The Hive blockchain, eco-system and community are still major undiscovered gems of the internet. Despite having cutting edge features that more popular 'free speech' sites can only dream of, Hive hasn't yet gained mainstream fame and like most of you, we want to change that - in ways that are sustainable for the long term.
One Message To Engage Them All?
There are a few reasons why Hive hasn't built up the huge following that it deserves, but a big one is the lack of a 100% clear message to describe what Hive is! Is Hive a blogging platform that pays you to post? Is it a free speech platform? Is it a platform for Web 3.0 projects to call their home? Or something else? Each of these selling points will turn some people on to Hive and might turn some people off. For example, most of us appreciate that free speech is an absolute necessity for healthy societies, many people wrongly believe free speech to be a danger to them. Some people even think that all cryptocurrencies are evil!
It would be great to have a simple answer to this situation that gives every potential new Hive community member a fuzzy feeling immediately as they learn about Hive. The reality, though, is that different situations call for different approaches. Members of a remote community looking to connect with the rest of the world through the web are going to have different values to a teenage vlogger or a political activist in a warzone. All of them can find powerful tools and support on Hive, but connecting with them in the best possible way is not a 'one size fits all' kind of thing.
The many 'Layer 2' projects on Hive remind us that we also need to understand how to help emerging communities and new websites that are based on Hive technology to find their audience and to connect with them in the best ways. We all have unique needs and so do the millions of potential new Hive community members out there!
Hive Evangelism?
Aside from kick ass technology, what makes Hive great is the diverse community who are all working together to mutually grow their power and reach online. So it makes sense to find ways to help empower anyone to reach out to their own communities and organizations to find out what they are looking for from social media in 2022 - decentralized promotion should be win, win, win for everyone!
Enthusiastic folks have worked hard over the years to create tools and programs to help do exactly this. We think it's about time that the community came together to have their voices heard so that we can all understand each other's needs a little better and maybe take action to help each other to help Hive grow to the next level.
Promoting Hive doesn't have to mean passionately telling everyone you meet about it! In fact, sometimes 'less is more' and letting people come to Hive on their own terms might be more effective than if they feel pressured as if you are trying a little 'too hard' to get them into some kind of financial 'club' on the internet! Having the right materials and tools at the right time, using the right language and words can be very powerful. It sometimes doesn't take much to motivate large groups of like minded people to adopt technology online - so ask yourself 'what will it take to inspire the people around me to come to Hive?'.
Tell Us About Your Needs & What You Have To Offer
Do you have a special gift for communicating or selling, but feel you need a certain kind of video or written material to better understand and explain Hive to your friends/colleagues? Or maybe you have a great tool for promoting Hive already that most people haven't been using.. Let us know in the comments below, we will curate your answers and ideas - Let's make Hive great!
Resonating The Best of Hive
The @resonator account is here to help Hive to be the best it can be. We'll be launching our own projects soon to inspire the great brains on Hive and to direct rewards in ways that offer value to the rest of the internet and so help to grow Hive too.
We already have many great ideas for how to do this, so be sure to follow us on Hive for more information. Of course, if you have exciting ideas to do the same that you think we should know about then let us know in the comments too!
you ask some great questions.. and the answers are very illusive! Some of my feelings or perhaps critiques cannot be posted here .. which might say enough in and of itself.. and also they are not the most significant block to mass adoption..
I would say we need time.. since blockchain is still really in its infancy and today it's mostly the younger generation who understand it and the need for it.. Hive is a special project that is growing and expanding.. it is SO diametrically opposite to anything that has preceded it that most people will not understand much of what it is, or its potential.. Even after many months and years as a technical person i sometimes wonder about many aspects of Hive and how it works! It is fair to say that it's a bit complicated for the average person to understand.
I think ultimately we need more time, and for everyone to keep doing what they are doing. I think that calling it a social network is in a way misleading and perhaps a poor way to describe it.. I would call it a blogging platform more than a social network.. and of course that doesn't even touch on the many other aspects of how this blockchain is used such as gaming etc..
