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RE: Playable alpha first feedback!

in #hive5 years ago

I believe @elindos can handle negative criticism. Please @billthecipher, why don't you give your specific feedback? Personally I don't like the very generic, "everything is shit", kind of feedback. This you can not use to learn and to be better next time... But everything specific is truly appreciated.


at first there shoudl be something to give a feedback to. Secondly, no he cant. his discord is more likely a communistic since they are deleting everything that all that is not their narrative.
I asked about some basics, trully basic about mechanics, economy of the game, from where items would be, what about trading and i had nothing, all they were talking was the site to check it out, but guess what their wiki is empty. This is "game" is just like this > Lets make something without thinking about future content or even the foundation of the game itself and its mechanics. By the way didnt you knew, that this is his like 5th game? out of which, on one he was collecting money from kickstarter and got around 1,2k$ and didnt delivered anything. He also made an failed app called gay finder, true thing, no joke.
This is his company old site archived, Exode is not a new thing. from 2010 and theyc ouldnt deliver it then, what makes it they ca eliver it now?

and now to the famous gay finder app


Wow a game developer with past projects... shocking! Looks like you really broke open the case here.

He couldnt deliver any game, so what changes? well, easy cash from people not asking questions.

leading to this twitter

Which is promoting
bunga bunga> a super blockchain game called EXODE

So tell me more, what more shoudl i deliver as my feedback on this ponzi