I'm actively watching.
I get notified whenever you post via my website because you write about stuff that actually matters and not content that's intended for prepubescent followers like what your downvoters like.
Maybe if you change your avatar to some anime character and start promoting NFT fads they'll leave you alone.
I now have an Anime avatar image - so hopefully that's that. :)
Wow that is some brutal truth right there oh my God you made me s*** the bed laughing!!!!
Hell yeah that's what's up some truth up in here!
Yep we need to have these individuals power limited because the abuse is getting pretty Petty.
Ahoy, thanks for your support! I hadn't seen your website before, thanks for sharing the link. lol.. Well, it takes all sorts I guess!
Dude's been spitting garbage lately, at least what I post, the few times I do are real things and I forfeit a lot of rewards because of said autovotes, show me others doing the same. No need to get butthurt cause some people say anything they want just to get off of downvotes for overrewarded and borderline dangerous content.
Stay away from 5g towers.
The truth of the matter is that HIVE mostly does work based on voting trails. Legit stakeholders follow or stake these accounts based on their personal preferences or the type of content they'd like to see rewarded. Stakeholders that contribute to or follow voting trails are content with the curation that occurs. If they weren't, they'd pull up stakes and find other places to invest their delegations.
Not everyone wants to engage in full-time curation, but good HIVE-folk desire to contribute to the growth of the social dApp, the dApp that started it all and made this place initially an enjoyable place to create and share.
Inverted and negative curation is abstract to the real-world marketplace. It's on a par with Antifa window breaking. You're not hurting the big businesses and corporations, you are damaging the little guy, and you're doing it for what exactly? This kind of behavior is the most entitled behavior on the blockchain that I've ever seen.
Just because you control a massive amount of stake, you feel that you can null the votes of hundreds. And now you're going to pretend that trail votes don't count. You know that we know damn well that you whales are doing reciprocal voting and getting vote trail votes.
Don't be such a hypocrite. I don't want to take a giant deuce on HIVE by exposing the pattern of reciprocal voting that happens on your accounts, nor point out the fact that you're getting trail votes too. You know how this place works and its flaws just as much as the next guy. But I've seen you take a weird pleasure in "destroying another community." If I remember correctly, those were your words verbatim.
Just cut it out man, life is too short, and people are just trying to get by. The type of spirit killing that you're engaged in only emboldens our kind. And your war on information war and deep dives content will not gain you any traction or earn you any brownie points, save for with some of the other sociopaths on the blockchain. You haven't sold anyone on the idea that your downvotes on quality content are meritorious.
If you don't believe that, look at the engagement in the comments. Most stakeholders strongly disagree with your position. To answer @ura-soul's question: Whenever I vote for one of his post's it's after I've read it through and through. Be good to your fellow HIVE people. That's not such a terrible thing to ask.
Let's aim for a strong community with diverse ideas. There are many different cultures on the blockchain. Stake trolling with large downvotes is an amateur move that can drive people away. That can't possibly make you feel good to use your power like that. Does it?
there's downvote trails too, show me what other reciprical votes i cast continuously and compare the stake to what they cast back. If you're going to accuse me of votetrading at least provide some proof.
I don't disagree that i also get a lot of trail votes, they're normal but I'm not the one posting controversial content and never adjusting what rewards I get to keep depending in the post. I realize not many others give away half or even a little of their posts rewards for beneficiaries either and that many just maximize but there's still so much garbage and unfair overrewards ongoing that I don't have time to look at the normal posts and authors yet.
the community you're talking about was project hope and i said destroying sarcastically. There never was a community, they're just a few people on a lot of accounts sucking out value through leased stake, content no one reads and too busy switching accounts to post many times per day to engage and build connections and be social.
It's sad how little people have when they try and pull the attention back towards me.
If I wanted to maximize I wouldn't have posted 2 posts in 2 months, I could easily start up a few alt accounts and hire cheap ghostwriters to vote up with a ton of stake. I don't do that, though, nor do I vote trade. Hive and my reputation mean more to me than money so better luck next time random nobody.
Look, I'm not trying to go on a witch hunt, but the fact of the matter is that reciprocity is something that happens from time to time. It happens IRL and in business very naturally. I'm not even bothered per se when I see it because it's none of my business.
I mean, if it's a blatantly obviously shitpost or low effort post, that might be annoying. What we're talking about is the downvoting of legit content that people pour their hearts into writing. That and the targeting of specific communities because of ideological differences.
