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RE: Minnow Votes Matter! - Response to a question I received about witness voting power.

in #hive7 months ago

I sometimes which we had a modifier parameter for HP. Something like reputation which influences your vote weight. I know that reputation isn't the perfect parameter for this but I like the idea of active grinded accounts managed by real people having some sort of bonus

I can't really imagine a good way of implementing this, but I like the idea of giving real people a voice.

Additionally to come back on the million minnows, don't forget that if you are a minnow now and you keep grinding their vote weight will increase and be calculated in the background. For a whale to grind from 1M HP to 2M is going to take quite a while (or money). But a minnow growing from 1HP to 2 seems very doable


So the basic premise is that "a modifier parameter for HP." actually DOES exist for the movers, shakers and grinders. It's the rewards pool, and if the minnows all did as you suggest and set aside a grand or so, their impact could likewise be enormously beneficial to authors whom they curate as well-regarded creators.

Or when they vote on proposals much like with witnesses, that mass of mighty minner's can move mountains, maybe.

You are right though, consistent work can be rewarding at the small end, and adds up to power in the people in bulk application.

Win win!

True true, additionally it rewards people that keep staking their HP. I was sort of thinking out loud there

I guess that my biggest concern is convincing minnows that they participate in the debate. In reality not all minows are going to vote on the same witnesses. So moving mountains is perhaps still far away. But more than their HP their voice counts in the witness discussions. And I mean that literally, they should speak their mind frankly and honestly. After all their HP represents their voting power. It doesn't make their thoughts, ideas and concerns less interesting/valuable.

But convincing all of them about that is in practice a difficult task I fear.

Though I read in posts and discords now and then the idea about creating some sort of tutorial/welcome platform. That doesn't sound bad at all and could incorporate lessons about witnesses and why or how to vote. Plus such a platform sure beats having people be confronted with the "rules" the hard way

Well right now, if the minnows find their ways to them, we have many discord communities running round the clock fully of folks like @wesphilbin or @thekittygirl or so many others like them, hidden in the blockchain communities and corners, endlessly answering all the things as they hang out in the more entry level guidance oriented discords.

But the folks have to see the posts that such places exist, find them, do the discord disco and join them, but once there, there is a vibrant minnow scene.


@foreveraverage @sircork ~ Thanks for the shout-out! Yes, in 2018, a project called THE TERMINAL launched a Discord to serve as a sort of "travel terminal" (thus, the name) to orient newbies and help them find destinations (communities & projects) on-chain where they could thrive and prosper. In the years since, we have answered countless questions as well as taught the etiquette and workings of the blockchain. Veteran Hivians are also welcome to ask 'refresher' questions, as some knowledge can become rusty over time for any of us. No one will be derided for any serious question. We have also provided temporary delegations of RC and HP to newbies who need a boost getting started on-chain. Since we launched, other projects have followed suit with their own twists and techniques to the process, but we look forward to celebrating our sixth anniversary later this year. 🙂
