This is 50,000!

in #hive3 years ago


It has been a long time coming - almost five years in fact, but this is going to be my 50,000th post on the Hive Blockchain! This of course isn't top level posts, it is posts and comments combined, but still it is a bit of an achievement.


I used to have in my byline "prolific writer" but now it just says continual writer, as at least for me, it is like a continuous flow of thoughts that connect my daily life with the blockchain. While I do not add every detail of my life here, my life affects every piece I write and there is no one else on earth that can write like me. It is not a conceited thing to say, it is true, because in order to write like me, a person would have to have me experience and since I am the only one on earth who lives my life, that is literally impossible.

For those who know me (and many do), they also know that I am pretty much the same in real life as I appear on the blockchain, although I haven't updated my profile picture for a while, so I might be a little heavier and, a little beardier. However, one of the things that I can't do in my content is make shit up, because I write so much that if I were to do so, there would be no way for me to keep track of all the lies. And yes, there are people on here who talk a lot of bullshit - and the chain remembers it all.

The other reason I put myself out there to be on here is, I am increasingly aware that there is a chance that I will not see my daughter grow into her adulthood and I want her to have something of me that is me, rather than have to "know me" through the words of other people. All of these posts on Hive will be a gateway for her to see her life through my eyes, as well as get an understanding of my thought processes through different stages of my life and our life together. I value this opportunity a lot and I suspect that many people who lose their parents early, would have loved to have something like this to help them understand their parents and themselves better.

4813 top level posts have been committed by me to the chain, meaning that I am about 1:11 in regards to adding comments and tens of millions of words between the two. Early on, I didn't understand how important comments were to building relationships, but I soon learned and have spent a lot of time commenting, which can often be more than I have spent writing top level posts - which is saying something.

The people who don't answer their comments annoy me, especially when they are getting well rewarded. It is not just that they are taking those who take the time to engage for granted, but they are also taking the voters for granted too, as they expect the content to add value and a huge part of that is in building the relationships that attach people to this blockchain. The value of engagement is enormous.

A lot of people have a different experience to me here and they put it down to the difference in "reward", but that is only part of the story. For me, one of the reasons that I am so Hive positive is that I am attached to the blockchain with far more than my HIVE POWER, as I have relationships and friends here I value highly, even if I don't always get to speak to everyone often. And like I said above, I have myself here too, as I am in these posts, it is not some cut and paste fluff, or random school report kind of task - this is me, my life, my experience, skills and al of my emotional states.

This shit is personal.

So, while I have been relatively prolific on Hive as a poster in posts and comments, what also has to be considered is the value of the relationships built and the connections made. I have generated 69104 replies on my posts too, which is 15th highest on the platform and much higher, if the automated "comment war" ones are taken out of the top spots, as well as the ones who have hundreds of ! calls on them. So, if I were to remove the spam and the automated comments. I have answered most of the replies I have ever got on my posts, which is a pretty decent effort considering.

I have considered it in thought experiments, but despite blogging daily, I don't consider myself a blogger, let alone a full-time blogger - as I have a couple other career jobs to keep me busy in the work regard. However, if there was to be a bit of a spike in the markets, technically I would have earned more from blogging than I have from my jobs. I say technically because HIVE POWER isn't cash, no matter what it is actually worth.


That is not too bad for a hobby though!!

But of course, I had it easy and it is impossible for other people to do. I have been told it is impossible for four years and before I was even a dolphin level on the platform. Funny isn't it? All of those people who believed it was impossible so didn't try, only to find out that indeed it is possible and their beliefs were wrong. But of course, they will never admit that, they will justify their position in some other way, make some other excuse.

Have you noticed that pretty much all the successful people on earth were told that what they ended up being successful at, was impossible for them? Business people and athletes and seemingly, Hive bloggers. Don't get me wrong here either - the account value isn't the success, the 50,000 posts are.