Your set to get rewarded $183.51 for your latest post, and it's 778 words long. If you compare that to his 4350-word post from five days ago that got zeroed out--it's damn near criminal. All I'm saying is that HIVE will never be fair, and comparison is the thief of joy. Instead of seeing content that people poured their heart in and maliciously downvoting that. Why not find someone else's content that is under-rewarded and give them a nice big healthy upvote.
In life, we buy what we want and ignore the content we don't want to see. Punishing HIVE-folks because they have different opinions doesn't serve the broad array of cultures that will make the various social media dApps stand out among the other platforms. Specifically, those that engage in grimy demonetization tactics.
Do you think that you're uniquely qualified to be the judge of what content is safe enough for others to read? So many people are getting hurt by these vaccines. When they go to social media to tell their stories, they get silenced by the technocratic elite. I think when the truth finally emerges, and it is daily, you're going to feel very sorry about what you've been doing on the chain.
Just today, for example, the NIH has admitted that they had indeed funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. And this means that Tony Fauci outright lied to Congress and Rand Paul about the bioweapon research they jointly conducted with the aid of China.
These topics are serious business. And I know you are not interested in it right now, either that or about as interested as a child choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream cones.
However, I promise you this: when people start dying en masse from these shots, you will quickly find out that these 'boring' or 'dangerous' topics will become very interesting to you. It'll be interesting because you'll have friends or family who will undoubtedly have gotten affected adversely by these experimental vaccine trials.
I think I even gave you a large PDF document full of social media scrappings and images about the vaccine damages, and this was before they were censoring or "fact-checking" content. At the time I did it, I knew that you were a reckless downvoter.
But because I know that people are more important than this silly social media company we call HIVE, that didn't stop me from trying to warn you not to volunteer. Even if you did volunteer for the shot once or twice--that doesn't mean that if you feel you've made a mistake, that you have to double down and keep getting hurt by them.
Here is an additional Easter egg for you.
The image was taken from this document.
I started reading this thread for other reasons but what is read cannot be unread I suppose...
I'm with you on the gain of function research. That happened and it was lied about. Now one could argue that it was unintentional and that the NIH did not ultimately know at the time the grant was made that it was going to be used in that manner. But that is really no excuse even if true. One could also argue that despite that funding, there is no direct link (yet) between that and COVID-19...but I don't believe in coincidences that big either.
Where you lost me is on the vaccine starting to kill people "en-masse". What is the evidence for that? When do you expect that to start happening?
I feel like existing conspiracy theories (and I am not trying to use that term pejoratively here) are contradicting each other somewhat. On one hand, COVID-19 isn't a big deal, on the other hand gain of function research created a super virus and was funded by the U.S. in China. If COVID-19 is a big deal then a vaccine makes sense even if it was created in a lab and even if it was done to line the pockets of "big pharama". If it isn't a big deal, then the gain of function research isn't either (in that it hasn't produced anything we know about).
I can't say with authority what the origin of COVID-19 is. I can say that based on my own personal observations that the vaccine helps more than it hurts. Despite being anecdotal, I put a lot of weight on what my personal observations are given how statistics can so easily be manipulated and 50% of which are completely made up. And when I say "personal observations", I don't mean stuff I read on the internet. I mean people I know of in real life, usually through some level of indirection...friends of friends and so forth...I've been fortunate that no one close to me has had serious complications with either COVID or a vaccine. At any rate, those observations have led me to know of a few people that have died from COVID 100% unvaccinated, fewer people that have been hospitalized due to COVID but have been vaccinated. And nobody that had died from COVID and been vaccinated or died or was hospitalized from being vaccinated.
Now if the vaccine is really a time bomb waiting to go off to kill mass numbers of people, I definitely would be interested in knowing about it...but tend to be very dismissive of such a theory without solid evidence.
