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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago

I do my best to stick to my strengths (which is 'explaining things in-depth' through my content) and distance myself from most political stuff, but you're right, I should probably put more thought into my witness votes.

That said, I find the whole witness system convoluted and strange. In governmental politics, I at least have an idea what people 'stand for' or what 'side' I'm voting for, but with Hive Witnesses it's mostly just a bunch of semi-anonymous avatars, and I have no clue what they stand for, all I know is "were they nice to me or not", so that's basically all I have to go on unless I do a deep-dive on every witness. 🙏


well, the top 20 are calcified and generally agree that "opinion downvotes are not really a big deal"

so, regardless of ideology, voting for the bottom 30 witnesses is a vote for DECENTRALIZATION

Good point, and that does make for a quick and easy solution. I could write thousands of words about my thoughts on decentralization, but Bottom 30 could work. Thanks, I'll see what I can do. :)🙏

you are a gentleman and a scholar

also, if you don't want to click on 30 different "approve" buttons (twice)

you can just click here -

(current proxy voting at 18 million r/shares)scroll to the bottom of the page and enter @logiczombie as your witness proxy


i will be moving votes around as witnesses go offline and as i speak directly to some of the higher ranked witnesses

you can see my current votes here -

As you sir! Thanks for making it so easy for me! I voted for some on the bottom, some name's I recognized or have been kind to me on the chain, some for ideological reasons, and I have 5 votes left that I'll finish up as time goes on.

I considered delegating but this kind of thing seems like something best done myself, lol. Anyway, my voting wasn't 'perfect' but it's a start, and thanks for clarifying this whole 'witness' thing a bit, progress! 🙏

we're making some progress


Dude! That's some serious proxy-power! Well done! 🙏