I think even today there are VERY few examples of actual use case blockchain projects.. There are so many projects being developed and i think in some years we may start to see them gaining wider adoption.. I think Hive has the potential to be a part of that wider adoption but i dont think in its current form it is yet ready for mainstream, if for not other reason than the fact that it is so different to anything else out there and a bit tricky to use properly as a newbie!
I look forward to seeing what projects you will be launching.. i may well be happy to help! I have various skills such as video editing, graphic design, web development, and a lot of passion for many topics with Sustainably Living & Building being the most important to me.
Great, thanks for your support - maybe we will create a group for promoting Hive, as more people gather around these discussions.
There are very strong feelings about the words used to describe Hive and the system's overall goals. The blogging reward pool leads to a constant drop in the value of the token without new investment, so there are plenty of people who strongly want to redirect perceptions away from the reward pools and towards other areas. This is easier said than done in reality, however, since the reward pools are such a big part of Hive at present. The 'layer 2' communities and their own tokens are probably the best way to deal with this problem as they allow reward pools to continue for niche topics without the value of the layer 1 Hive token being hit continually.
'Public', 'Community owned', 'Co-operative', 'Voluntary', 'Socio Economic Toolkit', and 'Internet Eco-system' are all ideas that reflect important aspects of Hive that can help to differentiate it - beyond just a 'blogging platform'. Being different to the rest of the market is actually a very good thing as long as the differences are well explained and understood. Careful thinking and use of language is needed - thankfully we have many 'proven brains' on Hive that are great with words.
The main uses for cryptocurrencies and blockchains (so far) relate to privacy, self empowerment, security from the collapse of older centralized systems and the ability for people to work together economically in simple ways. You are right that the rest of the world hasn't yet fully understood the power of all of this, but it is likely that the state of the world is going to continue to make life difficult for many people and they will be looking for solutions.
The use of Hive for solving global challenges is a great way to promote it and to psychologically frame Hive as a tool for improving life at the same time. The 'win, win, win' attitude, where activities on Hive can start to help everyone who uses Hive is a very powerful idea that anyone can appreciate. Different cultures face different problems, but they usually all share some too. Hive as a tool for freedom of speech is a very powerful selling point for every society, especially with so much information control and censorship taking place.
Maybe we need a Hive based 'Declaration of Internet Independence'!
sounds like you understand the inns and outs of this place! that is good to know..
layer two tokens YES i have heard about them.. but don't yet understand what its all about.. i did just spot a video link to something so maybe i better check it out and find out what going on...
and yes i understand the issue with promoting hive as a place to get rewarded.. if it gets popular and no one invests then its gonna flop! steem monsters is a good use example i think of how that can turn around though and potentially new systems and games could end up propping up the whole ecosystem as people frantically buy more tokens cards etc with HIVE as the entry point....
god only know how things will pan out but i will be watching and hopefully a part of it all...
if you would like to chat on discord or telegram about project, groups etc please do feel free to get in touch..
telegram: ecoalex
discord: eco-alex#6971
All of the tokens run via Hive Engine are Layer 2 tokens - such as LeoFinance's token, 'Proof of Brain' and many others. Yes, apps that use Hive as a foundation for selling items or services are an ideal way to bring money into Hive without paying out from the rewards pool. A few projects have already experimented with models for doing this in a way that sells writing from Hive bloggers to corporate groups looking for promotional material to be created. I'm sure there are some other great ideas waiting to be discovered too!
Thanks for this great question @resonator but I will like to divert the question in two or three ways.
We need to focus and bring in more cryptocurrency users from other platform such as Instagram, Twitter, Bigo, Instamessager, Minds, Vero, Ello, LinkedIn, Telegram, Reddit, Diaspora Clubhouse and other new formed social handles. I was just browsing the net when I saw new set of social media handles I was so surprised. So, we need to access it and try our best to look into the Crypto investment aspect to secure the Hive blockchain more as a big family.
