Thanks for your comments! Niche areas like Chess and other games are well suited to having their own Hive website to host the games - like Splinterlands, but for chess. Maybe you can grow the #Hivechess community by using the marketing/promotion ideas we discuss for Hive to bring in new users, build some funds and get a website built.
Yes, having video testimonies from people is a great idea - but it needs to be done carefully to avoid the people being described 'shills'! Some people want to be anonymous in crypto too, but there will probably be some medium/larger stakeholders who are happy to speak out publicly to testify to their love of Hive.
Hello @resonator. I want to tell you about my plan. I want to organize my first chess tournament on hive. I want it to be the biggest chess tournament ever. I would need your support. I will draft the details and publish it on a newly created account for transparency
I will do podcasts with representatives from the Spanish community so it can be bigger.
It will be a non-profit tournament. I would even contribute to the project. All I need is for you to support me with your votes in the tournament related articles and interviews.
They will all be part of funding the event and they would be accounted for.
Thank you.
Hi, that sounds like an interesting idea. One point here is that the 'spam' groups sometimes heavily downvote posts which are contests that use the post payouts as prizes. That would harm your account's reputation and be a problem for you. If you make posts that are subjectively valuable then we and other accounts can upvote you - the best way to get support might be to show in your posts how your project is promoting Hive to new people. Good luck!
Thank you for understanding and feedback. I'd be looking to the promotional ideas of others and how they resonate with you.