you ask some great questions.. and the answers are very illusive! Some of my feelings or perhaps critiques cannot be posted here .. which might say enough in and of itself.. and also they are not the most significant block to mass adoption..
I would say we need time.. since blockchain is still really in its infancy and today it's mostly the younger generation who understand it and the need for it.. Hive is a special project that is growing and expanding.. it is SO diametrically opposite to anything that has preceded it that most people will not understand much of what it is, or its potential.. Even after many months and years as a technical person i sometimes wonder about many aspects of Hive and how it works! It is fair to say that it's a bit complicated for the average person to understand.
I think ultimately we need more time, and for everyone to keep doing what they are doing. I think that calling it a social network is in a way misleading and perhaps a poor way to describe it.. I would call it a blogging platform more than a social network.. and of course that doesn't even touch on the many other aspects of how this blockchain is used such as gaming etc..
I think even today there are VERY few examples of actual use case blockchain projects.. There are so many projects being developed and i think in some years we may start to see them gaining wider adoption.. I think Hive has the potential to be a part of that wider adoption but i dont think in its current form it is yet ready for mainstream, if for not other reason than the fact that it is so different to anything else out there and a bit tricky to use properly as a newbie!
I look forward to seeing what projects you will be launching.. i may well be happy to help! I have various skills such as video editing, graphic design, web development, and a lot of passion for many topics with Sustainably Living & Building being the most important to me.
Great, thanks for your support - maybe we will create a group for promoting Hive, as more people gather around these discussions.
There are very strong feelings about the words used to describe Hive and the system's overall goals. The blogging reward pool leads to a constant drop in the value of the token without new investment, so there are plenty of people who strongly want to redirect perceptions away from the reward pools and towards other areas. This is easier said than done in reality, however, since the reward pools are such a big part of Hive at present. The 'layer 2' communities and their own tokens are probably the best way to deal with this problem as they allow reward pools to continue for niche topics without the value of the layer 1 Hive token being hit continually.
'Public', 'Community owned', 'Co-operative', 'Voluntary', 'Socio Economic Toolkit', and 'Internet Eco-system' are all ideas that reflect important aspects of Hive that can help to differentiate it - beyond just a 'blogging platform'. Being different to the rest of the market is actually a very good thing as long as the differences are well explained and understood. Careful thinking and use of language is needed - thankfully we have many 'proven brains' on Hive that are great with words.
The main uses for cryptocurrencies and blockchains (so far) relate to privacy, self empowerment, security from the collapse of older centralized systems and the ability for people to work together economically in simple ways. You are right that the rest of the world hasn't yet fully understood the power of all of this, but it is likely that the state of the world is going to continue to make life difficult for many people and they will be looking for solutions.
The use of Hive for solving global challenges is a great way to promote it and to psychologically frame Hive as a tool for improving life at the same time. The 'win, win, win' attitude, where activities on Hive can start to help everyone who uses Hive is a very powerful idea that anyone can appreciate. Different cultures face different problems, but they usually all share some too. Hive as a tool for freedom of speech is a very powerful selling point for every society, especially with so much information control and censorship taking place.
Maybe we need a Hive based 'Declaration of Internet Independence'!
sounds like you understand the inns and outs of this place! that is good to know..
layer two tokens YES i have heard about them.. but don't yet understand what its all about.. i did just spot a video link to something so maybe i better check it out and find out what going on...
and yes i understand the issue with promoting hive as a place to get rewarded.. if it gets popular and no one invests then its gonna flop! steem monsters is a good use example i think of how that can turn around though and potentially new systems and games could end up propping up the whole ecosystem as people frantically buy more tokens cards etc with HIVE as the entry point....
god only know how things will pan out but i will be watching and hopefully a part of it all...
if you would like to chat on discord or telegram about project, groups etc please do feel free to get in touch..
telegram: ecoalex
discord: eco-alex#6971
All of the tokens run via Hive Engine are Layer 2 tokens - such as LeoFinance's token, 'Proof of Brain' and many others. Yes, apps that use Hive as a foundation for selling items or services are an ideal way to bring money into Hive without paying out from the rewards pool. A few projects have already experimented with models for doing this in a way that sells writing from Hive bloggers to corporate groups looking for promotional material to be created. I'm sure there are some other great ideas waiting to be discovered too!