We also need to divert our attention into other platform or communities which are currently working hard to grow on this platform as well. So many people come and go when they fill so rejected afterwards. It has happened to me several times but because I associated myself with so many communities I was able to make more impact too by bringing more light investors into the community.
We also need to sponsor AGM home and abroad. I mean General meetings at list twice a year or three to four times. This will also bring people into the platform of Different investing mindset. The farmers, the Crypto investors, the artists, the miners and more. It will also help us out. We can organize General meeting here in Nigeria and create more awareness.
Yes, a professional onboarding app for Hive would be very useful - so that Hive users can get rewarded for onboarding other people. The new users need to be delegated some Hive too, maybe 15HP, in order to be able to use their accounts properly. Ecency and 3speak have put some work into solving this already, so maybe those teams can get involved to create improvements to Hive's standalone onboarding system.
This is something that does need to be addressed, but it can't really be done alone by the existing larger stakeholders on Hive. Ideally, the community leaders or organizers need to find ways to bring investment into their communities, so that each community is self sufficient. The tools are already available in Hive to grow some very big and powerful communities - but we don't yet have educational materials and guidance to help community organizers grow their groups reliably. This is something that creative people on Hive can work together to improve.
We did have 'town hall meetings' in Discord at one time for Hive and they were very popular. @resonator definitely supports bringing them back and improving on them.
Wow. Thanks for the feedback and the reply @resonator . Yes, you said it all, on the aspect of little delegation some #Hive engines or #Hive app such as Ecency and some other are there to do some tip for a week or so. It is a job well-done. We need more investors who are on the Long term plan for Hive too.
I try to pitch out what hive is to possible investors and it goes well till it get to the part of "testimonies". I didn't invest so it's difficult convincing them. If there were videos or materials by investors it would be great. Videos explaining curation rewards, HBD apy and even layer two tokens.This is totally spot on. The different definitions people hear changes their perspective. I'm a chess player and most of my friends would say "nah, my time won't be appreciated here" it is true that the game of chess is complicated and difficult for many to understand, but I have a dream to see Grandmasters and international masters play #Hivechess. I just don't push it further till am sure that the chess community get further support.
Thanks for putting this out. One more thing, just like we have a power up day for every first day of the month. Can we have a hive-promotion day? One this day, people share testimonies and information about hive. These post can be shared across web 2 platforms, friends and colleagues.
Thanks for the opportunity to pour out my mind.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV in the dark? The confirmation-reply may soon be turned off. This would be to conserve and replenish Resource Credits. Even while operating in the dark, your LUV command will still go through as usual. You can always monitor LUV in your wallet, at explorer A or at explorer B, or best, in real time at the luv-log channel on Discord.
Tap to help.
Thanks for your comments! Niche areas like Chess and other games are well suited to having their own Hive website to host the games - like Splinterlands, but for chess. Maybe you can grow the #Hivechess community by using the marketing/promotion ideas we discuss for Hive to bring in new users, build some funds and get a website built.
Yes, having video testimonies from people is a great idea - but it needs to be done carefully to avoid the people being described 'shills'! Some people want to be anonymous in crypto too, but there will probably be some medium/larger stakeholders who are happy to speak out publicly to testify to their love of Hive.
Hello @resonator. I want to tell you about my plan. I want to organize my first chess tournament on hive. I want it to be the biggest chess tournament ever. I would need your support. I will draft the details and publish it on a newly created account for transparency
I will do podcasts with representatives from the Spanish community so it can be bigger.
It will be a non-profit tournament. I would even contribute to the project. All I need is for you to support me with your votes in the tournament related articles and interviews.
They will all be part of funding the event and they would be accounted for.
Thank you.
Hi, that sounds like an interesting idea. One point here is that the 'spam' groups sometimes heavily downvote posts which are contests that use the post payouts as prizes. That would harm your account's reputation and be a problem for you. If you make posts that are subjectively valuable then we and other accounts can upvote you - the best way to get support might be to show in your posts how your project is promoting Hive to new people. Good luck!
