every account has exactly 30 votes assigned
UNUSED witness votes are de facto votes for the oligarchs
I do my best to stick to my strengths (which is 'explaining things in-depth' through my content) and distance myself from most political stuff, but you're right, I should probably put more thought into my witness votes.
That said, I find the whole witness system convoluted and strange. In governmental politics, I at least have an idea what people 'stand for' or what 'side' I'm voting for, but with Hive Witnesses it's mostly just a bunch of semi-anonymous avatars, and I have no clue what they stand for, all I know is "were they nice to me or not", so that's basically all I have to go on unless I do a deep-dive on every witness. 🙏
well, the top 20 are calcified and generally agree that "opinion downvotes are not really a big deal"
so, regardless of ideology, voting for the bottom 30 witnesses is a vote for DECENTRALIZATION
Good point, and that does make for a quick and easy solution. I could write thousands of words about my thoughts on decentralization, but Bottom 30 could work. Thanks, I'll see what I can do. :)🙏
you are a gentleman and a scholar
also, if you don't want to click on 30 different "approve" buttons (twice)
you can just click here -
(current proxy voting at 18 million r/shares)scroll to the bottom of the page and enter @logiczombie as your witness proxy
i will be moving votes around as witnesses go offline and as i speak directly to some of the higher ranked witnesses
you can see my current votes here -
As you sir! Thanks for making it so easy for me! I voted for some on the bottom, some name's I recognized or have been kind to me on the chain, some for ideological reasons, and I have 5 votes left that I'll finish up as time goes on.
I considered delegating but this kind of thing seems like something best done myself, lol. Anyway, my voting wasn't 'perfect' but it's a start, and thanks for clarifying this whole 'witness' thing a bit, progress! 🙏
we're making some progress
Dude! That's some serious proxy-power! Well done! 🙏