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RE: What Tools Do We Need to Promote Hive To Communities & Organizations? What Do You Already Have To Share?

in #hive3 years ago

Thanks @resonator, (Some people even think that all cryptocurrencies are evil!).... This was me, as at a year ago, this was because i had lost so much money as a student till i ran into debt, as a student, it was really hard to come out of it, trust me as far as i was concern, any thing crypto was evil until I encountered the hive blockchain last year.

I absolutely agree with you, that have the arsenals to answer all the questions asked by the younger and older generation of ours, My only challenge personally, is that am still trying to navigate through the bearings of the blockchain, to understand effectively how to engage the communities.

Talking about Hive Evangelism, I do believe that it is very key, and like you well said, I have experienced that, you don't need so much persuasion, to get anyone on the blockchain, but in my opinion, i do believe that result, speaks volume, when you are an evidence carrier, you will not speak much but the evidence will speak on your behalf.

i actually have been thinking about how and what difference i can make, to add value to the hive blockchain in a unique way, recently while trying to gather some talented folks, i was blessed to get a few young and talented friends, who we are robbing minds together, and will soon come up with something which i know will add value to the blockchain. as soon as that is done, we will communicate the blockchain. Good enough, about four of them have willingly signup onboard, many are coming on board soon.

I will love to say a big thank you @resonator for the amazing project, this already is highly inspiring and encouraging, this for me is a call to think outside the box, and make it happen away from the convectional way of doing things. Thanks so much and stay safe, do have a great day, thanks for having me @ekotmordemy


That's great to hear. 'Two minds are better than one'.. and maybe ten minds are better than two!
If communities can work together to create applications, projects and communities that they themselves need locally - then they are going to find it easier to grow.. So we need to understand the needs of our own friends and families - then understand how Hive can help them.