Thank you for understanding and feedback. I'd be looking to the promotional ideas of others and how they resonate with you.
How to Onboard Millions of People into Hive? Do NOT Ask Them to Join Hive!
"Less is More". I agree with you 100%.
I say None is More. This is what I would like to do:
I believe advertisement will be a good idea in promoting hive in social media platforms to let more people know about this awesome blockchain. I have also think about this matter of how people can get involved in it, I board four people to the platform not quite long and they were surprised that they haven't heard about such platform before.
Why I said advertisement will be better in social media platforms is because not everyone have the mind to invest in Crypto but when they know about hive through that medium they will understand that the platform is where you don't only earn but even learn to boost more knowledge about crypto and every other positive things happening around the world and from there they can have the mindset to that investing in Crypto gradually and also know how the platform operates. That's my say on this.
Yes, focusing on connecting with users of crypto on other social networks is one of the easiest ways to bring new people to Hive. The bigger social networks such as Facebook have always tried to make it difficult to take users away from them and that is part of why the class action lawsuit against them, dating back to their crypto advertising ban is still going strong.
It also doesn't make much sense to pay them money to place adverts on their networks as we would be funding our competitors, which obviously could be counter productive. So there are two main options left for social network promotion:
Hiring influencers is a good way to advertise on the other platforms without the money going directly to the other platforms - but the recent marketing campaign run by US marketing company *Ignite *(funded from the Hive proposal fund) did involve paying some influencers and was controversial. These campaigns need to be set up in a way that is trackable to make sure everyone can understand how much value for money they offer.
Creating strategies and tools to help Hive users to promote Hive on other social networks is a 'no brainer' - but might not be as successful as it should be because the Silicon Valley sites are well known to (probably illegally) 'restrict' the reach of posts that promote their competitors. The 'POSH' token on Hive is one attempt to help this along on Twitter, but it doesn't really have much value currently, so doesn't offer Hive users much reward.
Hive users need to have tools to promote Hive and also understand how they are helping themselves by growing Hive too, since they benefit directly as Hive grows if they hold the tokens. This is a huge opportunity for Hive that isn't being taken seriously enough right now.. Imagine the possibilities!
I really appreciate your idea and thought on this as well, I believe the leo team at the moment are expanding the leo platform through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and even tik Tok to let others know about the blockchain through that and am pretty sure it has attracted some individuals to be part through that medium though improvement is still in progress but am excited that such is still happening to let more people know about the crypto world through leofinance.
Great ok, yes, TikTok is huge at the moment and probably one of the best places to build large audiences and promote Hive projects.
The name of the account is perfectly chosen so it seems!
I'm personally always trying to connect with people whenever I read/hear something that's needed or wanted. I think I know how to connect the right people nowadays even though I'm not at the top of Hive members list regarding stakes or connections.
Currently, my focus is social media management for the CineTV communityt which is going great, as we see more people active in our community since we picked this up with a small team that's very dedicated. I Tweet daily writing prompts for inspiration and this seems to work great. I bet once the new website is done, this will onboard new users for that genre.
On top of that, I've been promoting quite some other users on Listnerds as well as showing communities in terms of creating a community highlight email. I've noticed in the comments that I have managed to show people new sides of Hive by doing so.
In the near future, when I've moved to Spain, I will start with what I wanted to do just pre-pandemic: a course about Hive, to onboard those that have somehow grabbed my attention, having an awesome talent/passion/skill being unused or not sure on how to market themselves. I want to show them that it doesn't have to be as difficult as they think it may be. I'm in the process of writing my first ebook about the Listnerds journey as a total newbie in the email marketing industry. I had zero experience and want to show others that they can use such a tool for whatever it is they have to offer. It's a huge engagement tool, and actually very fun, nothing that I expected it to be. I shared this article on Listnerds just now, hoping that there will be some more answers to the questions.
I'm also going to create a new community with my friend @amirtheawesome1 as we feel there is often a lack of fitting community for some topics and we hope we can offer a solution for that problem.
