As someone who joined Hive in March 2021 with only three other people I knew, I have found what I consider to be success here on Hive. However, my definition of success may not be anyone else's definition of success.
The fact my content has the ability to earn anything at all is awesome! I've been active on traditional social media for 17 years and in all that time individual posts did not earn me any type of monetary reward. So the fact I can do what I've always done (create content) and maybe earn something of value is cool with me.
I also don't see what I am doing as a comparison to what anyone else is doing. I am running my own race, going at my own pace, and enjoying my journey along the grand adventure that is my content creation flow. I think doing so alongside the global Hive community makes this an even better experience.
Not everything any of us says is worth curating. What I think has value may not have value to others. The opposite is also true. Only we as curators can decide what we think has value and upvote accordingly. As this is an individual experience none of us has a right to tell someone else what they should and should not upvote or by how much.
These are my thoughts and may not be how anyone else approaches creating content. I appreciate the post @steevc. Good food for thought.
I'm happy to hear it is working for you. I do think these are still early days. If and when it does grow then people like me who just dabble in blogging may get sidelined by professionals, but I have built up enough stake to have some influence. So far the 'influencers' have not really taken much notice, but then the audience is small and they may be doing okay elsewhere. I keep saying it could do well for more niche interests. If a thousand bonsai growers moved in they could build something. I just hope some of the big accounts do not try to muscle out those who don't fit their image of what Hive should be. Having seen people give up I was inspired to write the post.
It will be interesting to see where we are at the end of next year.