I'm worried about vaccine induced ADE (Antibody-dependent Enhancement). And it seems that Dr. David Bauer of the Francis Crick Institute warned about something to that effect.published these various articles to the blockchain. Just bear in mind that these are experimental trials authorized for emergency use. They are not approved, they are authorized and the vaccine companies have zero liability if it causes harm. Now they're moving the goal post. It used to be two shots, or one shot. Now they all have boosters and say you can mix and match them. They also say if you don't get the boosters, you're not fully vaccinated. This is all very suspicious and smacks of Big Pharma mission creep if you ask me. If you're interested, @ura-soul has done some extensive research on this topic and
P.S. My evidence for the shot killing people en mass is somewhat anecdotal, I've been monitoring obits in a certain area and there was a large and noticeable uptick among the elderly. I'm think it's highly likely that most of these folks caved to the propaganda and got vaccinated. Before, they started censoring the social media posts I had come across this as well. Basically, we're getting hit with weaponized propaganda surrounding the vaccine, it's safety, and effectiveness. Now when people come out to talk about how the vaccine damaged them, the social media companies censor that data.
My understanding of virus mutation is that the more virulent it is (the more easily it spreads) the more quickly it mutates. In other words, it seems likely to me that whether there is a vaccine or not, this virus is likely to mutate to adapt to antibodies quicker than your average virus. Whether those antibodies are produced by your body's immune system as a reaction to the virus itself or to the vaccine hardly matters. If this were a slow spreading virus that we were mass vaccinating for, then I would see vaccine induced ADE as a bigger drawback. The likelihood of never having COVID is about as likely as never having the flu or the common cold (even less likely as it spreads more easily). So why would a vaccine cause quicker/worse mutations? I would think an increase in likelihood of that would be a worry for viruses that aren't already likely to spread to everybody anyway. Besides, that ship has already sailed. The die is cast so to speak. We already have mass vaccinated. The question now isn't whether mass vaccination triggers more/worse mutations in the virus but whether or not given that we are mass vaccinating, are you better off with or without it? And as a counterpoint to the vaccine induced ADE argument, we've been mass vaccinating for various viruses for years and that has not seemed to be a huge problem thus far. Why suddenly this worry for COVID?
Vaccines for viruses frequently require boosters (the Flu vaccine is supposed to be annual after all) so that is really not a surprise. This vaccine was rushed and they could not have told you how long immunity would last up front because nobody wanted to wait a year (or unknown amount of time) to find out. I doubt vaccine research has ceased and it is possible a better one will come along in the future. But the possible need for future boosters was talked about very early on it's just nobody needed them at that point because the vaccine was so new.
As far as being experimental, the Pfizer vaccine has been fully approved by the FDA. The possible negative side effects of all of them are pretty well understood at this point. No vaccine is 100% safe and neither is this one. However, it is very, very unlikely for it to kill you are cause you permanent harm ("very, very unlikely" being some percentage slightly greater than 0).
Glancing through the articles linked above, it's very clear that only articles and data showing the vaccine is "not good" are considered and others are ignored. They even frequently contradict one another. One says there is little or no correlation between vaccination and COVID deaths and another talks about a sharp jump in deaths after vaccination. One talks about VAERS being inaccurate and another talks about how it shows risk of death is higher from the vaccine than from COVID. I mean come on...you can't have it both ways. And this goes back to why I put the strongest consideration on my personal observations despite being anecdotal vs. the absurd multitude of often agenda driven data spewed out (on both sides of the argument) about COVID.
I strongly support an individual's right to choose whether or not they get vaccinated. I just don't buy into the theory that the vaccine is a tool for depopulation or even that it does more harm than good. I haven't seen anything in my own personal observations to support that.
If you want to read some fiction with some terrifying and eerie parallels, check out The Stand by Stephen King if you have never read it. It's sort of a worst case scenario of rapidly mutating, rapidly spreading, and almost always deadly flu-like virus.
There are so many people commenting on this topic that there are bound to be numerous views that do contradict each other to some extent. Having looked into this for so long, I hold off from making concrete statements of fact until the puzzle pieces are clear enough to do so. That's part of why I focus on data and testimonies from top experts, where they themselves either make statements of fact based on their own evidence or they make statements which they combine with comments about how certain they are of their accuracy and why.
In many ways, this and even most science is similar to a murder mystery puzzle. We get clues, we do experiments, we think and we draw conclusions. It's often best to remain open to new information and not be closed at all - at least until the truth is so clear that nothing is likely to ever change it.
Humans are being faced with choices regarding COVID19 that may be life/death for them and their children, so clearly it is the obligation of all caring people to do their own due diligence research. Unfortunately, the topic in hand is very complicated and it is obvious that substantial amounts of the information are being distorted for profit - in other words, we are being lied to as we try to survive something that the evidence suggests may have been created BY the people who are getting caught spreading the lies AND who, we are being told, are the 'top experts'.