Great, thanks for sharing your passion - it's true that Hive's rewards system means that some people become intimidated and believe that they cannot compete or that it will be too hard or a waste of their time. So promoting Hive is often as much about helping people to become the best versions of themselves as it is about the technology or money.
Listnerds looks interesting, yes - we will take a look at it in time and think of ideas for using it to promote Hive on a large scale.
I had an entire post talking about that problem. While it is still true, in my opinion. Someone pointed out that "If you build it, they will come", a point with which I agree.
That's the essence of what @thisismylife and I are trying to do. Filling missing spaces/communities can be a great promotional tool in itself as from personal experience I have seen people not opting to join would do so because they don't find their niche.
This will also coincide with another community set to be there solely to be a guide to all the active communities, making access easier. So many people are not aware that the type of community they're looking for already exists.
I have actually spent hours going through all the communities and categorizing them, we have over 400 active communities (Based on pending rewards at least), so I think the guide we're working on could serve as a great meet-up point that will not only shed light on existing communities but make creating new ones more purposeful and focused.
Firstly I'd like to welcome myself back on the hive blockchain after being away for some months....
Now the question asked above is how to get hive known to the world and how to promote, and help it beyond it desired or designated level. Hive is a huge project and Blockchain platform so , it'd be somehow easy for we the subscribers to make it known to the world based on the benefits it has to offer the users, i.e mining of hive coin on the Blockchain...
Now we have so many social media platforms around the world and that's a great tool of broadcasting hive Blockchain. The likes of TikTok, likee, twitter and so many more social media platforms at our disposals I believe this is a great tool for us to boost the hive blockchain. We've so many digital marketing systems and good marketers among us here on the platform. I still strongly believe that, that alone is a major step for us to help build the hive communities. We have to tell the world and show them it safer to mine hive and it's scam free here on hive community and I'm sure that alone would convinced them to join the platform.
I'd like to give a real life scenerio, there was time I literally told my folks about it but they were like it's not real so, I made a little transactions on my wallet by selling one of my coins and that's HBD and also got the money converted into real cash, they were wowed by it and they asked me to help them join the platform. So promoting hive community Blockchain would be an interesting idea. Hive to the world.
Oh, well, welcome back!
Yes, demonstrating how to transact Hive on exchanges is a good way to prove to people that Hive is real. Video tutorials that prove this and also teach people how to prove it to others can be simple and effective at bringing new people to Hive.
The projects and contests that are on hive blockchain is a form of promotion. Building more engaging projects and creating more engaging contests will draw the attention of different individuals all over the social media platforms and this will really help promote hive in different platforms.
Looking at the way hive community is growing each day and the educational values, we can have the assurance that it won’t be hard promoting hive on different platforms all we need is the right materials and the right speech as you have said.
Twitter for example, I can say that some communities are already trying their possible best to promote hive on Twitter and I can say that it will grow with time.
Their are people who need where they can fit in, they have different talents and ideas but they don’t know where to put them down. We need to let them know that hive is a decentralized blockchain where different beautiful ideas are appreciated and with these you don’t need much talk to promote hive. Reaching these people can either be physical or on social media. Building of projects that can be accessible to these people will be a hit.
I will be anticipating your project.
Yes, people just need some help to point them in the right direction and if they are directly rewarded in a fair way then they will be very motivated to keep helping Hive to expand!
Yes that is it🙂
We need community.
We need onboarding councils that get a list of new accounts to watch for them posting and the ability to delegate to them.
We need abusive individuals to be limited from harming others financially.
We need to invest and empower those that are beginning. Encourage them to grow and Invest in themselves.
Hive helped me... Today I'm blessed with a new chapter as well!!!
We can all grow.
Thank you so much @resonator for this good work. I think one of the best to evangelize Hive is to move to other web 2.0 platforms such Facebook, tiktok, twitter and probably instagram. This has been every effective for the LeoFinance community. LeoFinance community created a Facebook group in December, 2021 and it has been working effectively.