If the majority of you knew what my life looked like, you probably wouldn't be jealous and the people here who do, definitely aren't jealous of me. They know where I started and what it has taken to get to this point today. But, that is part of the experience of life, overcoming adversity to achieve the "impossible".

I will end with a quote on this and one I think about often in regards to all of the times I have heard what is impossible to accomplish in this world.

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ― Muhammad Ali

People misunderstand this quote, they think it is about believing in yourself, but it isn't. It is literal, Impossible is nothing. If something is impossible, it does not, cannot and will not ever exist. Things may be impossible right now, but that doesn't mean they won't be possible tomorrow, or a hundred years from now. Everything that we use daily, from this blockchain and the cars we drive, to the internet and the medicine we have available were impossible until they were made possible.

We make our world, literally. And we have the power to change everything.

One thought, one word, one action at a time.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Damn man. Congratz. Youre one of the most consistent posters on Hive. Deserving of every vote. ;)

Heres to another 50k


Cheers mate!

I wonder if it will take me another almost five years and, if it did, what would Hive look like then? :)

I guess that's 10,000 posts/comments a year? And I wonder if everyone did half that, what hive would look like.

Hahaha @lordbutterfly. You've got this thing totally wrong mate.

He doesn't like to celebrate and toast with bubbly and foamy yellow liquids inside a glass. But only with reddish liquids. And you only have to replace Rachael by Taraz in the engraving to have him ready in his way to another 50k. :D

Wow! Congrats! I wonder how many I have.


posts: 508
comments: 4566@littlescribe

replies: 3999

you can check things here:

Basically I have 5000 posts. That's KIND of like 50,000, right?

A "0" is nothing, so my math logic tells me we both have 5. =D

HAHAHAHA! 5 sounds good too.

That is some crazy good consistency! Congrats and keep going!

Not planning on stopping yet :)

Epic achievement. Congrats, Mr. Living Legend of Hive :)

@tipu curate

I am getting close to 1000 this year.

Posted via

$PIZZA@tarazkp! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mightyrocklee.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

When not looking too often, it creeps up fast.

you inspire me, i plan to do a 30 day everyday post now. hehe! !PIZZA

$PIZZA@tarazkp! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mightyrocklee.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Congrats man. That is a lot of posting.

lol yeah - I should get a life :)

Hope you are well mate.

That is a lot, meaning 10000 a year and about 27 if you had to post daily.

Takes a lot of effort and dedication.


I post daily and average somewhere arond 3 a day, but it is more like two a day for the last couple years. :)

Even when you were self employed...The level of engagement was insane then as it is now. Kudos...Like I said, you deserve everything good from this place coming your way

Now I am self employed and have a full time job - it cuts into things a bit, but I am managing :)

50,000th in 5 years! WOW... you're a prolific writer!!!
And a good one at that!
You are an inspiration, @tarazkp!!!

It surprises me. Back in the day I also said - "I won't hold more than 10,000 HIVE" Oops! :D

50 times more than me. You are very rich in both quantity and quality. Congratulations.

All it takes is time and effort - a lot of both :)

Love that Muhammad Ali quote!

Well done Mr 50K!!

Before writing this, I did some digging - and you put most people on the blockchain, including the spammers to shame!! :D

Haha, I used to be quite the comment fiend!!!

60th on the platform!

Lol. I'm a spammy mofo!

12,000 "Nice posts!"

I thought that's what you were meant to say!!!!

Congratulations for 50K. That's prolific and consistent. Hope i am here on Hive to witness your 100K post 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Posted using Dapplr

I am guessing it won't be in the next year! :D

I will wait and be on chain until that happens :P

You are delightfully amazing. It is people like you who make Hive personal that are successful here!
Here's to the next 50k! ❤️

Don't you find it funny that people want to earn here, but don't see it as something personal?

I wonder how much of it comes from being taught to not make ourselves vulnerable online. I find myself being a bit cautious about details about my life that could make me a target for unscrupulous contacts that might be lurking here.