The fact that Fauci in the US, most of the characters in the UK Gov's team and numerous others have been caught red handed so many times in either blatant lies, fraud or just having massive conflicts of interest SHOULD be sufficient for everyone to put the world on hold until this is deeply looked into. Unfortunately, few people are willing to do any real work and are more than happy to pass off responsibility. Unfortunately, the main people waiting to syphon up that responsibility are the very ones implicated in massive crimes against humanity.
In terms of the specifics of your points about the virus engineering, vaccines and deaths etc - the page linked by @thoughts-in-time contains many links to articles I have published on Hive which fill in the gaps from my perspective. There is ample data to demonstrate that the size and scope of COVID19 has been hyped to generate fear and probably to centralise power/wealth. This doesn't mean that SARS CoV2 doesn't exist or isn't dangerous - it just means it has likely been misrepresented for profit and personal power gain.
In terms of the experimental injections, I suggest checking out the numerous articles I wrote on that topic for more info. The summary is that the primary way we have of tracking the safety (independent of the pharma industry's own 'studies') is the public adverse reaction reporting databases. These are known to be under-reported by 40-100 times, a fact that the pharma industry NEVER acknowledges publicly. The constant stream of videos of vaccine injured people and deaths is never ending so far and there are numerous pathologists who have spoken out to warn that the situation is not being properly monitored. Very few autopsies have been performed on COVID19 patients, especially not looking for vaccine injury. You can see statements from Dr. Ryan Cole and also testimony from a top Pathologist in Germany in my articles, stating that a very high percentage of people who are dying are doing so due to the shots and not COVID19. Plenty of them are being logged as COVID19 deaths too.
The full scope of what SARS CoV2 is, is yet to be fully revealed. I track various researchers online who are diligently doing independent research into it and the consensus so far seems to be that it is indeed a potentially very dangerous pathogen long term. However, there are also numerous safe options for self defence from it which are being deliberately buried in favour of profitable 'vaccines' that actually don't work very well and cause harm.
For me, the bottom line of all this is that despite all the complexity, there is signal in the noise. One of the main signals is that there is a repeated pattern whereby the actions of many governments consistently deny and cover up information that could result in lives being saved for free or for a low cost, while consistently taking obvious action that results in death.
I suggest listening in particular to Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world's most cited scientists ever - he goes even further than I do in calling this an organised move to cull the population: https://peakd.com/hive-196427/@ura-soul/kzidjzpr
It's funny that most of his content gets no engagement yet they're all rewarded the same.
We have a voting trail that upvotes stuff in the respective communities, it's not "autovoted" on any user, we manually upvote content and the trail follows. So the curation trail we have gets the upvotes from people who have been on our trail for years and years and that's why his content and others will generally have the same reward as we usually do the same upvote % when we do it. We haven't attempted to grow our trail to be larger for awhile.
Our trail has the equivalent of a 2 million HP 100% upvote. At one point we had over 4 million HP due to some whales following us for awhile.
I haven't been around for the last year or so to really build this up any larger and I'm not sure that I have the time and energy to do so, let alone even making my own posts lately due to time constraints.
I dunno man, ura souls posts really arent controversial in my view. Ura soul is a pretty tame poster and very friendly, hardly any kind of out there controversial sinister figure. My view of him has always been more of a hippie vegan(of which he admits he is a vegan). I have a really hard time seeing what you see, maybe it's because I know the guy and have talked to him for years and read his posts a lot.
This is @truthforce writing.
So you're the person in charge of overrewarded "influencers" that have brought 0 value to Hive?
great fucking job.
right... like YOU have a Job where you get to Critique how others do THEIR job?
Because I don't get you one bit... I think you're a little Damaged in the Brain and need to act like some Manager here to get your rocks off...
How bout you ignore what bothers YOU and go on to build what you need with HIVE? and stop harassing people who seemingly work outside of the FUCKING RULES YOU FUCKING DECLARE!!!
And if you cant do that... Then how bout YOU GO THE FUCK WAY? How bout that?
I don't work for YOU and if YOU EVER touch my Shit and produce this Faggotry Whining about how you feel superior... then I will Come out to meet you personal and YOU can ACTUALLY explain it to me... sound good?
it's quite easy really, if you're not providing value to the hive ecosystem you can go leech off other projects.
mother of God this is BRILLIANT!