Playable alpha first feedback!

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

It was an intense night!

EXODE alpha has been tested by our backers for the very first time.
It was the first day, the first version, of our Evacuation playable content!

I experienced something strong this night.

Now I would like to remove all kind of corporate fluff.
And to share with you the experience of releasing a game client preview.


The frontlines...

All the time, I was on stress; I could not release a perfect game, I could only release an alpha, meaning, a work in progress. How many will be frustrated?

Will they have emotion with the ongoing battle?
Would people be happy enjoying the music, the space atmosphere?
Or will they be too frustrated because of many bugs?

To summarize:
Will it work?

And how sad should I be, about the issues I know are there, the little bugs and stuff?

When I discovered the tutorial - one of the main items of today - had to be hot-patched, I was afraid of bad impressions. Also, the build received content today, but it also lacked the stability of 2 days ago.

But still.
There is much in this build.

I think, what I wanted, is for people to feel and understand the message of EXODE.

EXODE says:

We are a HIVE game too.
We are strong.
And we are coming!

The objective here was twofold.

To show we can get some EXE, even on a Hive game. I really believe in this aspect as a way to make people enter crypto "for and from usage", first, before even having to understand crypto. This means not knowing what is blockchain, before seeing your assets work on there, the game works on there, and exploring this stuff.

And to show how all this vision and objectives of evacuation get there. This is an original content here, a very original content even, which is something nice already; as a game. Not only as a HIVE recruitment tool, or a presale tool; let's remove the corporate fluff as I said; but only sending a message too, as a new game.

EXODE has its own atmosphere.

EXODE uses the blockchain to guarantee assets and market trades, not to guarantee every player action. This is a decision. EXODE can work on that angle, using a smooth playable build (well, that will become better and better every week!), and solid collection assets too.

Meaning a game for a game, and a blockchain for the value, the market, the guarantee.

To be honest, the main version that people, our current HIVE members, will play, should also be the browser version. It has the same experience, even a bit more stable, but an awful download size for a browser. I will decrease this size as much as I can!

What is next?

We know a lot has been covered in the last week. We did not have this build, one week ago!
But a lot more is to do.

When is card opening happening?
When will EVAC be considered full and complete?

All these are very important dates.

I'll rest a bit this night - and tomorrow begin another big rush.
This time I need to show you more data on our card collection.

Also, we already know the deadline will be met - the one of having a playable content for April 30th!

But we also know, of course, we are still in alpha. We have just begun it!

In 3-4 days, it will still be close to what we have here - with some elements better. Players have to be aware, that alpha is a necessary step where we refine everything.

I would like to thank the community for the awesome evening - we did this together! :D


It was an awesome experience, starting with the jokes in the waiting phase, the first download, the first shock with the great sound and the atmosphere during the waiting phase, the first bugs (nothing killing the game, but small things that for sure will be fixed in the next days), the hot fix and the frustration to find the intruders in the cargo bay... Thank you, @elindos!

Welcome to the internet mate, if this is amazing game for you. How about try Star Citizen, this would simply blow your mind like a star

It's in the very beginning... Difficult to compare to Star Citizen from the budget point of view, but might develop in something great. Anyway, I would support any game built on decentralization!

It is isnt even begging, seriously in normal world without all thise sugar talking and no criticism it would be bashed down to the ground in a matter of seconds.

I believe @elindos can handle negative criticism. Please @billthecipher, why don't you give your specific feedback? Personally I don't like the very generic, "everything is shit", kind of feedback. This you can not use to learn and to be better next time... But everything specific is truly appreciated.

at first there shoudl be something to give a feedback to. Secondly, no he cant. his discord is more likely a communistic since they are deleting everything that all that is not their narrative.
I asked about some basics, trully basic about mechanics, economy of the game, from where items would be, what about trading and i had nothing, all they were talking was the site to check it out, but guess what their wiki is empty. This is "game" is just like this > Lets make something without thinking about future content or even the foundation of the game itself and its mechanics. By the way didnt you knew, that this is his like 5th game? out of which, on one he was collecting money from kickstarter and got around 1,2k$ and didnt delivered anything. He also made an failed app called gay finder, true thing, no joke.
This is his company old site archived, Exode is not a new thing. from 2010 and theyc ouldnt deliver it then, what makes it they ca eliver it now?

and now to the famous gay finder app


Wow a game developer with past projects... shocking! Looks like you really broke open the case here.

He couldnt deliver any game, so what changes? well, easy cash from people not asking questions.

leading to this twitter

Which is promoting
bunga bunga> a super blockchain game called EXODE

So tell me more, what more shoudl i deliver as my feedback on this ponzi

Sure the game has things to improve but my personal experience was good, I like the music and you get nervous when some events happen like a failure in the hyperdrive when you're about to escape lol. It happened that to me and I was like I won't make it.

I'll do some testing now, to see more events of the Evac.

it is just bad, like realy really bad and i dont see why nobody watns to see this as it is. In normal world there would be 99% people saying how bad this is, but we live in some amazing times where there is no real talking but sugar talk

Was so much fun! Testing last night with this great group reminded me of childhood LAN parties. Really proud to be a part of it. I think Krandor is still downloading...

So exactly can I play the alpha now?

Good work!
@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 14/28)

I'm curious... How did you pick testers?

Alpha backers of game, who are already waiting to play this game.

Hi @elindos, Is it necessary to be alpha backer to play this or anyone can play this in Exe mode?

Hi @r1s2g3! No special rights needed. Just go to the discord server, and you find there a channel from where you can download the exe ans start experiencing the game.