That is quite an accomplishment. It is good to see so many people making more comments on post I have always thought they were real Important. Hive Buzz for comments only has me at 228th place. My comments have dropped over the last year, but picking up again slowly. I am not sure I would want your and your brothers number of replies to make though.

Ha! @galenkp is crazy!

I enjoy replying to comments, even though it takes time. Admittedly, some days I don't feel that great, but reply anyway, as it is part of the "working regardless" attitude - in the best and worst of times :)

I think that is one of the hardest things for new users to get and understand, on youtube and face book the comments seem to only go one way most times, where on Hive it is or should be a two way flow. I have even responded to bots before.

Ha! @galenkp is crazy!

I can attest to this. As can my other personalities.

I am not one for replies/comments. But I am trying to do better.

I find myself wanting to comment a thank you to people who up vote me. Even when they do not leave a comment.

So I go to the latest posts by them, give them a look. And up vote in return. Even tho the up vote they gave me may be much higher. I still try to return the respect.

i think it would be weird to thank people for upvoting without a comment - would you tag them?

Also, I don't think you need feel obligated to thank on one of their posts - but leaving a comment is always appreciated, just make sure it is about the post you are commenting on :)

That is my dillema, to thank them for the up vote seems strange. But I feel obligated to repay the debt?

So reply to a comment, up vote some of their content in return for up votes given. Do You feel this is more the way to go?

The other reason I put myself out there to be on here is, I am increasingly aware that there is a chance that I will not see my daughter grow into her adulthood

This part had my heart skip a little bit seeing as I just lost my dad over a month ago and I almost didn't fully immense myself in reading and understanding your post as usual.
I really do hope she has you around for a long long time.
Congratulations on 50,000 posts. That is huge ..

My condolences on your loss. :/

I hope I am around for a while too, but I am getting ready if I won't be. Can't wait for such things.

Thank you.
That is true. Life does sometimes seem to have other plans for us.

That affected me also. I am fairly new to Hive (less than a week!) and this is the first post I have read by @taraskp, but I hope all is well.

I have generated 69104 replies on my posts too, which is 15th highest on the platform and much higher, if the automated "comment war" ones are taken out of the top spots

When you say that you've generated 69104 replies on your posts. Do you mean the comments other people have left on your 4813 top level posts and 45.187 own comments?

yes. I estimate about 10% to be spam or automated :)

Uhm, I see. Then... this is what we already could call undoubtedly high interaction & engagement right? :D

For reference:



I think it is all replies., not just those on top-level posts. So replies to replies too.

Thank you for this statistic mate. It was funny toying a little with this tool. :)

Mr. Boom6068458057-493035 R
G-Dog4847851801-499291 R
Asher4510656135-494957 R
You4521569167-481925 R
Me65295466-545626 R
The Winner130615551092<--Guess Who?

¡Holy Crap! I can see that I'll have to work awfully hard and it is gonna be a very long long journey to reach your numbers in the Replies Generation Department.

Especially the ones of this mysterious and prattler user that currently ranks first in the statistics. Hahahaha

That’s a lot of posts and comments dude! I think it’s a great way to contribute to the chain but also memorialize ourselves. If things were to happen and we were sadly not around anymore, we could have someone be pointed to our account and see how we functioned and how our brain was. I think it’s great, especially with the modest amount of anonymity we get by not going crazy posting our high schools, street we grew up on and the thing we just dropped off at the post office a minute from our house. Some do that but not many who are into enjoying the platform the way we do.

Sad to hear about your health woes man. I know a few words don’t help a whole lot but my heart goes out to you and your family. It’s not easy to be cognizant of that type of stuff. Best we can do is enjoy life one day at a time and cherish those we love.
I saw an interesting quick clip earlier about that type of concept. What would someone do if they were given 86,400$ every day and they could spend it all and have it put back into their bank account every day? Would you spend it all or save it? Spending it as best we can is what we should do because that’s 86,400 seconds a day. Each day is new and we shouldn’t squander it on silly things, we get to determine what we want to spend our own version of 86,400 on. That moved me more than I realized it did! I don’t do crazy things myself but it helped me gain a little appreciation for the basis behind the analogy!