One of the new features of Facebook, which is making short videos known as REELS could help spread the opportunities on the hive blockchain to potential investors. Some one can create Reel videos for a particular community and post them in the proposed Hive Facebook group.
There are two benefits that the Reel videos brings:
Thanks, this is my humble contribution to helping the hive blockchain grow.
Great idea, yes - we need to remember that Hive is like a physical place and it's possible to take people on a tour of it. People can even use their phone camera to record them using Hive and to show people their experience of Hive on a laptop or desktop computer - plus give a spoken narration. We also have many open source video and image files for Hive logos that can be used to make the videos more interesting.
That's true, I'm glad that your profferring solution for the good of the community. Thanks, we're glad to have you here.
A timely article, @resonator.
As a project, hive is what the community makes of it. And that is an excellent starting point. We need to keep in mind that hive is not a business. It does not have a profit motive per se. It can be used in that way. Community members have a choice though whether or not to take that route.
My fellow @listnerds will use the platform for a different purpose than the followers of @leofinance. Or the bloggers on @peakd. Or the gamers on @splinterlands. And that is a good thing. The platform will grow in directions we never dreamt of due to this diversity of interest. In time.
As with any community led project, the best advertisers are the users. Who just keep doing what they're doing. In this way the community will expand naturally. The people who join come willingly (and are not "bribed" through high returns and leave the minute the initial high returns return to "normal") and will stay and commit to the community in the same fashion.
Planning communities backfires. Letting them be themselves, through all the ups and downs that result, is a winning strategy. They can be creative, or innovative and that is what will drive them.
Some parts of hive will grow on the back of an individual's vision. Some parts will have no obvious driving force. Just like in real life.
That's what I like and appreciate about hive.
Thanks @resonator, (Some people even think that all cryptocurrencies are evil!).... This was me, as at a year ago, this was because i had lost so much money as a student till i ran into debt, as a student, it was really hard to come out of it, trust me as far as i was concern, any thing crypto was evil until I encountered the hive blockchain last year.
I absolutely agree with you, that have the arsenals to answer all the questions asked by the younger and older generation of ours, My only challenge personally, is that am still trying to navigate through the bearings of the blockchain, to understand effectively how to engage the communities.
Talking about Hive Evangelism, I do believe that it is very key, and like you well said, I have experienced that, you don't need so much persuasion, to get anyone on the blockchain, but in my opinion, i do believe that result, speaks volume, when you are an evidence carrier, you will not speak much but the evidence will speak on your behalf.
i actually have been thinking about how and what difference i can make, to add value to the hive blockchain in a unique way, recently while trying to gather some talented folks, i was blessed to get a few young and talented friends, who we are robbing minds together, and will soon come up with something which i know will add value to the blockchain. as soon as that is done, we will communicate the blockchain. Good enough, about four of them have willingly signup onboard, many are coming on board soon.
I will love to say a big thank you @resonator for the amazing project, this already is highly inspiring and encouraging, this for me is a call to think outside the box, and make it happen away from the convectional way of doing things. Thanks so much and stay safe, do have a great day, thanks for having me @ekotmordemy
That's great to hear. 'Two minds are better than one'.. and maybe ten minds are better than two!
If communities can work together to create applications, projects and communities that they themselves need locally - then they are going to find it easier to grow.. So we need to understand the needs of our own friends and families - then understand how Hive can help them.
I agree with you. We should at first find what Hive is really is, giving a clear definition.
In my opinion, is a decentralized blogging platform, and according to a common and contemporary definition a Decentralized blog2earn platform
More than one year ago I started publishing in Publish0x because I want to be honest, I was not fully persuaded by the Hive token and I preferred a blogging platform with no own token. But I kept watching Hive, and here I am, regularly posting since 3 months, trying to share useful and practical knowledge, having created my own niche community.
Next step will be Medium, and I will, with my team, create diversification of posting, sending people to Medium for some topics and to Hive with others, maybe more "controversial", to be helped by the blockchain.
