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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I am alive and voting for your posts from Canada.

I am a sovereignty loving individual who appreciates deeply the work you put into blogs. I am a weak writer and can only appreciate such blogs like yours wishing I could get the engagement you do.

I was also accused of low engagement by someone who has less engagement on their posts and its zeroing me...

In fact the person downvoting me has a botnet upvoting them while I get judged for my $2 posts is offensive and confusing.

I agree with your sentiment on auto upvoting, I see it as a sponsorship and promotion for the authors I like, such as you.


Thankyou, much appreciated! I wouldn't say you were a particularly weak writer from what I've seen. I guess I've just been around here a long time and blogging for about 15 years on these topics, so have a lot to say.
I honestly don't know what's going on with the downvoting, there's quite a bit of illogical activity that isn't properly explained and which seems contrary to the proposed spirit of the entire project and even to decentralisation itself.
Maybe someone will some day step up to explain rather than try to intimidate.

Maybe someday I'll grab my inheritance and downvote these loosers into submission just like they think we will be doing.

Lol I have enough in my inheritance to zero AZ and curangel I really love freedom of expression, so I may return one day with a bitter vengeance to serve as cold as ice.

Well, every action tends to create a response or reaction - hive is nothing if not a space to see that operate in realtime!
Imagine if Hive ever replaced Facebook - the voting battles would be headline news. lol

Yeah I have said that for years that's why I am making sure to make this as dramatic and arbitrary as possible as I promised @logiczombie, AZ hates drama but I personally love it so that's what this is about if I had to guess. I thrive in chaos as a Satanist. I win the economy when it's uncertain, I win at loosing.

Well said, he was my favorite in that show

You are the most botty mcbotface I've ever seen. Your not great you are a figment of my jealousy! What how dare you pass yourself off as human you artificial intelligence Android!!!

I bet the synthetic human league votes you Omnious hivemind...

But that's all good as long as your throwing votes...


I bet you anything they did that picture of the cat backwards...


At least my bots were supposed to curate specific content and I claim them in the title of my profile.

I always thought bots were scummy but I can see that the largest accounts are still curating botnets.

Actually those bots never went away they just changed their operating parameters. Gone are the days where you could use your steak to purchase a vote. And then everybody made out great. However now we have a bunch of whiny little babies running around forcing people to conform with their opinions.

I got banned from a botnet for the NZ shooting it was pathetic, everyone was talking about it but i was wrong lol

They r everywhere?

This issue needs to be addressed, has been debated for years, @anyx was writtings about it years ago and I have exhausted my reasoning skills arguing with people who are narrow minded twats.