It is interesting to think about the pseudonimity here. I wonder how "hidden" we actually are? I suspect that most leak a massive amount of identifiers, though at the surface level they may be hard to connect.

So many these days squander their seconds away and then wonder why they don't have or can't do the things they want to do. We want to be great - but don't want to get off the couch.

I don't think we've met!

Congrats, that's sure a decent amount of hours spent dedicated to the task. I like what you said about the uniqueness of every writers, I feel very much the same way.


Not directly :)

If we aren't creating something frm us, what is the point of creating anything at all?

If we aren't creating something frm us, what is the point of creating anything at all?

I agree bro, I just feel sometimes, maybe it's just different with music, that I give a little piece of my soul, every time I do a performance here.
Do I have a never ending supply of soul? Should I maybe try to manage my expectations because with posting, comes the disappointment of not being my "best version of me". All the hours spent here working and grinding daily, could be spent in more productive ways, outside of the blockchain?

This answer, only time will tell. If I become hive millionaire, this comment will not age well 😁

Anyway back to you, that's more than dedication, that's a commitment close to marriage that you have with HIVE now!

Music is different - especially when creating - plus there is a skill that is obviously applied.

Lol, just imagine all the Hive millionaires that have spent their time complaining about rewards.... :D

that's a commitment close to marriage that you have with HIVE now!

It is a shame - my wife isn't even a little jealous....

Yes the power is within us to change and mold our world. Writing and blogging is a great step in that direction. It is a dedicated love and real commitment that finds that achievement. Congrats!

Writing and blogging is a great step in that direction.

I find it consolidates thoughts and helps me (and others I am sure) work through their processes and change behaviors. It is very valuable.

I was going to do a post like this when I hit 50,000. I'm at 50,900+ now and totally forgot. Maybe I'll do one at 100,000.

At your pace, it is going to be around Christmas time :D

Lol. That long?

Stop explaining away people's excuses for why it's quite simply impossible for them to do things they might want to do xD

Congratulations on 50k posts XD

Acting in one's best interest.... Impossible. :D

Is that a Post Orca status now?

Here's a random idea for free — Splinterlands could do a card with an Orca Postman depicted. I guess it would look appropriate-ish.

Cheers and



to your achievement!

lol. I wonder if there is a rating system like that? Though, I am guessing most would be automated spam :)

Back in the early days of Splinterlands, I think they made personalized cards

It happens in Magic The Gathering, too. Some top players, usually. Meddling Mage is such an example. Dark Confidant. Snapcaster Mage. They often prove to be top tier cards, as well.

Congrats to you my mentor, trust me no one can write like you do. Your daughter will be proud.

Thanks. No idea why Spaminator follows you - but normally it is because of comment spam. If it is in error, you can go onto the HiveWatchers Discord and see there:

Spaminator what is your problem with me again,I am tired of all this shit, i don’t want to be blacklisted. What thing have I posted that is fake.

My goodness, you're active! Trying to post, daily, again and inspired by your breath and stamina :) @Tarazkp can I ask you to kindly confirm if package I sent you has arrived, please? Just checked this morning, and it says it did nearly a week ago...

Yes it has arrived, but I haven't got t yet. Everything that comes from outside the EU goes through customs now.... takes time.

Aha, thanks, for letting me know, @Tarazkp… All in good time ✌🏼

Congrats!! This is an impossible task for many here but you, you just flow like the river.
I hope you live to see your daughters children and her children's children too.
Hope to see more posts and comments from you.
True comments are what make Hive worthwhile, they create a friendly atmoshphere and happiness all around when they are positive.

