I would think PeakD deserves more than such output, one trying to deliberately share the private life and work history of someone, and using some bits of it, I mean the unrelated ones, in an aggressive way.
Next I suppose I'll see the pictures of my children shared by you.
From your point of view, you expose my previous life as if it was some sort of "criminal past".
"Look! he worked on some games before!"
"Look! he made iOS apps" (this one was made for another company) "... and it's a dating service!
You, of course, did not mention the published games, the published boardgames, the accomplishments.
You also did not mention the successful Kickstarter we had on another boardgame - I don't mention that one because we are only a copublisher in it.
I understand the need to dig the corporate parts. I do. People have done it before, or even, asked me directly my real name, or linkedIn, to see who I was, and to which project they would invest.
I shared it to them when they asked.
That's the good way to do it.
You seem to have not mentioned that we do say, in our FAQ, in our posts, that EXODE was imagined years ago.
I am sorry but I have to share some history here.
I guess you were OlaBola, since you speak on an historicity that surely looks like it.
You are, to be accurate: one of the two persons ever to have been banned in more than a month in our Discord (of 215 people to date); and one with a much more severe attitude than the first one.
You had three warnings before, also, then you started to harass people from our community. And at that moment, people from our community were precisely asking us to please ban you; which is an extreme occurrence.
What you asked was not the problem; we are all happy to release game information; but the form! the attitude! it was overly aggressive, and clearly. You did not mind discarding any answer you received and attacking our community members the same.
I will not - out of respect for the blog - dig out who you are, or have been. It's not important here.
Now, you have to understand you are here attacking an indie game developer.
Indies, in their life, make games.
This means we make prototypes of games.
This means we try to carry them to their success.
And yes, we are productive, so this means several successful prototypes, and several failed ones too.
Role & Strategie Editions is a company I created to publish several boardgames, such as Astoria, which was actually well appreciated and successful. To this date players of Astoria still write me, and I love their reaction and love of the game they practiced. This was a good memory, and maybe you should have spoken of these successful experiences.
We also published other authors (such as Alain Rivollet, with Tavern Heroes). Alain Rivollet also became a very successful author after.
I authored several new game prototypes, including video games. This is where EXODE comes into the picture.
EXODE was imagined in 2010 and as I mentioned, it was not hidden in our FAQ or Manifesto that it was first imagined years ago and pitched to AAA publishers.
The same publishers - Focus Home Interactive here, precisely these big ones - asked for more information, after exchanging they wanted us to do more games before they could go with us to EXODE. Which was natural.
So we created Fantasy Dynasty the next year - as a step to show to publishers we could manage EXODE. But Fantasy Dynasty never reached the first playable status and failed on its Kickstarter.
If you were to know the economics of a Kickstarter, you would know that to success on a Kickstarter, nowadays, does not speak about your profile or your project. It speaks of other things, such as marketing budget, existing community, etc.
Yes, most definitely, Fantasy Dynasty is something I would like to carry further, just like I took EXODE and carried it further.
If there is one thing it tells people, it is that when we have a project, it could have problems, and we'll continue. EXODE was pitched, and here we are now: we are making it.
I also published several apps (including game apps). One person wanted to pay our company to release other apps (not game apps this time), so I worked for that too (that's where the one you found came out!).
If you dig more, you'll find out I released half a dozen more apps. I worked for a ton of companies, doing their apps and stuff, and using the funds to pay artists and creative projects.
Also, you could find out that I work as a modder.
I released a Hearts of Iron AI mod, used by thousands of players.
And two Warhammer 40 000 "new faction" mods, one which was used on Gladius game.
I also released a full game (Sylvenia).
And I did a hundred more things and services than all this.
So yes, I had a productive past, and some projects were released, others not.
So what?
This is an indie past.
All indies have it.
I will not engage in further conversation with a person like you, but I believe this post sets up all the past and history people could like to read about at this point.