But I am up to help and contribute actively to this kind of Hive development.
But for
Promoting your Hive posts with links to them on your Medium posts and posts on other platforms is a good idea. It makes sense to direct your readers to the platform that most supports your needs and in many ways that is probably Hive.
I am a newbie on the hive blockchain and it took me a long time to get settled in. I am even still in the process but it has been amazing
I have been in beautiful Communities and I try very much to enjoy myself while posting. As a newbie I have been able to invite four of my friends to Hive within the period via sharing my hive post on my WhatsApp status
I find posting hive post on WhatsApp status as a way of advertising the blockchain especially if the content is interesting
Twitter seems to be a big play in advertising about the blockchain, as I have been asked severally about it
The truth is most people feel it's almost impossible to have a platform like this, most are concerned about quality post getting curated but I believe it is a process
My favourite Community are: Hive Learners, ecoTrain, Liketu and Hivenaija
Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, you are right that many people believe that it is impossible for something like Hive to exist or to not be a scam. We need to do a better job of explaining how Hive works and how people can participate.
I definitely do agree... using social media would be effective enough and personally I feel a better system of curating quality post would be very important, creating a community just to see available contest would be very nice
These are the ways I feel we can be known
I have always believed in the active marketing and publicity of Hive from my inception on the blockchain. This is due to the effects the blockchain has had on my life and the lives of others. I am honored to always be a committed supporter of the hive blockchain. Thank you, @resonator, and others who are truly prepared for this course. Hive promotion should be a daily activity for everyone. By doing so, we draw great brains and investors into the conversation.
Personally, I believe that one of the most effective ways to promote Hive is to assist people in experiencing the true impacts of the blockchain. With this occurs, people are greatly empowered to perform great things as well. It is time to take the initiative and assist individuals in understanding the virtues that have been instilled in them.
They may have a greater influence on people's lives and build a better world for themselves through Hive. We only need to get some high-quality content about how others will be empowered. Obtaining flyers and other advertising materials for this would be fantastic. Most vital, ensuring people understand the significance of Hive blockchain is more promotion.
I am absolutely equipped and eager to join this team in marketing Hive, particularly in Ghana and Africa. Please include me, sir.
That's great to hear, thanks for helping Hive. Yes, the community needs to focus on creating the kind of promotional and educational material that is useful for helping others to understand and trust Hive.
New posts will be published here soon on this topic.
Yes, we are waiting to ensure the marketing of hive takes full operation to empower others.
Hive Blockchain is an amazing ecosystem for creative mindset. Before joining Hive Blockchain, my first thought was what can I offer on Hive that has More than one trillion experts, knowledgeable resource persons then I remembered my inspiration for trying something new. Hive is a platform to launch out inspiration in actualizing passion in writing skills, adding values to people's lives and to explore those talents to benefit the entire world.
Here are my little contributions to Hive ecosystem attaining professional distinction through creative write ups. Encouraging the young hivers. Introducing new ways of solving societal problems by indepth research and team work. My ideology is that nothing is hard working in team.
Yes, Hive's 'proof of brain' algorithm means that people need to be creative and imaginative if they want to receive good levels of upvotes and rewards. Thankfully there are many opportunities for us all to learn about our world and even to solve our problems too - so we can view Hive as a way to receive rewards for learning and trying to help each other. This is what @resonator wants to upvote and see happening more. People can make posts to ask the Hive community what they want to know, learn or read about.. and then they can go and make those posts too!
great post, the Hive is many things. The hive has all the things you do now plus paying you. It is difficult to describe and/or explain but if you can get them to try it, I will bet they will love it.
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im interested in brainstorming on the possible hard fork changes/updates we could make to improve the layer 1, Since im new to hive, just about to hit my 1 year anniversary, and You have been here a long time, what ideas/concepts have you come up with? Also, by what mechanism does on accomplish such a change? A proposal? or getting a consensus of witness to accept a hard fork coding change?
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