It is not impossible, it is just that most people aren't willing. :)

All of these posts on Hive will be a gateway for her to see her life through my eyes, as well as get an understanding of my thought processes through different stages of my life and our life together

This is so thoughtful of you.

I hope you are alive to see your daughter grow.

And for the 50000 posts, All I can say is that your consistency is something I can't fathom.

Keep writing,


From a fan that wants to be like you some day

Congrats! I just checked and I'm pretty close to 50k too. That's a lot over 5 years. Some people may wonder why we do it, but I love the community here and have made a lot of friends. It's not just about money.


It is fun, isn't it? I feel that the conversations here are far more useful (financial value aside) than on oter platforms I used to use. The relationships are far stronger.

$PIZZA@tarazkp! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @steevc.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

Wow, what an amazing achievement, congrats!

Wish you a lot more accomplishments, they are more than deserved! :)

Own it and you can do it, no ownership, no success. I hope that many newbies will read this post.
Congrats Taraz, certainly an "impossible" achievement.

People seem to see ownsership as a risk and too much responsibility these days.

Not in our charity world as community ownership of any project will only flourish if it is owned by the community.
Millions of dollars are thrown away by forcing own ideas upon the people.

What I got from this post is that you're very genuine. Maybe that's the secret. 😁
Congrats on the achievement. 🎉My friends and I used to joke around that you shouldn't post too much on Hive (to avoid creative burnout) unless you're @tarazkp. 😂 You write like a beast! Consistent quality. Always.

lol. I post far less than I used to, but I keep commenting :)

The numbers are scary, 50k? How could anyone below climb up the charts to beat that when you're still bombing...

Plenty will and are. I am active, but not among the most active now :)

That is an amazing accomplishment! I have been here less than a week, so that kind of commitment seems huge at this point, but congratulations! Wow.

It just takes time and some effort. Being very interested in what is happening here helps a lot. Welcome!

Congrats Taraz!

Those who read your posts must have noticed that you write about many aspects of life as well as your daily life.

I am increasingly aware that there is a chance that I will not see my daughter grow into her adulthood and I want her to have something of me that is me, rather than have to "know me" through the words of other people.

These words are so emotional. Right, it is differrent kind of memories to remember someone, his life, thoughts, struggles rather than just photographs, because you almost write everyday on HIVE. Nevertheless, may you have much more years to live with your daughter.

I might have years, I might have days. If I have days, I already have years of writing for her to read when she is old enough. It is too late to prepare when there are only days left.

Wow👏👏, your consistency is admirable

Congratulations @tarazkp 🎉🎉🎉

Thanks mate! Hope you are keeping well!

Congratulations on your achievements so far.
When I noticed you replied your every comments, including mine and within 24hrs too, I was like, this can't be Instagram influencers😅 they'd leave you on read.

It's good to know you've been real in all 50,000 posts and comments.

I can imagine how it was starting, oh well, I'm a starter, and some days I don't even feel like interacting in comments or even posting in my blog. So, this is some sort of motivation.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible.
(Picked that line around 😅).

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BEERHey @tarazkp, here is a little bit of from @manoldonchev for you. Enjoy it!

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Congratulations @tarazkp! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 15

Congratulations on completing your 5,000 post. I hope you will give us more good posts in the future. This expectation all the time.

I try to take something away from each of these posts, yours and those of others, and I think my takeaway here is "reply comments

For the simple reason is that, that's something I need to work on, as opposed to not believing in the impossible

😅 Honestly, I didn't think about responding to responses to my comments, but now the idea is in my head. Thank you, and congratulations. I don't know what's going on with your health, but I hope you stay okay.

I know how it could be dificult from dophin level but you did it man.wish you all the best and hope more quality contents like usual i will have to read .cheers! 🍺
!luv !beer

Congrats, Taraz, I'm immensely happy Hive has you, I cannot think of anyone better than you

I have been around the block a few times here :)