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RE: This is 50,000!

in #hive3 years ago

If we aren't creating something frm us, what is the point of creating anything at all?

I agree bro, I just feel sometimes, maybe it's just different with music, that I give a little piece of my soul, every time I do a performance here.
Do I have a never ending supply of soul? Should I maybe try to manage my expectations because with posting, comes the disappointment of not being my "best version of me". All the hours spent here working and grinding daily, could be spent in more productive ways, outside of the blockchain?

This answer, only time will tell. If I become hive millionaire, this comment will not age well 😁

Anyway back to you, that's more than dedication, that's a commitment close to marriage that you have with HIVE now!


Music is different - especially when creating - plus there is a skill that is obviously applied.

Lol, just imagine all the Hive millionaires that have spent their time complaining about rewards.... :D

that's a commitment close to marriage that you have with HIVE now!

It is a shame - my wife isn't even a little jealous....