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RE: Is HIVE over?

in #hivelast year

I'm excited to see any app ideas here on HIVE. Storing image files on the chain is brilliant. I have this distopian vision of the post-internet world, where the blockchain text and code data is preserved, but all the images are lost. Since many of my posts are image driven, this is pretty significant.

ChatGPT is still pretty transparent in my opinion. I'm sure it'll improve over the next few years, but for now it's still easy to discern. If I were to have clicked on either of those examples, I would have smelled something off. I see they still gained some upvotes, but if only AI generated content were used over a period of time, I believe the upvotes would begin to disappear... if they are human upvotes.

If people get upvotes on AI generated posts, I see it no different than upvotes on a single image or some silly pointless text. At least the AI information has some (potential) value for the reader! Should the account owner get rewarded for AI content? No, but I don't see is as any worse (perhaps it's better) than a lazy, no effort post. It actually takes a bit of effort to think of BS for the AI to generate! So I guess I don't see AI as much of a threat. Unless some sort of auto-posting AI generated script is used, it still takes brains and creativity just to use ChatGPT to come up with topics and content.


... but all the images are lost.

Perhaps up the road an alternate portal, like peakd, etc., could be worked on to decode the images while viewing posts. The base64 encoded images on a shard chain could then act like the AWS cloud servers do now with images in posts. First things first though. :)

ChatGPT is still pretty transparent in my opinion.

You are quite right. Having worked with ChatGPT a lot as a programming mentor, one dead giveaway is its use of bullet points. That is not to say that others do not use that technique in their writing on the chain, however it seems a consistent style of ChatGPT.

If people get upvotes on AI generated posts, I see it no different than upvotes on a single image or some silly pointless text.

You make many good points and have relieved my concerns somewhat.

Thanks for your feedback!